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Welcome Home

A Chapter by Hazel Stone

The cell door creeks open, and an officer stood before me, arms crossed over his chest. “It’s time” he said in a low but bored voice. I got up and turned, my hands behind my back, he put the handcuffs on and pulled me out leading me to a to a dark room with only a table and two chairs and a light hanging down. He took the handcuffs off and left slamming the huge door shut and I heard a latch signaling that it was locked. I slumpt down in my chair and waited. The door soon opened, and a man came in with an opened folder reading it, he snapped it shut and tossed it on the table. “Your times up Mr. Boyer, your free three years is done” he sat in front of me watching me carefully.

“I suggest you forget about your past, it would be the easiest thing to do” the man said quietly. I stood hands on the table. “Call me when you know what it’s like to lose your parents and then yourself, and left the last member of your family alone for three years” I say unhappy.


“Evan will love it” I told the owner who was showing me the surfboard. “So is this Evan guy like in the army?” the man asked bringing the board to the front. “Well no” I said handing him the money. “He’s been gone for a long time and I miss him to death” I finished. He handed me the board smiling, I didn’t say anything I rushed out hurrying back to my apartment. I dragged the board in the closet and shut it. I glanced around making sure everything was perfect. I held my finger up sighing “the king” I rushed in my room pulling out my old stereo with the CD. I set it on the bar in the kitchen and plugging it in I turned the music up just as there was a knock on the door. I darted to the door not caring about checking through the peak hole, opened it and hugged him I pulled back to see the surprised mailman.

“Um here” he said handing me a box his eyes wide. I frowned and took it, “I always hug mailmen” I said embarrassed, he nodded slightly and left. I shut the door and leaned against the wall, I laughed at my stupidity. Only was there another knock a few minutes later I checked to see if it was Evan and it was. I opened the door and hugged him he laughed and hugged me back, I pulled away smiling. “Good thing you’re not the mailman” I laughed, his eye brows lifted questioningly. “Nothing you need to know” I mumbled pulling him inside.

“The king?” he asked gaping, I smiled nodding. Elvis was his favorite singer ever, I remember he use to get me to dance with him and I did though he criticized me for my horrible dancing. He glanced around and took a seat on the sofa. “It’s a nice place” he said nodding, “all I could afford” I said joining him.

“Has jenny not found you a professional photo job yet?” he asked rubbing his forehead. “She said she would call me, but I know it probably will never happen” I said with a sigh, he looked at me “Yeah it will”. Then I remembered his gift I ran to the closet and dragged the board to the living room, he stood alarmed. “Why did you get me a surf board” he said in an angry tone. I frowned and looked down at it “tad a” I said in a boring voice. He marched past me and into the kitchen throwing pans around. Great perfect homecoming ruined, I thought.

“Hey! Don’t break everything!” I yelled dropping the board on the floor. I went in the kitchen watching him as he mumbled under his breath putting ingredients out on the counter. “Pancakes for dinner-You haven’t changed” I said he gave me a mean look as he set the eggs down and started making the mix. I crossed my arms, “What’s up with you!” I shouted getting aggravated, he said nothing but mixed the batter like there was no tomorrow. “EVAN” I shouted louder unplugging the stupid stereo, he said nothing. Silent treatment. He did that when he was angry.

“So you’re going to leave me alone for three years and then finally you get home and ignore me. For goodness sakes I’m your little sister listen to me” I shouted he looked at me, tears pricked my eyes but I held them back. “I did that so you can yell at me Evelyn I deserve it so badly” he said quietly.

“I don’t deserve to be welcomed or be given a gift” he finished. I took a deep breath “Evan you lost yourself I understand that, but start over be better this time do what I’ve done forget about the past. We’re a really broken family and we’re the last two, don’t take yourself away from me cause your all that I have left” I said my eyes watering, he glanced away “Your right I’m being pathetic, I will try to start over be a better brother to you” he nodded.

I reached across the counter picking up an old piece of paper. “Katy miss’s you still” I said leaving the kitchen. I took a warm shower to think then came to the kitchen to eat the best pancakes ever. I glanced at the small table were Evan looked up at me with chipmunks cheeks. I laughed loudly, “Your killing those pancakes” he held his fork up trying to swallow “three years without pancakes- thought I’d never survive” he said. I put some pancakes on a plate and dumped syrup on it. I sat in the seat in front of him he was reading a magazine.

“Catching up to the pop star world?” I asked. He smiled looking at me “Didn’t think my lil sis read these” he said, I shook my head “I don’t my friend does though” I corrected. “Who?” he asked.

“Um kora” he nodded eyes never leaving the paper. His eyes widened at a page, I bent forward to see. I rolled my eyes Taylor swift. “What you don’t like her” he asked me, “I like her better country” I said.

“So you got any good movies?” he asked me putting down the magazine. I swallowed my food “Oldies, mostly love flicks” I answered he scrunched his nose. “What about horror?” he asked, I sighed Evan only watched scary movies I hated them but I did have a few.

“I’ve got Chucky, The ring, all the paranormal activities and that’s it” I answered with a low sigh, he nodded. “If you watch one I’m going to bed” I said. “Well then I guess I have to sit through the note book”  giving me the puppy eyes ,I smiled getting up and washing my dish. “I’ll watch a scary movie” I said giving in. “Always works” he said tossing his dish in the sink and leaving to the living room.

“Which one have you not seen?” he asked when I walked in, holding up the paranormal activities I scrunched my nose. “None” I admit tided, I never really had the time to watch movies with my night school and job. “We’ll start with the first one” He decided putting the disc in the DVD player. The movie was absolutely scary for me jumping and hiding behind a pillow, made me wonder why he watched this stuff. By the end I had already gotten up and hurried to my room shutting the door. I stayed awake cause I couldn’t go to sleep one with the shower running from across the hall, and Evan took super long showers and two because I could every little noise in the house. I thought about my dream, to be a professional photographer in London, although that would probably would never happen. I felt my eyes closing and soon I was fast asleep


I sat on the counter in the restroom watching the sink; nothing could make me ever feel better. “Evel-” my mother strode into the rest room. Her shoulders fell as she saw my red face and tears streaming down my face. She put her purse next to me and shut the door.

“Honey what’s the matter?” she asked, with a concerned look. I glanced at the mirror taking in my hideousness when I cried. “Not the best first relationship ever” I muttered softly.

“Awe Sweety, that boy broke your heart didn’t he?” she asked, I nodded slightly. “He’s blind then” I looked at her questioningly.

“He’s going to miss out on how an amazing splendid girl you are” I ignored what she said. “I never want to fall in love again” I snapped. “Sure you will you just don’t have to look so hard you only have to wait, and one day he will come” she said in a soothing tone.

“At least that is what I did” she looked dreamily to the ceiling. “I meant your father, and knew he was the one. Poor fella himself bumped into me broke my camera, offered me another I said it was fine though then he offered me a dinner, oh and all that was in Paris when I lived there” I smiled remembering all her Paris stories.

“Later on he proposed” she finished, I watched her face. She cleared her throat “Anyway sweetheart, do you understand?” I nodded understanding her even though she got off track.

“Athena” my father called, “We’ll be late” She glanced at the door and then at me she kissed my forehead and hurried out the door “We’ll talk later Evelyn, love you” she promised. I watched her disappear, “Love you to” I said quietly.

© 2013 Hazel Stone

Author's Note

Hazel Stone
tried to catch all the mistakes but please tell me if you enjoyed it :D

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I like those movies but Chucky is more gore than horror DX I'm not fond of gore unless it's light gore. And I have a chucky doll (or had one at least) XD

Posted 10 Years Ago

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Awesome!!! And AHHHH CHUCKY!!!!

Posted 10 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on August 19, 2013
Last Updated on August 19, 2013


Hazel Stone
Hazel Stone

El puerto de santa maria, Spain

Some things about me- *I love to Write and read *I love Action and adventure (anything that is unordinary COUNT ME IN) *Love ROMANCE * Fav color is ocean blue *never ever experianced a first Kiss.. more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Hazel Stone

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by Hazel Stone

Capter 3 Capter 3

A Chapter by Hazel Stone