Another Type of Magic

Another Type of Magic

A Book by Regan Meade

A tale of a young woman fighting for the things she loves; to finally know who and what she is. A journey that takes her to Camelot to discover that maybe she has another type of magic to save the day



© 2010 Regan Meade

Author's Note

Regan Meade
This is just a work in progress but as I go along I realize how far I'm getting. I would love to know what you all think of it and I want you to be brutally honest. :) Leave me comments or even send me a message about what you think. I take all advice into consideration.
Just a note: this takes place before Arthur is king (kind of got the idea from the show Merlin but its not based on that this has nothing to do with Merlin becoming a great wizard though they do get presented as characters. The only thing that will be similar is the fact that in Camelot has banned magic thats it. Now on with the story! ha-ha

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Added on January 8, 2010
Last Updated on July 6, 2010
Tags: Fantasy, Fiction, Humor


Regan Meade
Regan Meade

Boise, ID

I am the girl that hides in the shadows working her magic from the background. I am the one many seek comfort from. I am the one who hides her pain and true feelings behind a mask of happiness. I am t.. more..

Happy Happy

A Poem by Regan Meade