Fire Mare: One winged alicorn

Fire Mare: One winged alicorn

A Book by Ruby Pokedex

Ruby Pokedex is an amnesiac unicorn mare sent to Ponyville to study two pokemon that came into their world. She also is given a task of guarding a targeted prince, but is he all he seems to be?


© 2015 Ruby Pokedex

Author's Note

Ruby Pokedex
Hi! So you want to write a review? THANK YOUUUU!
Tell me if there is anything wrong, but no severe hating, please!
I hope this book was really good to you.
-Ruby Pokedex

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Update: Sorry for not working on this for so long, but I have been working on more original works.
I am working on tweaking earlier chapters before working on new ones to:

A. fit with how I now perceive my direction for the story and characters.
B. Fix the chapters I find as a bit shaky writing-wise.

Have a nice day~

Posted 7 Years Ago

Hey, I drew a cover to the best of my ability!
It's not the best thing, but It doesn't look as cheap as the last one!
Do you think it's better than the last one?
I hope so...
That was one of the reasons it was hated on FimFiction...
...Other than some guy who just wanted to hate on an innocent 13 year old girl for some reason...

Posted 9 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on December 23, 2014
Last Updated on November 7, 2015
Tags: Ruby Pokedex


Ruby Pokedex
Ruby Pokedex

Wu Kai Sha, Hong Kong New Territory, Hong Kong

AHAHAHA OH GOD. WHAT IS UP GAMERS. I decided to look back on some old writing accounts and oh my GOD. I'm shaking and crying. This is the epitome of my 13 year old stupidity. Shaking. and. crying. .. more..
