The shade of my shades

The shade of my shades

A Poem by CRZ

The shade of my shades

Protects me, where no light can invade

The shade of my shades

Lets my anger be trapped behind tinted glasses!

The shade of my shades

Where my eyes close and my pupils just lay .

The shade of my shades

Creates a alter ego. It may be colored black but it doesn’t mean it’s evil

The shade of my shades

The precious shades I got after I got paid

The shade of my shades

Where the world is dimmed down from all the chaos and I’m no longer lost .

The shade of my shades

For the world to understand my point of view is what I crave.

© 2013 CRZ

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Featured Review

There are many reasons we put on shades....not necessarily to hide, but as protection. - love the line it may be colored black but it doesn't mean it's evil. There is so much between the lines of this poem. Very creative and thought provoking.

:) Julie

Posted 10 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


I love your wording and just the style of your work :) Just awesome as always!

Posted 10 Years Ago

But how can I understand your point of view
when I haven't got a clue
who you are or who you be
because your lens is dusty?

Posted 10 Years Ago

I love shades. 'specially for Tennis.

Posted 10 Years Ago

A rhythmic and engaging metaphor. I like your use of typography here. Structure, visual structure can be very impactful in poems I think. Very good.

Posted 10 Years Ago

hmmm interesting stuff man, why did you decide to have each line in a larger font than the last?

Posted 10 Years Ago

Nice flow of thoughts. Good to have crave for good shades. Your poetry made me want to rhyme today. Thank you for the entertaining poetry.

Posted 10 Years Ago

That was a very thoughtful write.. I mean mixing the Shades with different shade in life.. different feelings/emotions..
Nice write Jason.. :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

I like this I realize you really did not mean shades behind shades it was refering to a shell of us hiding behing or feelings I like it!

Posted 10 Years Ago

two thoughts, first, that last line says it! we all want to be both heard and understood. in this light then, isn't it counterproductive to hide (whether dark shades or something else).. and second, unless we open to others noone will ever hear or understand us. and there is the rub or need for shades,beyond being cool, to open up to others always leaves us vunerable to hurt or being misunderstood... a cruel reality sometimes that even shades can't protect us from... enjoyed your thought provoking poem crzjason.. thanks for the read.. ---redzone

Posted 10 Years Ago

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53 Reviews
Added on April 30, 2013
Last Updated on June 6, 2013



New York, NY

Poet & Artist Thou shall not rest until I make my whole fam rich more..

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A Poem by CRZ

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