Chapter Fifty-Four: IN A Blink Of An Eye Everything Can Change

Chapter Fifty-Four: IN A Blink Of An Eye Everything Can Change

A Chapter by Fenix Flight

Everything changes


Sunlight and the scent of burnt wax wakes Katie from a sound sleep. Her eyes flutter open and in a moment of confusion she panics at her surroundings, until the night before flashes in her mind. She turns her head to see Han, laying on his stomach sleeping soundly beside her. The white down comforter is pulled down low resting just below his lower back making her blood warm as she realizes he is still naked. She leans forward and kisses him right between the shoulder blades, a mummer of satisfaction rumbling from him as he stirs. She quietly giggles and gently slips onto his back, sitting on his butt as she massages his back, the muscles twitching softly under her fingers. More mummers escape him as he wakes up.


"Hmm now this is the way to wake up." He mutters his lips curling into a smile as he hears her giggle. He feels her lean down and kiss between his shoulder blades again, her hair sweeping across his back. He slowly moves onto his side and then quickly flips, so she was sitting right below his stomach, almost on top of him, making him jump. Her eyes widening as she feels him, her hands reaching out and gliding up his stomach, resting on his chest for balance. He looks her up and down just now realizing she too is still undressed her body glowing in the light from the half closed curtains. He groans. " You look like an angel like that." He whispers reaching his hand up to brush some loos hair out of her face, resting on her cheek as she closes her eyes and leans into it, kisses his palm. "Was last night real?" He asks, her cheeks flushing as she nods. She opens her eyes that seem to glow a neon green as she stares at him.


"I love you So much Han." She says leaning down to kiss his lips, her chest flush against his, making him groan and parts of him jump more alert. He breaks the kiss and holds her face in both his hands as he stares at her, wanting to see her reaction to his next words.


"I don't just love you Katie Hendricks, I am so madly in love with you, everytime you are near me I swear my heart is going to explode its so full of love for you." Her eyes swim with tears and they spill onto her cheeks, his heart constricting, "What did I say, Please don't cry." He says, his voice trembling. She smiles through her tears and shakes her head slightly, for it was still in his hands.


"I'm not crying in sadness, Its just," She pulls in a shaky breath, " I don't know what I did to deserve such an amazing guy, you're everything I ever wanted." She whispers. His heart pounds in his chest as she leans down and crushing her lips to his. Her kiss distracts him so much that he Gasps and moans all at once as he feels her wiggle on top of him until they were connected in the most intimate way possible. His arms wrap around her and he flips them over.




Twinkie Lays on the hood of Han's Nissan GT-R, that he had lent him for the day, basking in the light heat of the January Sun. Shawn was leaning against Bryan's Skyline with Neela in his arms as the three waited for Han and Katie. They were at the entrance to the Air force base, waiting for Han to show them just where the runway was. The sound of a revving engine has him lifting his head off the hood to see a familiar mustard colored Mazda speeding toward them. he slides off the hood and lands on the ground as the car comes to a full stop inches from Neela's feet making them  jump. Twinkie snickers as he heads over to the car, the window already rolling down and Katie sticks her head out, a smirk of her.


"Did I scare you Bro?" She snickers, an eyebrow arches as Shawn smiles and shakes his head, Neela just shaking her head. She gets out and hugs Twinkie as Han goes over to Shawn. She breaks away from Twinkie and the two go over to the others. "Alright Lets get to the runway. I want to see this race!" She says bouncing on her toes in excitement, Slightly wincing at the soreness between her legs, No one catching it but Han who just flashes her a small smirk. She bats her eyes at him like she doesn't know why he's smirking, knowing her warming cheeks gave her away. Twinkie Whoops and heads for his borrowed car as the others all jump in theirs, Waiting for Han to drive them to the Runway. While driving there he looks at Katie from the corner of his eye.


"Hey you OK?" He asks genuinely concern. She looks at him and blushes as she nods.


"Yeah, It was worth it, every minute of it." She says knowing what he had been implying. He just beams as he drives along the twists and turns of the road until the runway was up ahead. He zips along it. "HAN LOOK OUT!" Katie screams just as he too notices the object sitting right in the middle of the road.  Hitting the break they come to a skidding stop inches from the object. This close up Han could tell it was an oil drum. in the rerview mirror he sees the other two cars coming to sudden stops. He jumps out as everyone else does and goes over to it. "What is an oil drum doing in the runway? who could have left it here?" Katie asks going to his side. He shrugs and peers inside. All he could see were the ashes of something that had been burned, the strong smell of Burnt paper omitting from the drum his nose wrinkling making him step back.


"Its proably nothing Angel, some homeless people do come out here to try and seek shelter in the old buildings, one must have left it here thinking no one else would come out here." He says shrugging. "Hey Twink, Shawn help me move this." He calls waiting for the guys to go over to him. With their combined strength they manage to lift it and toss it to the side of the road, where it falls onto its side and rolls away from them. Turning back to the others he smiles wide. "Alright this is how this is going to go. Twinkie move my Nissan to the side of the road there, Shawn do you see those roads over there?" He points to the other side of the runway where they could just make out twisting roads. Shawn shades his eyes and nods. "I'll take you to the starting line. We'll race to here where we are standing. Neela can you do the honors of starting us?" He asks turning to Neela who nods, going over to Han's Nissan and opening the trunk where she takes out a paint sprayer and a neon purple silk scarf. She goes to one side of the road and shaking the can she points it at the road and sprays, Bright white paint leaping out and splattering the tar as she continues to spray a white finish line. "Thank you kindly. Twinkie and Katie you two stay here. Watch the master at work." He says confidently receiving a snort from Shawn.


"There's a reason I'm called the Drift King of Tokyo Han, You cant beat me." He teases, Han laughs.


"We aren't in Tokyo anymore Cowboy." He says using Shawn's old nickname he had gotten when he first moved to Tokyo almost Twelve years ago. "Lets Race!" He says wrapping his knuckles against the Mazda's hood and jumping into the car, Katie goes over and leans against the open window, her face inside the car. "Can I get a kiss for luck?" He asks. She smirks and leans in to kiss him.


"You can have much more then that tonight if you win." She promises, watches his eyes darken. She steps away and heads back over to where Twinkie had finally moved the other car, watching as Shawn with Neela follows Han A quarter of a mile out from the runway. Neela steps out of Shawn's car and stands in the middle of the road. Han revs his engine, looking over to Shawn in his car.


"REMEMBER This is a NOS Free Drift race, Lets just see what these cars can do themselves!" He shouts over the engines, Shawn nods to let him know he heard him. Han tuns his attention to Neela who was holding up the Scarf.


"I want a clean race guys, no funny business." She says. The guys rev their engines "READY..... SET...... GO!" She drops the scarf and they were Off. Han shoots off, leaving Shawn in his dust and he laughs. The memory of drift racing easily coming to him as he yanks the Parking break, sailing around the first bend perfectly.




"Damn I cant believe you beat me." Han laughs jumping out of the car, Shawn already out and kissing Neela, dipping her making the others laugh. He lifts her back up and gives his old drift teacher a smirk


"They don't call me the new D.K for nothing." He says. Han just shakes his head and opens his arms as Katie slides up to him. He kisses her lips, that tasted oddly like salt and vinegar chips


"It's OK, You'll still get your present tonight" She whispers to him making him wish it was already night time so he could be alone with her. Twinkie shuts the trunk of the Nissan and heads over to them with a cooler.


"Mia made sandwiches for us." He says putting it on the Mazda's hood much to Han's displeasure. He opens the cooler tossing them roast beef and cheese sandwiches. "We need music." Katie goes to the driver side and slips in, hooking up her Ipod and blasting A song she knew everyone would love, Tokyo Drift from the Teriyaki boyz, reviecing Whoops from Twinkie and a Hell yea from Shawn. She grins and goes back to Han, gasping when he grabs her waist and hoists her onto the hood of the Mazda, leaning with his back to her between her legs so she could wrap her arms around his shoulders and neck. The five stand around eating, joking around and telling stories about the country they all loved. They stay there all afternoon, With Neela and Katie Racing, Katie surprisingly winning though she had a sneaking suspicion Neela let her. It wasn't until the sun was starting to set that they heard the sound of another Car speeding angrily toward them that their lives changed for the worse.





Katie shoots up from where she had been laying on the hood as the sound of a car speed toward them, who had been dozing beside her stirs. The car comes into view, her blood running cold. The car was a black 2006 Nissan 350z and she only knew of ONE person who drove that car. Shawn and Neela who had been resting on the skyline jump up


"HAN GET your a*s up NOW we have Company!" He shouts making Han blink his eyes open and slowly get up.


"What the-" He freezes mid sentience as the car pulls up, Takashi stepping out with a cocky Grin on his face, a gun gleaming clear in view in his waist band.


"IF this is a Tokyo Club why wasn't I invited? I'm offended." He snickers sauntering over to them. Katie looks at Han to see him still sitting next to him Frozen, Fear creeping in his eyes as flashbacks grip him. She slips her hand in his and it seems to shake him out of his freeze.


"Takashi get out of here." Shawn says, his voice full of rage, Neela standing beside him, "You are not welcomed here so do us a favor and crawl back into the hole you came out of. Takashi's face screws up in anger and he pulls out his gun. Shawn's Face pales and he steps back, his hands up. "Easy Takashi." He growls. Han Snaps into action, slipping off the hood and placing himself between the gunand his family.


"Enough Takashi, this is between you and me, not them." He says, his voice trembling showing his fear, but he pushes it back. "What do you want?" Takashi flicks his cruel eyes to Han and gives him a sick smile.


"I want your life, but since I have tried that Twice now, it doesn't seem like I will get what I want now does it." He snaps. Suddenly a wicked gleam enters his eyes making Han's blood turn to ice. " I have a better Idea." He says. The next minutes slow down, but will forever be seared into Han's heart forever. Takashi Points the gun at Katie. "I'll take away what you love most, like you took away what I loved most."


And he pulls the trigger.


Katie Screams as the gun goes off. But she is knocked to the ground before the bullet can hit her. She puts her hands out in front of her and winces as the gravel bites and scraps her palms. The gutwrenching sound of someone in pain makes her head whip around to where she had just been standing. Twinkie Staggered, Blood pooling on his shirt on his upper chest near his throat.


"TWINKIE!" She shrieks as everything around her disappears, all she could see was Twinkie. His eyes roll back in his head and he crumbles to the ground, his head hitting the pavement with a loud sickening crack .she scrambles to her hands and knees, crawling over to him. Gathering him in her arms, She can barely hear the others around her.


Han Sees Twinkie knock Katie to the ground, his body painfully Jerking as he takes the bullet. His vision turns red and he spins around, charging Takashi with his full weight, knocking him to the ground with a loud Thud, the gun flying out of his hands, skittering to land at Neela's feet. She stares at the gun like it is about to fire at her. She looks up to see Han and Takashi fighting, Takashi has managed to throw Han off him and the two were now standing up, circling each other, waiting for the perfect time to strike. Reaching into his pocket Takashi snaps out a stiletto knife, its blade gleaming in the dying sun., A twisted grin on his face.


"What did you think I came here without back up?" he laughs, tossing the blade back in forth in his hands, grabbing the handle every time. Han wishes that just once he would slip and slice open his palm, but of course he doesn't. He lunges and Han throws his hands up in front of his face, wincing as he knife slices into his arm. He pushes with his Injured are to get the man away from him and takes a few steps back, not sparing a glance at his arm as he feels the blood dripping down it. Takashi lunges again but this time Han is ready. He lunges forward to grab the knife when he hears a loud ringing BOOM. Takashi jerks as the bullet tears through his stomach. Han looks at his chest as a giant deep red stain spreads on his shirt. Takashi looks at it and then looks back up at Han, opening his mouth to say something only to have blood pour out. He takes a staggering step toward Han before collapsing to the ground. He is Dead before his head even hits the ground. Han stands over the man who had been chasing him for years, his breathing heavy and ragged as his heart pounds in his chest like a herd of wild horses. He looks up to see who had killed him to see Neela holding the gun, a look of grim determination glinting in her eyes, Shawn just stares at her like he is afraid to set her off. Quietly and slowly he walks over to her.


"Neela baby give me the gun, He's dead now, he can't hurt us." He says in a calming voice. Her hands tremble making the gun quiver in her fingers as Shawn wraps his arms around her, reaching for the gun and easily slipping it out of her hands. She takes a huge sobbing breath and sags against him, tears streaming down her face.


"That's for the years of Hell you put us through." She whispers before burying her face into her boyfriends chest, sobs over taking her. Shawn looks over at Han, their eyes connecting. He mouths Are you OK? to him and he nods his head, going over to the now dead Takashi. He crouches down and puts two fingers against his neck, no pulse greets his fingertips. Just than a Wail reaches him and he whips his head around to the sound. Katie was sitting on the ground, holding a bleeding unconscious Twinkie in her arms. Han runs to them and drops to his knees next to her. She looks up at him and his world stops as he sees the breakdown crashing in her eyes.


"Han he wont wake up." She sobs, her throat raw from the screaming cries. Han takes her hands and pries them off of him. She protests. "STOP leave him alone! get away from him!" She screams, tears streaming down her face. Tears Form in his own eyes as he stares at her, Trying to find the words to say.


"Katie, I Need to see if, if he has a pulse, can I do that?" He asks her gently. She just stares at him for a few moments before nodding, her hold on him relaxing. Han Sighs in Relief before edging closer, one more reaching out to touch his neck. A small smile on his lips as he looks back up at her. "Katie, let me see your hand, here do you feel that?" He whispers as he takes her hand and puts it to his neck. " That is a very weak heartbeat. I am going to call 911 now OK?' He says. She doesn't say anything, she just stares at Twinkie her tears still falling. Han doesn't know what to say or do to make her pain go away so he just pushes himself up and Runs to Shawn and Neela.


"I already Called 911, they are sending over two ambulances. Is Twinkie OK?" Shawn says his voice strained as Han comes over. Han shakes his head and spots Neela laying down in the back seat of the Skyline.


"He's barely breathing, there is alot of blood." He whispers, just as flashing lights appear up ahead. Katie cradles Twinkie in her arms until she hears the penetrating wail of the ambulance.


"Help is here Twinkie, You're gunn abe OK, everything will be OK." She mutters as she rocks back and forth, not even noticing the blood pooling around her until she was sitting in it. Nothing was registering in her mind, her whole body had shut down, her emotions her thoughts, everything, she was slowly going into shock as her whole world changes. " The doctors will fix you up Twinkie I promise." She whispers. She feels a hand on her shoulder and she looks up, her eyes blurry from the tears and she has to blink a few times. Han was standing over her, a look of sadness in his eyes as he stares down at her.


"Angel the EM-T's need to take Twinkie now, Can you let him go?" He whispers. She lets go of Twinkie and lets Han pull her up, the blood making sickening noises as she is pulled out of it. Her legs give out and she falls into Han who just gently picks her up bridal style and carries her to his car, where cops were questioning Neela who was crying. A cop, in his early twenties who was clearly new to the job spots Han and walks over to him.


"Sir I still have a few Questions to ask you, her as well." He says informally. Han's anger simmers and he just walks past him to his car. He puts her down really quickly and yanks off his hoodie, placing it on the backseat and helps her into the car, letting her lay down before turning back to the Cop who had followed, a loot of irritation on his face. "Sir I need to talk to her." Han's anger slips slightly.


"One of her best friends just got shot trying to save her life, he is Dying right now, Your questions can wait." He snaps, crosses his arms. the cop just gives him a hard look.


" That is not practical, the sooner these questions are answered the sooner you can leave." He says stubbornly. that was it, Han's anger Snaps


"Son of A b***h! LOOK At Her! Does she LOOK like she is capable of Talking to ANYONE right now?" He shouts, making the other cops look over in concern, One finishes up with Shawn and heads over to check out the scene.


"Is everything alright over here?" He asks, he was much older then the newbie. Han shakes his head and starts talking before the younger cop and speak.


"No everythings isn't alright, new guy here is trying to Force my girlfriend to answer his stupid questions, but as you can see she isn't capable of talking right now, she just watched one of her best friends get shot." He says trying to reign in his temper. The Older cop frowns and looks behind Han to Katie who was still just laying in the back seat, not moving.


Katie can hear Han and the cops fighting over something but she couldn't quite hear, it didn't matter to her anyway. She closes her eyes and instantly the image of Twinkie with blood spreading out on his shirt replays across her eyelids over and over again, making her eyes spring open, a gasp leaving her. She curls up in a ball, trying to shut out the pain, her nails digging into her palm so hard she breaks the skin. The physical pain momentarily distracting her from her emotional pain. She opens her hand and watches as the small beads of blood start to run and drip down her arm, oddly fascinating her. Finally she hears the cops leave and hears Han close her door gently, getting into the driver seat. "Angel we are heading to the hospital OK? Shawn and Neela will meet us." He tells her before turning the car on, Katie doesn't answer him. She just pulls herself tighter into a ball,  retreating into the shadows of her mind to numb out the pain. The rest of the night was a blur she couldn't remember any of it. All she could think about was the look of  Acceptance and Agony on Twinkie's face before he crumpled to the ground.

© 2015 Fenix Flight

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Added on May 7, 2015
Last Updated on May 7, 2015

Forbidden love


Fenix Flight
Fenix Flight

Kingdom Of Amythest, ME

Please Call me Fenix (Fen-nicks) (The FEN is pronouced the same way you would pronouce the FEN in Fenway) its more my name then the one I was given at birth. I wont put my life story here. You will se.. more..
