A Mothers Way To Freedom

A Mothers Way To Freedom

A Chapter by Kaira_Writer

This chapter is about Christian's mothers escaping from the asylum & hiding frim the police because she doesn't want to be taken away from her family & especially Christian.

At a asylum in Chicago ...

Christian's mother sleeps in her cell.Everyone thinks she's gonna stay in there for good well guess again. She's already for her escape plan.

She's so excited because tomorrow is her baby's birthday & she finally can come.She tried so many other times but she failed at completing the task.

'Hey Jeff.Make sure you pay close attention to McKenzie.'

'Yes sir.'

Peter left to watch other dangerous woman.This is a asylum for women.

While Peter was watching McKenzie he heard sounds from other cell so he went to go check it out.When Peter got there the woman was asleep so he went back to McKenzie's cell and she was gone.They sent a search party to find but there was no h tope she was gone.They decided to inform the town so they told channel 7 to give out information about McKenzie and she's willing to do.

At Christian's house...

Channel 7 was on while Christian was in there her father didn't want her in there but Juliet was here too so he didn't want to look bad.

'The woman is in her mid 20's.Her name is McKenzie Nicole.She does have a family in the town the fathers name is Matt Nicole and their daughters name is Christian.'

'We're informed that she might head to her daughter's house so police are heading there.If you see her please call police immediately she's very dangerous and she will kill anyone.

Matt turned off the TV.

'Christian everything is going to be okay. 'Matt said.

'You said she died in a car crash.'

'I was only protecting you.'

'From what my mom.'

'You were to young to know the truth.'

'I hate you.'Christian yelled and cry.

'Christian its okay.'Juliet said.

Christian ran to her room.

'Was I wrong?'

'She was find out sooner or later.'

Matt sits on the couch.

Juliet comes over to the couch to comfer Matt.

'Matt its okay.'

Matt looks at Juliet and kisses her.

Juliet then kisses Matt back.Juliet then put her hand on his head and starts rubbing his hair.Matt then lays Juliet doing and continues to kiss her.

'Wait.'Juliet says.


'Let's go in the room.'


So Matt and Juliet go up to the bedroom and continue to make love to each other.

© 2014 Kaira_Writer

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Added on December 26, 2013
Last Updated on February 12, 2014



Chicago, IL

I am fourteen.I really like writing horror books.Writing help's me become even more creative. The reason why there are writers in the world because we want people to read are great stories. It makes m.. more..

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