What's New P***y Cat

What's New P***y Cat

A Chapter by Rose Elizabeth


All night I dreamed of what Ben would think of me in that dress. I only woke up at around ten o’clock. I went on over to the kitchen and pulled out a Dr. Pepper and some bacon. I put the bacon in the microwave and opened my Dr. Pepper. My kitten had followed me into the room and started rubbing at my leg.
                “Oh! I need to get you some food don’t I,” woops. I hadn’t had a pet for a while but that was no excuse for not feeding it. I scooped the little fella into my arms and rushed over to pull on my jacket and grab my purse. I hurriedly got my bacon and stuffed it in my purse with my Dr. Pepper. I rushed out the door and down to the parking garage that held the residents cars down below the building. I rushed to find my car where I always left it. In a locked cage rested my slick black car. It was a top secret car developed by none other than the super genius Morgan in her top secret lab down below the CIA secret New York location. The inside was regular beige fabric, leather got entirely too hot and sticky. The dash board was smooth and so was the steering wheel, the whole thing was one single object with the exception of a few lines here and there. On the handle was a DNA read that was the only way one could open the car and then when you get in the only way to turn it on is voice recognition. I was so lucky that I had a friend so deep in technology. Buy a single word I could activate the radio, the air-conditioning, other features another car would only do for a button, and several other features unique to this special, special car. There was no brand unless you consider the outer parts Morgan had gathered from the sleekest cars available. She had inherited the dump project from her father who didn’t have time for it anymore time to work on it, she modernized it and then gave it to me to test drive. I got into the car and voice command to start, turn on the heater, and start playing the Beatles Come Together.
Now I know what you’re thinking: YOU’RE FIFTEEN! How can you drive on your own? Well when you’ve worked for the CIA for almost every summer of your life and risked said life for information vital to the survival of the United States and the world as we know it you get some special perks. Plus when dad was still around he would let me drive almost everywhere. When Ben didn’t drive the get-away car I was behind the wheel; I remember when I was six and he took me out for a practice drive in the country side of Russia. I freaked out the first few times because dad had tied stilts to my legs so I could press the peddles. The looks of the random farmers as I passed in dad’s red Ferrari that one time got me to relax for once and then it got easier and easier as time went by. Now I was an awesome driver not to toot my own horn or anything but the man they got to test me was thoroughly impressed. Now enough about my driving skills and back to the story. I passed the kitten to the back seat so that she wouldn’t bother me in heavy New York traffic. There was a pet store not far a good ways away so I put a foot on it and rushed on to get kitty food. I munched on my bacon at the red lights and we were there in thirty minutes; maybe it would have been faster to walk. Everywhere people were taking down their Christmas decorations and putting up New Years stuff. I walked into the little pet shop and looked around for the kitty stuff. There was a worker nearby so I called him over to ask what brand he recommended.
“Aww, what a cute little guy,” he rubbed kitty’s head and then looked at me, “Christmas gift?” he gave a smile.
“Yeah,” I nodded my head and pursed my lips. It was frustrating not being able to say yeah my boyfriend spoils me.
“Well science diet is what I feed mine,” he sighed looking at all the products, “it’s the one we recommend.” He smiled and continued to pet the kitten.
“Ok, sounds good to me,” I grabbed a bag and stuck it in my basket.
“Um… can I help you with anything else,” he asked eagerly. I gave him a smile.
“Sure, why not help me find other things he needs, what’s your name?” I asked him, genuinely interested.
                “James,” he smiled.
                “Alright James, show me the kitty stuff,” I said eagerly. So slowly we went through and tried the different toys to see which ones he’d like.
                “So what are you gonna name the little fella?” he asked laughing as we got off the floor after playing with a little mouse filled with cat nip.
                “I don’t rightly know, something adorable though,” I swung my hair out of my face and watched him carefully.
                “Well how about Sammy?” he asked hopefully.
                “No, something more comical like… well I don’t know but it’ll come to me eventually,” I gave him a reassuring smile. He helped me pick out kitty litter and a litter box, and then we got a bed that James said the kitty probably wouldn’t look twice at but it was so cute I had to get it. When we got up to the counter I grabbed a candy bar and James checked me out. he gave me more change back than he should have but when I tried to give it back to him he called it a dedicated pet owners discount. Eventually I made him take it back though and he just laughed at my insistence. Maybe if my plans for Ben didn’t work out I’d have to try for this guy and it probably wouldn’t be much of a chase. It was funny the way he got me to give him my number: he wanted it so that he could call me if anything better came out for cats. I laughed at him but that didn’t affect his ego one bit. I went to leave and he came running up behind me with another bag he claimed I’d forgotten but I knew for a fact he had purposely hidden. I walked over to my car and he gave a gasp.
                “Holy… um… wow, that’s a sweet ride,” he could barely contain his excitement.
                “Ya’like?” I asked smoothly as I opened the trunk and put the bags in.
                “Yes!” he said without believing, “where did you get this?”
                “Don’t worry about it, well I’ll see you around,” I started over to my door.
                “No wait come have some coffee with me,” he went over to block my hand. I was amazed at the lengths some boys would go to for some time with me.
                “Alright let’s see what you got,” I said playfully. I didn’t care if he was ditching his job for me or if he lost his job because of me. He came to me; he was playing with the big dogs and he got hurt that was his own fault. I finished putting my bags in my car and then grabbed his hand and held the kitty tight in my arms. He showed me to a little café not far from the store and we went in and sat down. I asked for a hot chocolate and a pumpkin muffin, he got a water. I blushed figuring that he was going to want to buy what I got and looking at the prices it’d probably be a whole pay checks worth. I gave him a smile and he looked at me with a nervous smile.
                “So, do you like animals a lot,” I asked not quite sure where to start.
                “Oh yeah, I’m studying to become a vet,” he said nervously.
                “Wow,” I was really interested now, “and how’s that goin’ for ya?”
                “Well it’s kind of difficult with the limited funds, I’m blessed that my parents want to help me and then I wound up with a scholarship.”
                “Oh, well I hope you get your own practice one day, or whatever it is vets have,” I smiled at him some more.
                “Yeah that’s it,” he told me calmly. His hand reached over to mine on the table but I didn’t want to shoot him down immediately so I let him. The kitty was starting to struggle then so I had to bring my hand out. The woman brought our drinks but told me that they were out of muffins. I told her that I didn’t want anything else and she walked away. I pulled out my snickers bar and opened it. James stared at me wonderfully at me like he was afraid I’d disappear if he looked away. It was hard to handle the cat so I asked him to open the wrapper. He gladly accepted and followed suit. I told him thanks and grabbed the brown bar. He watched me and the kitty mess around. The kitty started reaching for my candy; I took a bite and told him no but he didn’t listen to me and took a bite. The two of us burst out laughing at the kitty struggling with the caramel. That’s when it hit me.
                “SNICKERS!” I half shouted. He looked at me incredulously. I laughed at the three of us.
                “Is that really what you want to name your cat Snickers ?” he was laughing at me now. I gave him a scathing look and went back to the cat and tried to finish my chocolate bar.
                “So how old are you?” his grin was getting larger by the minute as he watched the way I handled the cat.
                “Sixteen,” I lied to him without looking up.
                “Wow,” his smile faded a little.
                “What? How old are you then?” I asked him suspiciously. He obviously wasn’t expecting me to be so young.
                “Nineteen,” he sighed. I gave a little laugh.
                “Age doesn’t matter does it though,” I said still looking at the cat. He seemed happy that it didn’t matter to me.
                “So what grade are you in then?” he continued.
                “Sophomore,” I loved it when I could tell some of the truth.
                “So…” I could tell he didn’t really know where to go next, “what’s your favorite subject?”
                “Art,” I laughed and then got serious, “I got talent from my mother, she was a bit of a famous artist.” I couldn’t look at him but instead played with my kitty.
                “Oh wow, that’s cool, would I know her?” he asked.
                “If you’re an artist,” I looked at him skeptically.
                “No, not really,” he said sadly, “but you could tell me about it.” He really hoped I’d sit and explain it for him.
                “Oh what’s your name?” he asked suddenly. I laughed.
                “That’s nice, just invite me on a date and you don’t even know my name,” the thought was so comical, “I don’t think you deserve to know.”
                “Oh come on everyone makes mistakes!” he looked at me pleadingly. I decided on a half truth.
                “My name is Ann, ok,” I sighed.
                “That’s a pretty name,” he smiled at me.
                “Nice one,” I looked up from the kitty to give him a joking look. He smiled back. I finished my candy bar and decided that this little flirt had lasted long enough.
                “Well I guess I ought to go,” I sighed standing up.
                “Wait,” he stood up to.
                “Wait what?” I teased, “look I’ve got to go, I never told my roommate where I was going so he’ll be calling in no time.”
                “Roommate?” he questioned, “he?” he looked even more depressed.
                “He’s got a girl,” I said walking over to the counter to pay for my drink.
                “Well I’ll call you, and maybe we can do this again some time,” he wondered persistently. I walked over to the door and he followed like a little dog.
                “Will we,” he asked again. It took me a while to respond.
                “Here,” I said digging in my purse and handing him the kitten, “it just so happens that I have an extra invitation to the famous New Years Eve Party down at the Regis hotel.” I bought out the invitation spare invitation that I carried just in case there was someone I forgot or wanted to invite last minute and gave it to him. “Come,” I said simply and walked away without so much as a backward glance. I got back into my car and put on some of those annoying thick sun glasses and drove away.

© 2009 Rose Elizabeth

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Very nice.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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Added on October 17, 2009


Rose Elizabeth
Rose Elizabeth


I'm a chocoholic who loves to laze around. Thankfully I'm not fat yet! I suck at grammer and spelling so please don't insult me for it! I love music and movies and I totaly think school is a dra.. more..

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