Tags : imagery

Broken birds

Broken birds

A Poem by Azriel

"Lock me up and throw away the keys", It’s all become soclicheto say, But you never understood the words that spouted from my mouth. Di..
Little Lullaby

Little Lullaby

A Poem by Bri

Feel free to leave a suggestion for the title..the title is definitely the hardest part for me
Turning the Present into History

Turning the Present into History

A Poem by Denis Joe

Street corners, shopping arcades, office blocks and run down factories, attract the minds that have not moved on since nineteen-eighty- five..
Back to Bones

Back to Bones

A Poem by Azriel

She is forever running, fleeing from her past, Yet she ends up constantly blurring the line Between past and future. They haunt at night, not ..
"Water Vapor"

"Water Vapor"

A Poem by KyleJCo

About lost love.
Hot Pink Lipstick

Hot Pink Lipstick

A Poem by Justin W Price

Here's a poem from my book, Digging to China, available in paperback and as an ebook, through Sweatshoppe Publications. Enjoy! (www.sweatshoppepublica..


A Poem by KyleJCo

Berlin, you sing with chords of afflicting silence,Your soundless voice an ominous whisper among your darkened alleys.Fragile moon, watch from above w..
The Consciousness

The Consciousness

A Poem by Bobby Madden

Another fantasy piece.


A Poem by Melobldnfr

As every song collides, merges, and steps beyond boundaries of pre-existence and time...


A Poem by Dana Alsamsam

I think a lot in the shower, and this is what it feels like.


A Poem by John Holmes

We paint beautiful portraits don't we?
Years And Lifetimes

Years And Lifetimes

A Poem by Melobldnfr

For My Sweet Sugar Dumpling with the Irish Moss hair.
Sighs of Life

Sighs of Life

A Poem by jarrododean

This is an Excerpt of a Paper I'm working on that has to do with Global Warming. I wanted to begin with some vivid imagery and some strong symbolism. ..


A Poem by Melobldnfr

My stepsister asked about you...


A Poem by Maria

SilenceSurrounded by a towering circle of oak treesInto the wild I goThe only sound I detect is the windSilent as the graveThat's how quiet it's been ..


A Poem by Maria

Sunshine is about someone who is very special to me. Enjoy!
The Knowing

The Knowing

A Poem by Melobldnfr

This on my way to figuring out I am not alone in dealing with coming to terms with Self.