Two Times The Charm

Two Times The Charm

A Chapter by MiMi

Normalcy...not exactly what I'd call it.


When I woke up I was in a white room. The kind of white that could only be described as sterile. There was one part of my arm that was way hotter than the rest of me. I didn't need to look to know that it was Renee's hand. She still had her dress on from last night and her hair was still perfectly in place. Renee had a way of maintaining her perfection even after a hurricane. Her head was lolled to the side, resting on her arm. Her makeup wasn't even smeared. The smell of antisceptics and death told me I was in the hospital. The clicking of heels on linolium and heavy Chanel perfume warned me of Fiona. She was still wearing the slinky, green metallic, scoop neck dress she was the night before. The same too high black heels. Her platinum blonde hair tangled and ratty had been let down. "It's about damn time you woke up." Nice wake up call. "How long have I been out for?" The sprinkle of tears on the sheets was enough to tell me Renee was awake. "Thank Goddess!" Renee was always the emotional one. Whereas Fiona was the one to just say things. "About seventy-two hours," Fiona told me. "You passed out...alcohol poisioning." More clicking of heels as she walked closer to me, a hospital coffee in her hand. That's what I needed though. I needed to drink and feel alive. I needed something to wake me up from the dead state that Jason and Ari's absence had left me in. A wave of guilt washed over me. I had worried Renee so much that she was crying. My dark hair stuck to my face and neck as I tried to sit up. "No more parties for you for a while," Fiona said as she sat on the edge of my bed. I knew that my eyes still had nothing in them. They were dead. I was dead to the world.

A few days passed and I got rip roaring drunk. Fiona and Renee had went to Porta Rico. They asked me if I wanted to go with them and I should have gone but...I didn't want to go have fun. Not something that normal people say. But since Jason and Ari left...I'm not exactly what you'd call normal. So for the next seven days I went to Adam's. He was the one with the booze. Blake was a straight edge. Adam would grab the b***h beer and the hard stuff then we'd go back to my place. I had a collection of horror movies that Jason loved. That's what we loved about each other. Our love for horror. Adam was more the one for chick flicks. As weird as that sounds. He's the sensitive type I guess. But we sat in my small living room, watched every movie in my collection and got completely bombed. He would spend the night which wasn't odd. He'd done that so many other times back before the Jason Era as he liked to call it. We would go back to his house to grab more booze then drive back to mine. It was a sort of routine for us. My kind of fun.

© 2010 MiMi

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you're welcome

Posted 14 Years Ago

Thank you(:

Posted 14 Years Ago

this is really good i like it

Posted 14 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on May 30, 2010
Last Updated on May 30, 2010



Wenatchee, WA

Name: Miranda Nicknames: Rayne, Bow, RayneBow, B***h, Hey You, Face, Mirandaface, Mirandabearr, MiMi Age: Stay seventeen more..

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