Chapter 7: Darkness

Chapter 7: Darkness

A Chapter by Kornez

Chapter 7: Darkness

Johnny hated pretending. King Rexor had assigned him to destroy the 'dangers' of Sun city. Warrior kept complaining that he wasn't able to do anything in his corner. Johnny gently reminded him of the fact that he once had control and that he had his fun then. Johnny through his training had been taught one important thing. Know your enemy, study and listen. The best place to go is the library. Johnny grabbed a Suncidian history book and searched for anything on a being called Darkness. Johnny searched book after book. All the recent books were no help, it was like the historian was writing a epic piece of fiction. Johnny finally asked the librarian.

You seem to be in time, the book your looking for is in the last shelve of books under Z .” said the librarian.

Section Z according to it's small engraving was the most unused section in the library. It contained all that was left of the giant library that burned down. Johnny looked through the books.

Looking for this?” A man asked holding up a yellow paged and rather ill used book.

Things you don't usually know about Sun city and it's people,” was the title.

Yes, I am looking for that,” said Johnny.

My brother wrote this, Truth the wise, before he died, I'm Truth the second, Truth the third and first have been missing for some time,” said Truth second.

Anyway, could I have the book, I really need to see if it has anything on a being called Darkness,” said Johnny.

Darkness?” Asked Truth the second, looking rather surprised. “What about him, don't the other history books tell of him?” He asked. Johnny shook his head.

Ah, how degraded and eroded this city has become,” Sighed Truth the second.

Darkness was a warrior much like you, he too, was taken from a world that was ripping itself apart and came here, he trained just like you, and he too, became what the Suns also call you, their salvation,” Said Truth the second.

Wait, the Suns think I’m their salvation?” Asked Johnny.

Unfortunately yes, they always wanted a hero like the good king Salveous, who, much like his name, saved them,.but now he's gone and Rexor has taken over, but he's alright, Darkness was pulled in to the various pleasures of this world, and did it destroy him? Yes, he then began to turn into his name, he turned the name salvation as the suns called him to the downfall of Sun city. But then he disappeared, and in his place was a being of Darkness, and he has an evil brother named Malice, whom I perceive you have to destroy,” Reaccounted Truth the second.

Wow, I didn't know pleasure could do a thing like that,” said Johnny.

Then let this be a lesson to you, young man, for this world is very evil, and has shut off all good reason and has decided to do what's right in their own eyes,” said Truth the second.

Where does Darkness dwell?” Asked Johnny.

A cave, where no man will go, and no man returns,” said Truth the second. Johnny walked out of the library feeling more prepared. He grabbed light-speed and rushed across the water, across Sun city, across the Suncidian bridge, across the battle fields which he fought in toward the cave of Darkness. Now you may be wondering how Johnny knew how to arrive at his destination, you see, Johnny noticed this cave before Warrior rushed into Cloud labyrinth to rescue Joe. And here was Johnny again at the same cave.

The cave of Darkness,” Read Johnny.

In which no one, man nor beast goes, and which nor man or beast comes out.”

He grabbed a torch and walked in. Johnny found a few torches and lit them.

For being a cave of darkness, it sure has a lot of light,” Muttered Johnny.

Your going to need a lot of light to see my shadow,” A dark voice said behind Johnny. Johnny slowly turned to see two red eyes glaring at him through the blackness.

Hey, I remember you,” Johnny said. There was a sound of wind blowing and the dark figure stepped into the light.

Remember?” The figure asked.

Your that ghost that led me here, and your that black warrior I destroyed,” Said Johnny.

Ah, you have a strong memory Warrior, all they say about you could be true,” Said the figure.

Let me guess, your Darkness,” said Johnny.

In the blackness of truth itself I stand,” Said Darkness. Johnny pulled out his sword.

I beat you once, I can do it again,” said Johnny.

You really want to fight me?” Asked Darkness.

Yes,” said Johnny.

It's always got to be the sword,” Darkness muttered.

Ah, well, one's better then a whole city of souls,” Said Darkness. A sword assembled itself into Darkness's hand.

Let's hope you are all of what they say,” Darkness said vanishing.

This world was once good,” Said Darkness behind Johnny. Johnny turned in the direction of the voice. Then it was behind him again.

Too bad, it lost it's one mission, to escape the other religions it feared,” Whenever Darkness spoke Johnny turned.

You are not the hope of this world boy, you are just a tool,” said Darkness.

The more you fight against the truth, the more stained the lies become,” Said Darkness.

Johnny slowly turned.

Your a fool to believe the lies!” Shouted Darkness appearing. Johnny blocked his blow and Darkness vanished again. The lights began to extinguish.

Your going to have to find me, in the lies,” said Darkness as the last light died.

The only light was Johnny's torch.

You'll have to do much better than that, if you want to get out of here alive!” Shouted Darkness knocking Johnny over.

Johnny stood up, he felt a bit scared.

Is that fear I hear?” Laughed Darkness.

Johnny realized he was afraid.

Fear is a blinding emotion, one you cannot see but I can hear,”

All of the sudden Warrior pushed Johnny into the corner with a 'let me at him' and Johnny saw himself spin around and deflect one of Darkness's blows. Johnny was pulled back onto control and Warrior sat in the corner.

The trick is, is that Darkness will ripple before appearing, sometimes he will trick you, your going to have to second guess when he does that,” said Warrior.

Johnny looked around carefully.

Behind you!” Roared Warrior.

Johnny spun around and deflected two of Darkness's blows. Johnny turned again and slammed his sword against Darkness's.

See what I mean?” Warrior asked.

Yeah,” Replied Johnny. Johnny had his dagger ready, when he saw Darkness again he'd let him have it.

You've learned to observe,” Growled Darkness slowly appearing.

No surprise, must have been the monster inside your mind,”

Yes, and I have you this time!” Johnny shouted. He launched himself forward. There was a almost deafening howl. It sounded like a thousand voices screaming in agony. Then Darkness's voice rang out.

The dagger of two persons, how?” He yelled.

I'm not dead Johnny, Darkness isn't something you can JUST kill,” Said Darkness.

Just like truth is something you can never smudge away!” He vanished.

Then the torches lit up and Johnny realized he was alone in the cave.

© 2016 Kornez

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Added on July 30, 2016
Last Updated on July 30, 2016
Tags: fantasy, clouds, giants, suns, firebird



Greer, SC

Please read my stuff! One way Kornez is inspired to write is by the communication of others. So therefore he has decided to give you an idea of what he'd like to see when you review his stuff. .. more..
