Chapter 10: The Concert

Chapter 10: The Concert

A Chapter by Kornez

Chapter 10: The Concert

All of Sun city was bustling with excitement. A ship called The Concert was going to perform at their shores once again. Johnny knew The Concert came every second year, but the Suns acted like this was the first time they saw it. To Johnny's surprise, when The Concert finally anchored it spun into a stage. The Suns cheered like rabid fans.

Hello Sun City!” A voice boomed.

A rather thin man stepped on stage.

Who's ready for some music?” The man asked.

The crowd went wild.

May I present, the maestro of composers and the best singer we have in all of the world, Luther Hat!”

The man pointed to a black suited guy with a top hat.

And may I present our newest and quite beautiful, both choir and solo singer, Melody Notes!”

The man pointed to a girl in a rather pink dress. Luther Hat stared at Melody with a look of wonder.

And may I present, the genius, the spectacular, the epic Johannes Musics Bones!”

The crowd went wild when the stage light landed on a man at a giant organ.

And the orchestra!” The man shouted.

The lights fell and a whole orchestra appeared. Bonsey started playing and the orchestra joined in. Johnny listened for a while, but then got bored. He couldn't understand how the Suns could stand there and listen.

We never use rock music,” said Bonsey when he finished.

We always are classic,” he turned and played some more.

Johnny walked back to his house. Sunny was waiting for him.

Why aren't you at the Concert?” She asked. Johnny shrugged.

Oh, let me guess, your more used to being in battle then listening to music,” Said Sunny angrily.

No, not at all, I think the music is fantastic,” Said Johnny reassuringly.

Then why do you run from it?” Sunny asked.

I'm not running, I just am not interested,” said Johnny.

You just hate it, is that it?” Asked Sunny.

Okay, I admit it, I'm not from around here, alright, I'm not a Sun, I don't belong here, I don't know what kind of music you Suns prefer, but I don't enjoy it much,” Snapped Johnny. Sunny looked crushed.

What's going on?” Asked Joe walking up.

I'm trying to survive,” Growled Johnny.

We're mad at each other,” said Sunny.

Joe grabbed Johnny and pulled him through the streets.

It's time I told you something,” said Joe.

Grace was asleep in her nest, she didn't hear them walk by. Joe stood at a rock.

You want to really know what happened to me Johnny?” Joe asked flexing his robotic fingers.

Is that why you dragged me all the way out here?” Asked Johnny.

I wasn't hijacked by the Clouds, they were the ones trying to save me, it was the Suns,” Said Joe.

The only reason why I'm still alive is because I told Rexor I'd never leave,” Said Joe looking sad.

Johnny it's been so long,” He whispered.

What?” Johnny asked raising an eyebrow.

Did you ever notice how closely related we are?” Joe asked.

Actually no I haven't,” said Johnny looking at Joe.

He blinked, then his eyes widened.

Brother?” He asked.

Joe nodded smiling. Even Warrior was shocked. Johnny and Joe embraced each other, crying and laughing at the same time. Joe whipped a tear from his eyes and sighed.

Now, go back to the Concert Johnny, I know how much you don't understand about music, but I detected something brewing on the stage and in the crowd,” said Joe.

And Johnny rushed back to the Concert. Luther Hat was singing a rather gentle song while the orchestra gently played in the background. When he was done the curtain closed and the crowd dispersed muttering with pleasure. Luther, Notes and Bonsey shook hands with those that passed as everyone went home.

Not a bad crowd,” Said Bonsey.

I noticed this one guy, behind everyone else who looked like he didn't like what we did,” Said Luther.

Bonsey scoffed.

Our first critic,” said he.

Johnny smiled he couldn't believe they would say so much about him.

I liked his sword, it was pretty,”Said Notes.

You can look at it again if you want to,” said Johnny.

The three magicians turned.

Well, we didn't uh,” Sputtered Bonsey.

Johnny laughed.

No one really likes me much anyhow,” said he.

Nonsense, I like you,” said Luther.

I think you look valiant,” said Bonsey.

I hope you fight well, said Notes shyly.

But I didn't really like your music,” said Johnny.

Hey we love critics,” laughed Bonsey.

He walked away laughing.

I suppose you two are busy,” said Johnny.

Oh, no, we-” Luther realized Johnny had them.

It's been so long. Said Notes shyly.

Let me guess Romeo, does Juliet's parents disapprove?” Johnny teased.

More then you know,” Said Luther.

Don't you sail together?” Johnny asked.

The two nodded.

Bonsey is the captain right?” Johnny asked.

They nodded again.

A captain has the power to marry you two,” Said Johnny.

The two looked at each other excitedly.

Sing for me Luther,” Said Notes beggingly.

Luther looked trapped.

I-I can't,” Said he sadly.

But why not?” Asked Notes.

Luther was staring at someone behind Johnny. A man with a sword stood there.

How dare you defy me!” He shouted charging at Luther. Johnny pulled out Light stepped and fought back All the way onto the stage they fought, and it was attracting some onlookers. Bonsey returned and watched in horror. Johnny and the man got stuck together for a moment.

I'm not after you, I'm after him,” Growled the man glaring at Luther.

You want him, your gonna have to go through me,” Said Johnny.

They fought some more. But it wasn't Johnny who stopped the angry father, it was Luther. He pointed a rather short sword at his father.

Put down the sword dad,” Said he.

You've finally become brave,” Said the father.

I love Melody father, there's just something special about her, it's like I can't live another day without her,” Said Luther.

So, that's why you hang on, that's why you fight, yes, I understand, and yes you have my approval,” Said the father.

Johnny sighed. Luther hugged Melody then shoo Johnny's hand vigorously. At the wedding the couple asked Johnny to bless them. “May the Lord bless you and grant you peace,” said Johnny.

Thanks Warrior,” Said Luther.

My name is Johnny,” Said Johnny.

The couple smiled. They walked out. Johnny saw Sunny standing there. She was so beautiful.

I know how you feel,” Said Warrior.

But we can't let these emotions distract you, we've got work to do,” Said he.

Johnny walked out of the church, not sure what to do, or where to go.

© 2016 Kornez

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Added on July 30, 2016
Last Updated on July 30, 2016



Greer, SC

Please read my stuff! One way Kornez is inspired to write is by the communication of others. So therefore he has decided to give you an idea of what he'd like to see when you review his stuff. .. more..
