Part 16

Part 16

A Chapter by Kourtnie

The next morning Justin woke up early and got to the hospital just in time for visiting hours to start. "Good morning sir." the receptionist said with a smile on her face. Justin looked at her and returned the smile heading directly to your room. He walked in quietly to see you sitting up having breakfast and watching TV. "Hey Karina," Justin said holding back tears. You looked at him and smiled, "Hi. You were here yesterday weren't you?" Justin smiled and sat next to you. "Yea I was." You gave him the remote and said, "You can watch whatever you want. There's nothing interesting on." Justin took the remote and set it down next to him quietly watching you. In only a couple minutes Justin fell asleep. 




Jeremy arrived at the park with the local police. "Sir, these men are here to help search and they all have a photo of your daughter. Jeremy nodded his head and walked away from the group while the chief gave out instructions. "... show this picture to the public. We are finding this little girl." The chief said a few more words and the officers split up heading in every direction. Jeremy walked around the park with the chief and was showing everyone he saw a photo of Jazmyn. Almost an hour later another skinny looking officer ran up to Jeremy and said, "Sir there's a woman over here that’s seen your daughter. Would you like to speak with her?" The words were caught in his throat and all he could do was nod his head. "Ma'am? This is the little girl's father." A woman of about 24 turned around and shook Jeremy's hand. "Hi I'm Teresa. I'm so sorry about your little girl. I did see her, yesterday with another older girl. Right over there." And she pointed towards a church. "Ma'am do you know what happened after you saw them?" the officer asked. She nodded her head. "Yes I do. They were confronted by a teenage girl. Probably about the older girl’s age. She turned to your daughter, said something and last thing I saw was your daughter running off in the direction of the church." Tears were falling down Jeremy's cheeks as he thought about his little girl being taken by someone. Finally he forced out the words, "Thank you very much. I really appreciate it." He turned around and started running toward the church. Halfway there he stepped on something soft. Retracing his steps he bent down and picked up Jazmyn's little shoe covered in mud and grass. 


Back at the hospital Justin had just woken up to find you sitting on the floor beside him dressed and smiling. "Hey." you said. Justin stared at you and said, "Did I fall asleep?" You laughed and said, "Yea you did. But someone came while you were and said that she's your grandma? I guess I'm staying with you guys for a while. We're about to go home.” Justin smiled bigger than ever and said, "That's right. We're going home." He stood up and grabbed your hand pulling you over to him. Then he sat back down and pulled you into his lap. You were really confused and almost kinda scared. You didn't know this person. But apparently you were living with him. A couple minutes later you looked at Justin and asked, "Where's Diego?" At that moment the doctor, along with Justin's grandma came in and said that it was time to leave.




Jeremy ran through the doors of the church frantically looking for anyone who could help him. Finally he saw the pastor at the very front and called for him. "Pastor Ramirez!" Jeremy shouted and sprinted the him. "Oh Jeremy, nice to see you." "Same sir. Listen I have a question." But the Pastor stopped him. "Come in here Jeremy." Confused and wanting nothing more to see than his daughter, he followed the pastor into a back room only to find Jazmyn drinking a juice pouch and watching TV. As soon as she laid eyes on Jeremy she squealed, "DADDY!!" and ran into his arms. Jeremy held her close with tears streaming down his face as he mouthed the words, "Thank you" to the pastor.


Jeremy then left the church and took Jazmyn home. He walked into the house with Jazmyn safe in his arms to find Justin, Chaz, Ryan and you all sitting together in the living room. "Karina!" he said with a smile. "You're back! How are you feeling?" You looked at Jeremy and said, "I feel okay. My head hurts. By any chance do you know where my boyfriend is?" Jeremy set Jazmyn down whispered to her, "Go say hi to Grandma." and she ran over to her grandma. Then he just looked at Justin with confusion on his face not knowing what to say. Justin shook his head and said, " She has amnesia." 

You hung out with Justin and his two friends getting to know them better and trying to remember who they were and if you really did know them. They seemed to have a lot of stories about you. Hours later it was finally 10 at night and Justin wanted to go to bed. Chaz and Ryan went to their rooms and you followed Justin to his room where you sat on his bed watching him pack. "What are you packing for?" you asked curiously. He said, "I'm going on a tour. In Europe. I have to leave real early tomorrow morning." "Oh." was all you could think to say. You were still confused. You didn't know where you were, you missed New York, and Diego hadn't called you at all yet. Once Justin finished packing you and him started talking. You talked about everything. You guys talked about things like first loves, first heartbreaks, and everything in between. Everything seemed so perfect, yet something seemed out of place. As you and Justin talked you kept remembering fragments of the time you’ve spent with him. But when Justin told you that you were his first love that’s when something that seemed important hit you. You remembered him telling you something and decided to ask Justin about it. "Justin?" You asked and continued when he gave you a questioning look. " I remember something. It’s kinda fuzzy though. I remember when I was in the hospital you said that you love me. And that you couldn't live without me. You told me that you couldn't lose me. Why'd you say that?" Justin stared at you in awe and almost couldn’t find the words to speak. “She’s remembering.” He mumbled to himself before saying, "You heard me say all that?" "Yea, I guess. But I couldn't respond because for some reason I couldn’t open my eyes, or make any noise, or even move." Justin sat down next to you, looked you dead in the eye, took your hand in his, and said, "Karina, do you remember me at all?" You stared deeply back into his eyes. Looking like you were trying to remember. Then you said, "I.. I believe so. I've been slowly remembering some stuff as we’ve talked." "Like what??" Justin pressed but he couldn't help it. "Like, I know that.. I know that for some reason I… I love you.” Justin’s eyes lit up as you continued to speak, “And I remember being at the beach and I remember going to the fair. And then I remember.. I you singing me some songs. But I’m still not sure why I love you. And I don’t know if we’ve ever been intimate. Those are what I'm trying to figure out." After saying that you stood up and said, “I’m going to go to bed.” Justin got up, pulled you to him, hugged you so that your head rested on his shoulder, and said, "I miss you Karina. The real you. Please, try to keep remembering things. Try to remember who I am." When he said a tear slowly rolled down his cheek and landed on your eye. When the tear hit you you closed your eyes and everything had come back to you. You suddenly kissed him gently on the lips and couldn't help but smile. “I remember now.” You said. “” was all Justin could manage to say. “When your tear hit my eye, it was like deja vu. I tried to remember what it was from. Then I remembered. When still at the hospital you hugged me before you had to leave and one of your tears fell into my eye. That’s when I woke up. But when I opened my eyes I couldn’t remember a thing. It was like when you have a dream but when you wake up you can't remember it, ya know?" Justin nodded as you continued, "But when you hugged, just now, me and your tear fell on my eye again, I just… remembered. Everything came back to me.” Justin just smiled and said “We have to tell everyone that you’re okay and remember everything now.” He then kissed you and took you downstairs where you were greeted by Pattie, Jeremy, your mom, Usher, Scooter and Ryan (his stylist). "There she is!" Ryan said. "How are you feeling?" You smiled at how nice they were being. "My head still hurts. But.. I remember everything now." Usher said something to Justin but it was so low that you couldn't hear it. A huge grin appeared on Justin's face and he sat down pulling you into his lap. "Karina," Scooter started to say. "We realized that you and Justin, considering the past few days’ events, haven't gotten to spend a lot of time together before he leaves to go on tour. So we decided that it'd be a good idea if you went on tour with us for the first week." "Really?!" you proclaimed smiling. Scooter nodded his head and you stood up to give him a hug and he said low enough so nobody else could hear, "We're really glad to have you here. To be a part of Justin's life. You really make him happy." "He makes me happy too. And I’m glad to be here. Thank you. So much." You sat next to Justin and he kissed you passionately not caring who was watching. Once you and Justin finally separated everyone began discussing the plan one more time on how to get Justin (and you) to the plane and on with no interruptions and how the morning was going to go. In the middle of it, Justin got up and took you to the backyard with him. You laid side by side looking at the sky trying to count the stars, whispering to each other. "When I said all that in the hospital, I meant it. I really do love you. You mean the world to me Karina. You have my heart. And I trust that you're not going to break it. I love you and I'll never stop." With those words, he kissed you, letting you know he wasn’t lying. Then out of no where Jeremy called out from inside, "There's someone here I think you both want to see!" You and Justin kissed one last time before going inside. When you walked in you couldn't believe who was standing right before your eyes.

© 2011 Kourtnie

Author's Note

Please excuse spelling and grammar errors.

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Added on December 18, 2011
Last Updated on December 18, 2011



San Antonio, TX

Just your average girl that has an undeniable passion for letting out her emotions through writing. more..

Little Girl Little Girl

A Poem by Kourtnie