Part 19

Part 19

A Chapter by Kourtnie

The crowd went wild. It was the first time Justin had ever kissed someone while up onstage. After the kiss, instead of going back stage Justin took a moment to say, "Everyone please welcome my amazing girlfriend, Karina! It's her first show and her first time ever being up on stage so everyone, give her a hand!" Once again the crowd went crazy as Justin lead you backstage by the hand, almost delaying the next performance. As the show continued you went back into the crowd to watch, a few people recognized you from your performance with Justin just minutes before, but none of the girls were being mean, surprisingly. When One Less Lonely Girl came on a few of Justin's crew members went and tried to pull you on stage. You didn't like that. You already had your spotlight moment with Justin. It was time to give his fans their turn. So right when they went to pull you you grabbed the girl next to you and had her follow you back stage. She started to cry, realizing that you wanted her to be Justin's One Less Lonely Girl that night. As you reached the back of the stage you could hear all the commotion on why there was a fan back stage. Everyone else thought you were going to be his OLLG. Quickly you explained, no one bothered to argue. They quickly sent her out on stage right on time. The crowd was surprised to see her out there, as well as Justin. Of course Justin continued on his usual routine hugging her, getting close to her, petting her cheeks. You honestly didn't care. You just stood there and smiled as you saw a Belieber getting the chance of a life time and seeing how happy it made her. You liked making Justin's fans happy, and that made them like you too. When the time came you were the one assigned to bring out the roses for Justin to give to the girl. When Justin saw you walk out on stage he smiled, but nothing more because he also knew it was that Belieber's moment to shine, he didn't want to ruin it for her. When the song ended you walked the OLLG back to her seat and stayed in the crown to watch Justin. She was crying and all she could say was, "Thank you. So much. You're amazing." And she hugged you. 

After the show was over you went backstage. Everyone was so excited that the show went smoothly, although it didn't go as planned. Everyone was so pumped up and excited , you could hear the crowd screaming "ENCORE! ENCORE!" Outside. When Justin saw you he ran up to you, picked you up and kissed you. "Thank you for making this show the best one so far. I loved being on stage with you." He whispered in your ear. You smiled and replied, "I couldn't have done it with you. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be with you on stage. It was amazing." Hearing that out of no where Justin grabbed your hand and ran back on stage. The crowd went crazy, excited to see Justin again. Justin walked to the front of the stage holding your hand and said, "I just wanted to thank you guys for the amazing first day back on tour. You guys are so energetic and it makes us want to never leave the stage. Also, thank you for being so kind to my girlfriend, Karina, when she was singing with me. She did an amazing job for her first performance. Everyone give her one last round of applause." The crowd went wild again and you blushed with a big smile on your face and tears in your eyes as Justin put his arm around your waist pulling you close to him smiling. "You are the best crowd we've had so far. You gave us so much energy and excitement. And to thank you for being the great people you are and having so much enthusiasm we want to do another song. But only if you guys are okay with Karina singing with me." The stadium erupted with thousands of screams. Anxious to hear you guys sing together once again. "Someone bring her a mic." Justin said smiling. A crew member quickly came out with your purple bedazzled mic. You and Justin had a quick conversation over what song you wanted to sing. Once decided a crew member went to start the music. As the music started the audience immediately knew which song you were going to sing. You did an acoustic version of Baby, but duet style. (Like this 

 When the song ended the crowd went wild. They loved it! It was the first time that version of Baby had ever been sang. You and Justin said goodbye to the crowd before running offstage.

Justin- Thank you all so much! You've been great! I love you guys! Hope to be back here soon. If it weren't for Beliebers like you I would never be here. Thank you all.

You- (basically crying) Thank you guys, so so much. I never thought this was even possible. Its such a rush being up here. I thank all you for the enthusiasm and support. I was scared no one was going to like me, but you guys proved me wrong. Thank you. 

Then Justin picked you up wedding style and walked off stage, the crowd roaring behind you. 

Back on the tour bus you noticed Jasmine wasn't there. So you asked Justin, "Was Jasmine only staying one night?" He laughed and said, "Yeah. She was supposed to stay longer but she was mad that you took her spotlight." You just laughed. Everyone slowly gathered in the bus as it started to get crowded. You and Justin went to the back and checked Twitter. YOU were a Trending Topic!! It said Karina&Justin. Most of them were "She was amazing, really cared about the fans. #TeamKarina." Or things along those lines. They made you feel great. Justin got up to go to the bathroom so you continued scrolling through the Tweets about you. You came to find out there were A LOT of hate ones... almost as many as there were support. They said things like "Karina shouldn't sing. She cant sing. She ruined the show" "Who does Karina think she is singing with Justin? That was the worst show ever." As you read them you started to tear up a bit. You hated hearing those things. As you kept going you saw a tweet from the OLLG. It read, "@KarinaBieber thank you so much for letting me shine tonight. I owe you for that. I love you, you're amazing and you care about Justin's fans. You're the best girlfriend he's had." That tweet made you feel better. When Justin came back you had happened to just click on a video of you two singing together that someone recorded. Justin wrapped his arms around you as he watched the video with you. You could tell that he really enjoyed having you on stage. You loved to see him happy. As you went through the videos you found the one of you bringing that nights OLLG to the back and having her go sing. Justin was in shock, "You didn't want to be my OLLG?" he said with sadness in his voice. "Of course I did! But I had my time to shine and i figured it wasn't fair to the fans. OLLG is their only chance to meet you. I couldn't let a lucky girl miss that opportunity. I just did what felt was right." Justin just smiled and kissed you. "I like that you care about my fans. It makes me feel better about bringing them up on stage." You just smiled and said, "Fans are a part of you. You cant let them down for me, I wouldn't let you." Justin didn't know what to say. He was amazed with how chill you were with his fans wanting him too. It was obvious that you knew no matter what girl he had on stage, you were his one and only. He hugged you and laid down, kissing you. You couldn't go too far though, there were still other people on the bus. Now you understood what Justin meant when he said "Everything's going to get crazy. We won't have anymore alone time." It made you wish you had really made the best of the time you had with him. You just laid there with him, cuddling until you fell asleep in his arms. 

In the morning you were last to wake up. You had about 15 minutes to get ready before going to set up for the next show. 

This time you were there in time to see the stage get set up and the lights timed and everything electronic get timed and set and tested. It was all so crazy. There was so much done in so little time. You couldnt believe how many people it took to run a show. Once everything was working and set up to perfection it was time to rehearse. You would be able to sing Overboard with Justin every show till you had to leave, you were so excited. 

They changed the order of the songs every show and this time overboard was 2nd to last and OLLG was 2nd. Long time between them. The crew had also decided that you got to choose the OLLG for the short time you were there. They never rehearsed OLLG. It was always different and unrehearsed everytime to make it a unique experience. You watched Justin on stage as he rehearsed. You absolutely loved seeing him on stage. He loved it and he belonged there. You could tell it made him happy. When U Smile came on they pulled you backstage to do your hair, make up, and outfitting. Your outfit was different too! No matter what they did you always looked beautiful. Finally you heard the music to Overboard start. You walked out on stage and started to sing. The special affects were amazing, you loved that nothing was the same. When Justin started to sing you smiled, realizing this was the first time you had actually been near him since rehearsal started. You both loved being on stage, together. Justin would pull you close and put his hand on you cheek. It was amazing. After he'd always hug you and pick you up and carry you offstage.

When show time came it was pretty much the same as before, just everything in a different order and different effects.

As the days passed your schedule became the same. Wake up, eat, rehearsal, meet and greet, show. And every show, even though the effects and order of things changed, was always the same. You'd sing with Justin and surprise one lucky girl to give her the honor of being sang to by Justin. Then lunch, back to the bus check twitter, shower, cuddle, and sleep. It was all very repetitive. Not that you didnt enjoy it and always have a lot of fun, it was just you always knew what to expect. As the days passed you wanted more and more to have alone time with Justin, your days with him were very limited. Only a week? Not long enough. So on your last night there Justin took you out on a date. He took you out to see a movie, having the whole theater closed just for the both of you. Since you were in Europe it was a movie you never even heard of, and you couldnt remember the name. It didnt really matter because basically the whole movie you and Justin made out like rabid dogs. Not being able to be that close, or kiss like that for days, you both had a lot of sexual desire to let out. When the movie let out you walked out with Justins arm wrapped around you. He then took you to a big open field and you two had a late night picnick. It was perfect. He had PB&J sandwiches and milk to drink. You liked it, it made you feel young again. Once you finished eating you and Justin laid down. Staring at the stars and the beautiful full moon above you. You had short conversations with Justin and both of you were using cheesy lines to flirt. You laid your head on Justins chest and he wrapped his arm around you when you said, "Justin I wish I didn't have to leave you. You've made my life amazing. Everything with you has been perfect. I don't know what I'm going to do with out you. I love you." Justin took a deep breath before saying, "I love you too Karina, but don't think about leaving. Just think about being here. In the now, with me. Live in this moment." Then he kissed you gently, slowly. Nothing could ruin this moment. Justin began to slide his hands up your shirt and rub your back as you started to run your fingers through his hair. Just before Justin unhooked your bra the paparazzi came. You two jumped up and Justin held your hand and ran to go find the car, leaving everything else behind. The second you found the car you and Justin got in as fast as you could and drove off. Justin looked angry as he drove back  to the hotel. You just sat there quietly, not wanting to irritate him anymore. Finally, Justin glanced over at you and said "I'm so sorry that our night was ruined. I didnt mean for that to happen. They ruin everything." You laughed and said, "Justin, it's fine. I know they ruined it but things happen. I understand. It's not what you planned but hey, nothing ever goes perfectly. All that matters is that we had a good time and that we got a little alone time before tomorrow." Justin just smiled and put his hand down for you to hold. You held his hand the rest of the way back. When you finally got back to the hotel it was really late so you and Justin got into your pajamas and went to bed. The last thing that went through your mind before you fell asleep was tomorrow. You couldnt believe it was your last show, your last day with Justin.

© 2011 Kourtnie

Author's Note

Please excuse spelling and grammar errors.

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Added on December 18, 2011
Last Updated on December 18, 2011



San Antonio, TX

Just your average girl that has an undeniable passion for letting out her emotions through writing. more..

Little Girl Little Girl

A Poem by Kourtnie