Part 18

Part 18

A Chapter by Kourtnie

"Actually" Justin started saying, "I was thinking I could have Karina sing with me." Jasmine's voice got protective, "Justin, she's not even famous. No one will know who she is. Plus she doesn't have a vocal coach so she doesn't know how to sing and on top of everything, she has no idea how to perform." Justin sighed, but before he could respond you sat up and opened your eyes only to be met by Jasmine's. "Morning guys," you said with a smile. There was no point in being mean to Jasmine and giving her the satisfaction of knowing she got to you. By acting happy, it made her even more mad. "Morning beautiful." Justin said sitting on the bed to kiss you. As you kissed Jasmine cleared her throat and said "Well, I'm going to go take a shower and get ready to leave." As you watched Jasmine leave, you said "I need to shower too." and got out of bed and headed for the other shower. Justin got up and followed you. Wrapping his arms around you and kissing your neck as he whispered into your ear, "Think I can join?" A chill went through your body as you thought about taking a shower with Justin and you turned around and kissed him saying nothing. 

You walked into the washroom, undressed and got into the shower, Justin  just a few minutes behind you. Once he got in he kissed you passionately pulling you close to him, but his phone rang so he had to get out for a minute to answer it. It was Scooter telling you guys that there was only 20 more minutes before you had to go. You grabbed the shampoo bottle and quickly washed your hair, then your body. Justin doing the same. Once you were out, you grabbed your makeup bag and brought out your curling iron. Justin got dressed and sat down, watching you get ready which made you self-concious. You continued getting ready anyways. It took you only 10 minutes to get ready and curl your hair. Once you finished Justin took you by the hand, stopped and grabbed his keys and hat, letting you get your purse and cell and you guys left.

 In the car, Justin sat up front which left you and Jasmine to the back seat together. Throughout the ride Jasmine would glare at you but you just smiled back, obviously annoyed. Once you reached the back entrance to the arena, Jasmine got out of the car shutting it hard right when you were climbing out. "B***h." you mumbled under your breath. You followed Justin, Jasmine, and Kenny  backstage, and it amazed you. This place was huge! Signs everywhere pointing to dressing rooms, different parts of the stage, and different areas. "Karina" a voice called out to you. You stopped to look around and saw Pattie walking toward you with a smile on her face. "Hey." You said with a smile. "Do you want to come with me?" Pattie asked. 


"Oh, I'm just going to the front to watch the rehearsal." 

You thought about it for a second remembering that Justin said he wanted you to perform with him and were thinking if Pattie would let you.  You decided to leave it alone and followed Pattie. You sat in the front row and slowly moved farther out to listen to the sound. You loved watching Justin sing and dance with his crew. He was so happy on stage, it was obvious he belonged there. When the song Overboard came on you just sat there quietly and watched as Jasmine took the stage and start singing the opening lyrics.

When Justin walked out to join her, he looked confused at then met your eyes as if he really expected you to be up there rehearsing with him. He continued on to do his usual thing; pulling Jasmine close to him, staring into her eyes as if he loved her. With every touch and smile he gave her, it stung and you wished more and more it could be you. Finally when the song was over, Justin jumped off the stage and ran over to you. "Hey, I thought you were singing with me." he said taking the seat next to you sounding out of breath. "No, it's okay." You said with a edge to your voice. A confused look crossed Justin's face. "Babe, what do you mean? I want you up there with me." You turned to face Justin and he took your hand in his. "Justin, Jasmine's right. I heard you and her talking this morning. I have no experience in this. I'll probably freak out or choke or something. You're more comfortable up there with her." Justin obviously looked hurt and when you saw that you remembered the very first day you saw him. When you were still with Diego, and you always called him "that Beaver kid" and you hated him. Now look where you are, in Europe with him. You couldn't stand to see the slightest bit of pain on Justins face. Especially knowing you were the one causing it. "Calling Mr. Justin Bieber to the stage! Calling the Biebs to the stage!' Ryan's voice rang out around the arena. Justin laughed and grabbed your hand. He took you up stage with him and left you for a moment while he went to see what Ryan needed. Alfredo walked by you and stop to look at you. "And who are you?" he said. You looked at him and said, "I'm Karina. Justin's girlfriend." Alfredo turned around and called to Justin. "Whats up?" Justin said as he got closer. "This is your girl?" Alfredo asked, curious. Justin walked over to you, picked you up in his arms spun you around and kissed you before proudly saying, "yup she's all mine." Alfredo scoffed and walked away. "What did I ever do to him?" you asked Justin, obviously hurt by the fact Alfredo seems to not like you. "Dont mind him. Hes been trying to get me with Jasmine forever and thinks I should listen to him. Thats all." "Justin get ready to go on stage please. Were going to redo Overboard." a voice said on the intercom. Everyone sat down around the stage and the beginning notes for Overboard came on. Justin ran and grabbed a mic while some dancers brought out chairs. Justin pulled you into his lap and handed you the mic. "Will you sing?" he said pleading but convincingly. You sighed and nodded your head. Realizing the que to start was misses someone started the song over, and when you started to sing everyone's eyes were on you. Ryan and Scooter were smiling and everyone else was swaying back and forth. Hearing your voice flow through the arena was weird, but when Justin started to sing with you hearing both your voices was absolutly amazing. After the song was over, he laid his hugged you and whispered, "They're gunna have you sing with me for sure." Everyone burst into applause seconds later and you could feel the blood rushing up to your cheeks.

*Hours later*

The concert was ready to start. From Justin's dressing room you could hear the crowd screaming and chanting his name over and over. He got up and started to get dressed for his first song. You watched him not saying a word until he came and sat down by you. "So you're singing right?" he asked. "I don't know. Scooter didn't say anything. Nobody did. Jasmine is probably singing with you." Justin just sighed and kissed you. Acting as if it were just him and you. He laid you down on the couch not once breaking the kiss. "You have no idea how much I want this right now." he said in a low voice finally breaking the kiss and giving you butterflies. He ran his hands up and down your sides which gave you chills. Someone knocked on the door, "Okay Justin. Time to go. Get out here." You recognized Usher's voice. Justin stood up and even though you just wanted to lay there and fall asleep until it was all over he picked you up and said, "I want you in the crowd. So I can look out there and know that the most important person is standing out there watching me." He put you on his back and walked out giving you a piggy back ride. As you walked more and more people joined, trailing behind. Before you joined the huge group waiting that was waiting for you and Justin you whispered into Justin's ear, "Good luck. You'll be amazing. I love you." And then he put you down pulling you close to him and said loud enough for surrounding people to hear, "I love you too." And kissed you once more. Everyone prayed and Ryan gave his pep talk with Scooter adding in, "And this is Justin's girlfriend, Karina, its her first show. So let's show her just what we can do!" Everyone put there hands in, Justin wrapping his free arm around you and Jasmine glared at you. You gave Justin one last kiss and then he went out on stage. While he was out there, you found out Overboard was the fifth song being sung. You just watched from the front row of the crowd smiling as Justin did what he loved best. When his third song came on you thought about how Jasmine was probably getting ready to go on stage with Justin. You couldn't stand the thought on them together on stage flirting in front of everyone. As the song ended you felt someone tap on your shoulder.  It was Scooter. "come with me" he said. You wanted to argue but thought it'd be easier if you just listened. He led you into a room with almost a dozen people in it. "get her done. now." People worked on your hair, did your makeup, and got you into clothes all at the same time. You tried to ask questions but everyone was to focused on you to answer. Finally you were able to look in the mirror. You had on black skinny jeans with a black tank top and gold sparkly vest on. Your hair was curled and someone was hooking up you're microphone cord. Someone said, "Here. Justin had this ordered for you." It was a microphone covered in purple rinestones and someone else came through the door holding a boquet of a couple dozen purple flowers. Scooter walked back in, gave an approving look then took you out to backstage. You read the card as quickly as you could. It read "You're probably walking up to the stage right now getting ready to sing Overboard with me :) Jasmine has no idea by the way. Just go out there and do your best. Can't wait to be out there with you. Love you shawty. xoxo Justin" You smiled and the flowers and card were taken away from you. "You ready Karina?" Scooter said placing his hand on your shoulder. You looked up at him and knew that the expression on your face showed that you were scared so he said, "All you need to do is follow the marks on the stage." You nodded and from the other side you saw Justin walk off. He looked over and met your eyes for one second, then you were pushed up the ramp. The music started and you gripped the microphone tightly. Since you weren't out of the shadows yet, Jasmine walked right past you out onto the stage. Everyone erupted into cheers and that's when someone said, "Go out there and sing!" You started walking out singing. Jasmine opened her mouth but her microphone was out. A horrified look on her face, she spun around to see you walking onto the stage singing. You walked right past her and a crew member ran out and took her offstage. After you finished the last line of the chorus, Justin walked out with a huge grin on his face, meeting your eyes again. You smiled, and looked down following the steps to back up. Then you continued to sing, walking closer to Justin. The end of the song was near, and as he usually did, he wrapped one arm around your waist and pulled you close to him. The crowd erupted into cheers and at times, Justin would brush your cheek with the tips of his fingers. At the end of the song he pulled you close and after the last note was sung he kissed you.

© 2011 Kourtnie

Author's Note

Please excuse spelling and grammar errors.

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Added on December 18, 2011
Last Updated on December 18, 2011



San Antonio, TX

Just your average girl that has an undeniable passion for letting out her emotions through writing. more..

Little Girl Little Girl

A Poem by Kourtnie