Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by Smitten Drive

Chapter 2

The next morning when Josh was getting ready to go to work. I just laid in bed, we barely even talked except when josh said he felt like s**t & thought he had a pill hangover. After Josh left, I slept for a little while longer until some loud car drove by, one of those cars that has that overly loud exhaust. I sat up in bed & the first thing I noticed was the sunlight shining in my window. It looked like a beautiful day outside. I like pretty days, I don't like rain or thunderstorms at all. I lit me a cigarette & stood up while looking out the window. I don't have any plans for today, but I don't want to sit around here all day. Josh has to work until nine p.m. tonight. I sat down at my desk & I took out a small amount of marijuana. I got out my rolling papers & noticed that I only had one paper left. I rolled a joint with my last paper & the last of my pot. I've been smoking pot for about three years now. I don't see anything wrong with it, I've never went out & done any stupid s**t while I was high. I like to play & listen to music, watch movies, go swimming, or just hang out with friends. I don't have very many friends, just Josh mainly. I have a few friends that aren't as close, but you'll meet them soon enough. I put the doobie in my cigarette pack & I put my cigarette in the ashtray.

As I was pouring myself a cup of coffee, my mom came into the kitchen. She looked like s**t. There are a few things you might want to know about my mom. My mom drinks a lot, she usually drinks at least a six pack every night. I'm pretty sure she smokes pot, but never around me, I bet if I asked her, she would deny it. My Mother's name is Cheryl. I feel bad for her sometimes because my dad left her when I was thirteen. My dad was hard into drugs, but he was a jerk though, I don’t even like talking about him.

"Good morning Ian, did you have fun with Josh last night?" My mom asked as she poured herself some coffee.

"Yeah, we just hung out & played some guitar"

"Do you have any plans today sweetie?"

"No, not yet. I’m trying to find something to do though."

"Well, if you could get some bread & milk sometime today, that would be awesome." My mom said as she took some headache medicine. She was obviously hung-over.

I went back to my room & took three Hydrocodons. I got dressed in pair of jeans & a green polo. I looked at my phone & I had a missed call from Jessica. Jessica is a good friend of mine, I've had a crush on her for awhile, probably about two years now. I don't want to ask her out yet though, because I'm afraid it will ruin our friendship. I'm happy just being friends with her. I finished getting dressed & called her back.

"Hello?" Jessica answered in her sweet voice.

"Hey, Its Ian. You rang?"

"Yeah I was wondering if you wanted to go to the park maybe play some frisbee?"

"Of course, you want me to come pick you up?"

"Yeah give me a few minutes & I'll be ready."

"Alright see you in a few Jes."

"Bye Ian." So there it was, I'm going to hang out with Jessica at the park. Today might not be such a boring day after all. I grabbed my cigarettes & a frisbee & left.

When I got to Jessica’s I went up to the front door. Her house is a big white house with red shudders. It has two stories & pretty good amount of land. Her parents took care of the yard very well too. I knocked on the door hoping that Jes would answer the door, It’s not that her parents are mean, I just don’t like parents in general. I'm a shy boy, so meeting new people isn't on my to-do list. Sure enough Jes answers the door.

"Hey Ian, hold on let me get my jacket."

"Okay, cool." Jes & I walked back to the car on her nice stone walkway that went from the driveway to the door. We got in the car & I drove off towards the park.

"I got this new mix CD I made, can I put it in?" Jess asked as she searched through her purse.

"Yeah go ahead I don't care." I ejected my CD that was in, it was a Pink Floyd album.

She put in the CD & it had some Death Cab For Cutie, Matchbook Romance, & even some Bright Eyes. Jessica along with lots of my other friends are very laid back, easy to get along with people. Almost like modern day Hippies. I took the joint out of my cigarette pack, & showed it to Jessica. She smiled. As I lit the joint & had the Death Cab playing in the background on this nice sunny day I realized that I'm really lucky to have such good friends.

"So guess what I did last night." I said as I passed the joint to Jes.

"I give up." She answers as she hits the joint & tries to talk without letting the smoke out.

"Josh & I tripped on Ambiens."

"Really? I've done that before & I didn't like it, I thought I was like going to have a heart attack." Jes hands the joint to me.

"I don't remember s**t about it though. Whatever I did last night, it must of wore me out because I slept late as f**k."

"Hah, yeah well s**t happens." She giggled as she took the joint. "This song is amazing." She turned the stereo up a little bit.

We were almost at the park. I was definitely high, & the song was hitting the spot. I don’t know if I've ever heard the song before but it was a nice song. Upbeat, happy sounding, it added a good vibe to everything. As we passed the joint back & forth & listened to this song, we enjoyed the music. I like to do that more than most people. One of my favorite things to do is to just relax & listen to music, like really listen to it though. I like to listen to the instruments & how they work together to form the mood & feeling of the song without even using words. Then listen to the vocals, but not just the words, I listen to where he places them & how he uses the emotion of the instruments to add emphasis on certain parts of his lyrics. You could tell that Jessica really did that same thing too. There was no awkwardness when we didn’t talk, we were both lost in the music & completely okay with it.

When we got to the park, I was relieved to see that there wasn’t very many people there. It was easy to find a place to park.

"You ready for this?" I asked her as I unbuckled my seat-belt.

"Yeah man, you wouldn't happen to have a few extra of those pain killers you like to take would ya?"

"Yeah I gotcha." I opened up my glove compartment & took out a bottle of Hydrocodons. I could understand her wanting some completely because the feeling of Hydrocodons & pot is amazing. It makes the high last a lot longer & when you mix them you have a very nice/compassionate feeling.

"Thanks Ian." She muttered as she threw them down her throat.

I tossed the frisbee to Jessica as we were both walking onto the field. I like frisbee more than football, baseball, or any other type of mainstream sport because it takes more talent to throw & catch. It may be weird, but I actually take pride in how talented I am at frisbee. To me it’s a sport like any other, except better. As we threw the frisbee back & forth I noticed that Jessica was really good at it as well. I've never played with her before, but she was good. She had very smooth throws that went right to me & she pretty much always caught it. We didn't really even talk as we played. We were focused on nature. Enjoying the sounds of the birds, & the wind in the trees. There was a younger couple, who was probably about twenty-five to thirty years old, playing catch with a baseball on the other side of the field.

"Your really good at this." Jes said as she smiled. "I wasn't even sure if you played frisbee when I called you."

I smiled. "You are too, why didn't you tell me you played? I've played for years."

"I guess I never really thought about it." She threw the frisbee & smiled.

"Lets take a cigarette break."

"Good idea boy." We sat down on the grass next to each other. We both lit a cigarette. I noticed she smoked menthols, I didn't. Dusk was just starting to roll around which means that Josh was probably going to get off soon.

"Do you know what time it is?" I asked Jessica, because I was thinking about meeting Josh somewhere.

"It's about 8:30." She said as she looked at her phone.

"You want to go meet Josh when he gets off work?"

"Yeah, that sounds good."


We got up & walked towards the car. I felt a raindrop on my arm, then another one, then another one. I'm guessing that Jessica felt them too, because she giggled & started walking faster. So I followed her & walked faster to keep up with her. I don't like the rain at all, every time it rains I get depressed. Rain makes the world seem more gloomy, I don't like it at all. Once we made it to the car we both got in and caught our breath. Jessica was walking really fast, because I had a hard time keeping up with her. I started the car & backed out of the parking space, Jessica seemed like she was out of breath too.

"Are we going to Joshes work?" She asked.

"Yeah, is that cool?"

"Yeah that’s fine, I haven’t seen Josh in awhile."

As we were driving it started raining harder. I saw that I had to get some gas. I often put off getting gas as long as I can, I just don't like the whole pumping thing. I figured I better stop anyway. So when we got to the gas station, I pulled up to the pump. I noticed an old man staring at me, it wasn't a normal stare though, it was as if he knew me, & didn't like me. He stood there & pumped his gas & just stared at me the whole time. He knew I saw him, he just didn't care.

"You want anything Jes?"

"I could use a Vitamin Water, if that’s okay."

"Yeah that’s fine"

I went inside the store, the man's eyes followed my every move. He had eyes like an eagle. They were intent & intimidating, they made me nervous. I walked over to the coolers, there are so many different typed of sodas nowadays. I found the Vitamin Waters & got two of them. There was no line, which was a good thing.

"How you doing today sweetie?" The lady at the counter said, she seemed nice as can be.

"I'm good, just getting some drinks & ten bucks in gas on pump four." I pointed to the pump & saw that old man still staring at me. I mean, how much gas can his car hold? How could he still be pumping gas? Maybe, he wasn't really pumping anymore, just making it look like he was so he would have an excuse to sit there & bug the s**t out of me. I got my change & walked out the store. I didn't even respond to the teller when she said thank you & have a nice day. The old man was freaking me out & I was f*****g sick of it.

"You got a problem man?" I asked him in a stern, confident voice, which was the opposite of how I felt. He didn't say a word just looked away to put the pump back. He looked at me as he walked around & got in his car. I ignored him as he drove off and just pumped my gas. At least the rain had stopped, I was glad about that. When I got back in the car I gave Jes her drink & I took four more Hydrocodons. I always seem to take them when I'm stressed out about something.

"Is everything okay?" Jessica asked me for she could tell something was bothering me "Yeah....people....that’s all." We pulled into the parking lot of Joshes work. He works at a local Subway. We made perfect time too, because Josh was just walking out as we were getting out. At first he didn't even notice us, but when he did a huge smile formed on his face.

"Hey guys!" Josh yelled. He ran up & gave Jessica & I both a hug.

"I figured I would come up & see if you wanted to do anything tonight?" I said, hoping that he already had something in mind, considering Josh is usually the one to make the plans anyway.

"Actually I just found out my parents are out of town for a few days." Josh had his arm around Jes, but it didn't bother me, they are both good friends of mine. "I don't want a big party or anything, but you guys should come over, maybe we can get some drugs or drinks?"

"Hell yeah!" Jes & I both said at the same time.

"Alright, I'll meet you two there." Josh took the keys out of his pocket. "I'm going to go pick up some pot & beer & I'll be there. It should be unlocked though."

"Alright dude, see you in a few." I said as I gave Josh a hug.

Josh lives way out in the woods. I live in the woods too, but Josh is really like in the middle of nowhere. The drive takes about twenty minutes, but it's all good. I stopped by a store & picked up some milk & bread, then ran them in my house, which is located along the way. My mom wasn't home, she probably out at a bar or something. I didn't mind her drinking that much because she was funny when she was drunk, not violent or lazy. Overall, she is a good mother & I love her. On the ride Jessica & I talked about different drug trips & crazy times drinking. She told me about one time she was tripping on shrooms & she was in the woods. She was seeing little trolls coming out of holes. They were teasing & picking on her. She would see the trees walking around & conversating. I've never done shrooms, I want to really bad though. Josh has done them many times & he tells me all the time about the trips, & how you can't tell what is real or fake. At first I didn't want to do them, but I know what to expect now & I don't get scared that often. I try to be very hard lie back & relaxed. I think I could handle them.

We finally got to Joshes house, he wasn't home but we went inside anyway. Josh lived in a one story log cabin. It was really pretty & his yard was well taken care of. You can tell that Joshes parents we hippies. Jessica & I walked inside & I immediately noticed the scent of incense. Jessica walked right to the bathroom, apparently she had to go pretty bad. I went to the kitchen to get something to drink. They had lots of soda & beer, no milk or juices. Joshes house had a beautiful back patio it looked into the pretty woods. As I sat outside smoking my cigarette, I felt very content. Josh had a very cozy enviroment at his house. I would rather be at Joshes house than I would mine. Jessica came outside with me not to long after I did. She lit a cigarette.

"It's really pretty out here." She said as she stared into what seemed like nowhere.

"Yeah it is." I was still trying to figure out what she was so lost in.

Just then I heard Joshes car pull into the driveway. I walked through the house to the front door & met Josh outside at his car. He waved & motioned for us to come help him carry s**t. When I got to the car I saw he had two twenty-four packs of Coors.

"I got a s**t load of reefer man." He said with a little grin that you could barely see with his big beard.

"Sweet." We brought everything inside & put the beer in the fridge so it would get nice & cold. Josh pulled out a big bag of pot.

"God-damn dude." I said in amazement. "I don't think I've ever seen so much weed at once."

"Mmhm, I say we start this whole night with a nice fat joint." Josh said, once again with a smile. I'm pretty sure Josh is always smiling, I'm not saying that’s a bad thing though, he is a very positive person to be around. "Where is Jes?"

"She is outside on the patio smoking." I looked through the glass doors & sure enough she was still staring into the woods. The only thing about Joshes house was that you couldn’t smoke inside, which was okay. I have to cut back on smoking anyway.

When Josh got done rolling the joint we went outside on the patio. As he was lighting up the joint, Jes seemed to come out of her little daydream & back to reality. I grab some chairs & carry them over to where everyone was standing. As we took a seat Josh handed the joint to me.

"So how has your day been you guys?" Josh asked

I was hitting the joint so Jessica answered for me, "Good, we went & played frisbee most of the day, then we came & saw you."

"Cool cool." Josh responded as he looked up at the sky enjoying life.

I passed it to Jessica & held the smoke in my lungs as long as I possibly could. I could tell this weed was better than we normally got because I already felt the high from two hits. I was excited about tonight. I'm not sure if you have ever done it, but when you mix weed & alcohol you are in for a pretty crazy feeling. When the joint came around to me again, I hit it & immediately felt the high again.

"This is some good s**t dude." I said as I was coughing from the burn.

"Hell yeah man, it cost me double the normal price." Josh said, he now had sunglasses on & was still staring at the sky. I remember when Josh & I were little kids we would sneak out into the woods to smoke weed, then we would play childish games. Most of the time we would feel really creative & make a new game every day. Those times were fun. When Jessica moved down to North Carolina she would join us. I also remember when we first introduced pot to Jessica she was freaking out. She would be really scared one minute then uncontrollably laughing the next.

Josh had the idea of going to toss the frisbee in the backyard. Frisbee when your high is one of the best things ever. I ran out to the car & got our frisbee, when I got back they were already ready to play. I tossed it Jessica & she quickly threw it to Josh. Everyone was completely silent & into what we were doing. This is what life was really about though. Having fun with your friends, while enjoying the outdoors. I like being active more than I do lazy. My friends & I love playing frisbee & doing drugs, we couldn’t be happier doing it.

© 2010 Smitten Drive

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Added on April 21, 2010
Last Updated on April 21, 2010


Smitten Drive
Smitten Drive

Richfield, Eastern, United States Minor Outlying Islands

Wrting for no one else other than myself. I fill paper with ideas and stories buried deep within my ever-spinning mind. Most call me Mark Wetherby and I have a love for writing and music. I surely .. more..
