Sixteen: Truce

Sixteen: Truce

A Chapter by Tina Bee

I didn’t remember falling asleep or even getting Liam ready for bed, but when I awoke the next morning Liam was still asleep. I took the time to shower and get dress. I wasn’t even in my room for five minutes before my cell phone went off.

“I hope you’re still at home. Cadence and I had a long discussion last night and we’d like to take Liam out for a day at the zoo,” Greg said emphatically.

“And you expect me to let you and that b***h take off with my son for the day? Oh, you must be smoking crack,” I replied to him and Liam began stirring in his crib.

“He’s my son too, but as a compromise you’re more than welcomed to join us. Is he up? We’ll be ready to leave by ten,” Greg said without skipping a beat and I sighed loudly into the phone.

“We’re not going to be an instant family that sings Kumbia around the camp fire! You need to put your wife on a damn leash,” I said with disgusts dripping in my voice.

“Cadence wants what’s best for me is all. She knows how you’ve hurt me in the past and she won’t allow that to happen again,” Greg said and by now my blood was boiling.

“We’ll be ready to go at ten, call when you’re outside,” I said and quickly ended the phone call.

I looked at the clock and it was a little before eight a.m. I knew Liam would be waking any moment so I went to fix his bottle ahead of time. I also went through his drawer and picked out the cutest lion outfit I’d bought for Liam while I was pregnant. The yellow and brown print on the onesie matched perfectly with Liam’s skin and eye color.

I was flat ironing my hair when Liam let out his first cry of the day.

“Hello, handsome, today your dad wants to take us to the zoo with his wife. I hope we have fun!” I exclaimed as I picked Liam up and spun him around the room and made him giggle. I sat with Liam on my bed as he ate. My little boy was growing so big and before I could blink he would be a grown man.

Would Liam grow up to treat a girl the way his father, Greg, treated me? I truly hope not. Maybe Greg would step up to the plate and be a positive influence on his son. I knew my brothers weren’t likely to be there for Liam as he grew up because it seemed like Mike wanted to go out of state for college and Sonny was busy with his own baby mama drama. Which reminded me I needed to figure out why he was leaving Violetta alone to tend to two newborns. That wasn’t the Sonny I knew, but then again people had a propensity to change at the drop of a hat.

I was so deep in thought I didn’t hear my door or open and I certainly didn’t expect to see Celia peeping in.

“Hey, I just talked to Cadence and she says you’re all going to the zoo today with the baby today. That’s so cool!” Celia exclaimed and I could feel my face turning flushed.

How could Greg be so careless as to let Cadence tell the family business like that? This needed to be nipped in the bud immediately, but first Celia was about to have it.

“What’s really uncool about the whole thing is that you know. This is a private family outing and while I don’t want Cadence there I certainly can’t expect Greg to leave her at home while he spends time with his son,” I said with as much self-restraint I could muster up because it was so early in the morning.

“Well Cadence is my BFF and we tell each other everything. I just think it’s great you’re finally accepting Greg’s marriage and leaving them be,” Celia said and shut the door before I had chance to respond.

Was I finally letting Greg go? Was the rage truly letting way to a truce? I didn’t know yet, but Liam’s bottle went empty before I had another moment to myself.

“Time to get ready for our big day, little man,” I said to Liam and with that is was off to getting him ready to see his father for the second day in a row.


“It’s a beautiful day out and your face is healing nicely,” Cadence said to me as she and Greg pulled up in his car.

“I need help strapping the car seat in,” I said ignoring Cadence.

“I’ll do it,” Greg said opening up the driver’s side door.

Once Liam was properly strapped in and I situated myself uncomfortably in the back seat we were off.

The drive to the zoo was awkwardly quiet even with Cadence singing along loudly to some Christian CD which drove me a little crazy. Liam seemed to enjoy her singing and even cooed, giggled with her.

Many times during the drive Greg and I made eye contact through the rear view mirror, but I almost broke his gaze. I felt like I’d been defeated.

The parking lot at the zoo was crowded so Greg dropped Liam and I off at the gate. I had at least ten minutes to dash away and spend the day alone with Liam, but I didn’t.

I stood there feeling foolish, waiting. Greg and Cadence walked up to us hand in hand. I took note of Cadence’s large diamond, three stone wedding ring. Greg wore a simple silver band.

One look at Cadence’s face and you could tell she’d been in a scuffle however she did cover it up well with foundation and a hint of powder. She wasn’t a drop dead gorgeous girl, but she did take pride in the way she dressed. I wondered if her parents were loaded because of the nice clothing she had on. There was no way Greg, a university student, could afford the designer outfit she had on.

“Are you ready for a day of fun, baby?” Cadence asked Liam and she got really closed to his face.

Instead of becoming frightened by her like I wanted Liam became excited and almost jumped out of my arm.

“Would it be alright if Cadence held him?” Greg asked me.

“It’s fine as long as she doesn’t report that back to Celia,” I snapped.

Neither Greg nor Cadence looked phased by my comment and I willingly gave Liam to Cadence.

We stood in line to get our tickets and once inside I realized I forgot the baby bag in the car.

“It’s ok, we’ll just buy him food to eat inside,” Cadence chimed in as she hurried up in front of us to look at the first exhibit.

“No it’s not. Liam is formula fed on schedule and I haven’t started him on solids yet,” I explained and looked to Greg for some back up.

“I can go get the baby bag, it’s really no issue,” Greg answered and started back at the gate.

“I’ll need some change to rent a stroller. I didn’t want to lug the one my mom bought around today,” I added and Greg looked at Cadence who was too enthralled in Liam to answer.

As Greg handed me some money and walked away Cadence turned to me.

“You know baby should be eating solid foods already, he’s old enough and it will help put some meat on his bones,” she said with the slyest grin ever.

“Liam is the perfect weight. He went to the pediatrician last month and speaking of doctor’s I trust Greg will put Liam on his medical insurance so I can stop taking him to state doctor’s. My mom can’t support the both of us forever,” I replied and the grin from Cadence’s face disappeared.

“Of course we’re prepared to take full responsibility for the baby’s needs. That’s what father’s and step-mother’s do,” Cadence replied and the word step-mother sounded so cold and little calculated.

I didn’t want to answer so instead I walked to the area where the rental strollers were and purchased one. As I came back Cadence and Liam were gone. I immediately panicked. My back hadn’t been turned more than thirty seconds and they were gone!

© 2013 Tina Bee

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Added on March 31, 2013
Last Updated on March 31, 2013


Tina Bee
Tina Bee

Sacramento, CA

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