

A Chapter by allieverwanted

Darby pulled the silky black robe over her head, enjoying the way the fine fabric flowed over her body. She had always secretly admired the robes that the monarchs wore, and was in awe that it now belonged to her.

I’ll never get used to being in this position.

But she wasn’t thrilled that the first time her fey would see her rule would be at Scarlet’s trial.

Kellen slipped his arms around her waist, sensing her hesitation. “They will love you,” he promised, kissing her neck sensually.

“And how can you be sure?”

“Because I love you, and if they don’t right away I’ll kill them.”

She rolled her eyes. “Lovely.”

He laughed. “But it won’t happen, they’ll love you.”

She sighed. “I wish a trial wasn’t going to be the first time they see me as Queen. I don’t know how well I can handle this.”

“Love, you’ll have me beside you if you get nervous. You’re never alone.”

She nodded and rested her cheek against his.

“So, about the trial, how do you want her to be punished? After all, you were the one who got shot.”

Darby could tell her was trying to act nonchalant about the ordeal but she knew it was a touchy subject with him no matter how he tried to play it off.

“I haven’t decided yet,” she said, “I need to hear her reasons behind it.”

Kellen gawked at her. “Sweetheart, she’s insane, what more reason do you need?”

“I know that in the past the Dark Empire wasn’t always fair, but things are going to change now. She is going to have a fair trial.”

He was flabbergasted. “Are you shitting me?”

She gave him a disapproving look. “No I am not “shitting you”, what does that even mean? Anyway, that’s not the point.”

Kellen snickered, “You know, when I imagined a Dark Queen I always thought she’d be a bit more into killing people.”

“Well, while we’re confessing,” Darby caressed his face, “when I imagined falling in love, it wasn’t with a faerie, especially the Dark King.”

“Guess we’re both disappointed,” he grinned.

She held his wrists and stood on her tip-toes so she was tall enough to tower over him and kiss him. “But I wouldn’t change it for the world.”

“And that’s why we’re here.”

A knock sounded on the door behind them and Philip’s voice asked, “Are you two ready yet? It won’t do the empire well if their monarchs are late.”

Kellen opened the door with a grumble. “We’re coming, we’re coming.”

Darby followed behind them silently, beginning to doubt her abilities as Dark Queen.

Kellen sat down comfortably on his throne beside his Dark Queen. Dark fey sauntered to the throne room, all perched in a way to get a good view of the scene that would soon be before them. They were all dying with anticipation; the sadists were licking their lips thirstily, others hung their head in shame for what their fellow dark faerie did, and the rest were awaiting the words of the new queen.

Darby reached for his hand and he took it without hesitation.

She’ll be fantastic, once she gets over the nerves.

“Silence,” Philip commanded the fey in a voice that made Darby tense up.

She’s not used to seeing him like that, yet another thing she’ll grow accustomed too. . . I wonder what she’ll think when she sees how I proceed. 

Instantly the faeries whispers muted.

“My fey, the Dark Empire has reason to celebrate today, despite the cause that brought us all together today. Our empire has a queen now to reign alongside me,” Kellen paused as the fey howled their satisfaction. “And, because of this, the war against the Light Empire is over. A truce, one that shall last for an eternity. . . or at least, until something traumatic happens. As upsetting as this news may be for some, you must respect these wishes, any attacks on the Light Empire will result in serious consequences,” he grinned cruelly before continuing on, “on a different note, many of you I’m sure have noticed the other change in the empire. Something different you could say, that’s on the menu or new feelings seeming to sprout for your partner out of no where? That,” he kissed Darby’s cheek, fully aware of the faeries’ eyes and mouths tasting their emotions. “is love. Sorus helped me break the rule that separated our empire form the Light’s. And this miraculous blessing I’m proud to share with you.”

Murmured awes swept the crowd as they hungered for more.

Kellen’s tone turned somber now, realizing it was time to get to business, “I wish that was all I had to say to you, but there is a reason why we’re gathered here today. Right before the war began, prayer spoken, or word from your leader one of our own fired a shot. A shot that punctured your Dark Queen and nearly killed her,” rage simmered in his words.

Darby’s fine, she’s right beside me. It was the past. Chill the hell out. 

“Some of you may argue that she was trying to eliminate a key part of the Light Empire and help us. And, oh how easy and simple that would be to believe without any context,” Kellen said dryly. “but like I said, it was before the war started and Darby wasn’t armed. There was no point in killing her because although she was the Light Queen at that time, she was too new, killing her wouldn’t have any affect on the empire. And the faerie who shot her was Scarlet Hembroke, someone we all know well,” he grit his teeth.

She probably slept with half of them. . . then again, I’m sure I had some kind of relation with most of them. . .

“If it was up to me, she would already be sentenced to death. But thankfully for her, we have the Dark Queen’s side to consider, her decision will be the one that matters,” Kellen finished, “bring in the accused.”

Even though Scarlet was being restrained, when the doors burst open she came in confidently; as if not comprehending that she was being tried for attempt at murder. She grinned contemptuously, he crazed eyes locked on Darby. Her red hair billowed around her face like a wild fire and wings twitched in excitement as she drank in all the emotions surrounding her.

Kellen’s fingers itched to strike her but he clenched his fist and forced down his rage.

Darby better let me kill her.

“Scarlet,” he said with an aggravated sigh, “tell you’re story.”

Scarlet beamed and inclined her head toward him in appreciation. “Thank you, my King,” her eyes then followed the room taking in her audience. “It’s quite simple actually. You see, Darby was the Light King’s lover, the lover of my enemy, the Dark Empire’s enemy. I knew that killing her wouldn’t necessarily give the full affect of destroying the Light Empire, but it would devastate the leader. And a weak king,” her eyes quickly scanned over to Kellen, “is a dead king. 

“Yes, it was before the war had started, but I thought it would be recognized as bravery and heroism. After all, we have so many pointless rules for war. We’re the Dark Empire, we don’t need to take part in a prayer for the other side, we need chaos. Total war. I was trying to provide that, we need to do away with these rules, the controlled atmosphere-”

“Scarlet,” Kellen interrupted callously, “this isn’t a political movement. Tell your story or be done.”

Scarlet’s mood chilled and she growled, “Of course. I was only trying to please you, my unappeasable Dark King. That’s why I tried to eliminate her.”

Kellen was tense throughout her explanation but Darby seemed to grow more relaxed.

Glad one of us is dealing with this okay.

“I will never regret my decision, even if my King does choose to kill me,” Scarlet looked at him, eyes glistening, almost taunting him to do so.

“Well, at least you’ll die knowing you were a martyr,” he smiled.

Scarlet’s face considerably paled, but she didn’t back down.

Darby elbowed him. “What are you doing? I haven’t made my decision yet and you’re scaring her.”

Kellen gave her a pained look. “Darling, the Dark Empire is made up of fear, I kind of have to scare her. Besides, how the hell have you not made up your mind?”

“Oh, sorry.”


He chuckled. “Love, you don’t have to apologize. Now act like we said something important, I don’t want people to think this is what we’re talking about while having someone’s life in our hands.”

She suppressed a smile and nodded.

She will get used to this all in time. She just spent to much time with the Light Empire.

“Well,” Kellen pondered, “you have not pleased me nor have you completed your task. Where does that leave us?”

Scarlet sighed, “Just with an uncompleted dream, I shouldn’t need to be killed for nothing.”

“Nothing?!” Kellen roared, his temper getting the best of him, “You obviously haven’t seen the scar that your bullet left!”

Who cares what Darby says, I’m going to kill her now.

“Kellen, relax!” Darby hissed, clutching his arm, fear present in her eyes.

Relax. . . I need to relax. . .

“Let the Queen speak!” A voice from the crowd shouted.

Kellen backed off, still trying to settle back from his outburst. “Floor’s yours, sweetheart.”

Darby gave him a frantic look, “What do I say?”

“Whatever you want, it’s your kingdom, your decision,” he shrugged.

Darby scowled. “You said I wouldn’t be alone.”

He kissed her hand. “You aren’t.”

She rolled her eyes and removed her hand.

She’ll do what’s right.

“Umm,” Darby began shakily, “well, it’s true that she tried to kill me. . . but we were trying to kill everyone, it was all just very chaotic. And, I’m fine now.”

What the hell?!

Scarlet raised an eyebrow and Kellen saw many faeries mouth drop.

“What are you doing?!” He demanded in her ear.


“You’re ignoring the fact she nearly killed you!”

Was it not as memorable to her as it was for me?!

“You said I could make whatever choice I wanted,” Darby reminded him.

“I know, I thought you’d pick the obvious choice, killing her.”

She frowned. “Are you always this homicidal?”

How should I answer that in a way that won’t make her panic. . .


She folded her arms and stared out at the astonished crowd.

“Well, only when there’s a faerie who is easily guilty and needs to be punished,” Kellen clarified.


“Darby,” he softened his tone, “what if this happened to someone else? Like one of your friends at the Light Kingdom, or Seth, or me.”

She froze.

“What would you say then?” He pushed carefully.

“Kill her,” she murmured.

“Exactly, what makes this any different?”

“It happened to me and not you.”

She’s not getting the point.


She cut him off, “Look, I can’t kill her.”

He sighed in exasperation. “Why the hell not?!”

“Will you guys please just make a decision?” Philip asked them impatiently, “The fey are getting restless.”

Darby closed her eyes. “Okay.”

Kellen stroked her arm. “I’m sorry, you do whatever you want to do.”

She smiled at him. “Thank you.”

It might not be a normal decision for the Dark Empire. But I’ll make her happy, that’s what really matters. Besides, I can always arrange for Scarlet to unfortunately be in the wrong place at the wrong time. . .

“But,” Darby continued, “as much as I want to make things fair, I can’t. The war hadn’t started yet and you were trying to kill me. You received no order to, and you still did. Besides, I think we both know that there was much more to what made you decide to shoot me that had nothing to do with me being a Light faerie.”

Scarlet smirked. “So, are you going to kill me or not?” She asked bluntly.

Darby bit her lip. “I hate that you haven’t seemed to learn your lesson.”

Where is she going with this?

“What lesson?” Scarlet laughed, hysteria creeping into the sound.

“Trying to kill people without a reason is wrong.”

Right. . . 

“I will never learn that lesson with the rich temptation of you around,” she sneered.

Suddenly Darby came into her own and roared with such ferocity, “You will not threaten your Queen!”

Kellen, and surely everyone in the room, was blown away by how authoritative she sounded, and pleasantly, how dark.

She’s getting better.

Scarlet scowled but didn’t make a sound. Although even she seemed a little taken aback by Darby’s demand.

“And what is your decision?” Philip pushed, still rushing to get to a conclusion for the trial.

Darby looked desperately at Kellen.

“Well?” He prompted.

“Is there any way we could save her?”


“Punish her without actually killing her?” She suggested.

She’ll get used to it eventually. . . I  got to give her time to grow into the role; Seth  didn’t let her have this much authority so early, she has no basis to learn from.

“Exiled to the Light Kingdom, we’ll have Seth get involved. He should have fun with this too,” Kellen agreed. Then to Scarlet and the fey, “We have decided to spare your life.”

The room seemed to all gasp or groan as Scarlet threw herself down at his feet. “Thank you, my King.”

Kellen gazed at her in disgust. “Don’t thank me, if it was up to me you would have been died the moment you fired the shot. It was your queen that allowed you to live.”

Scarlet’s shocked eyes met Darby’s black ice ones.

“But,” Kellen got the rooms attention back as shouts began to ring out from the opinionated dark fey, “she isn’t getting off freely. Scarlet, you’re being exiled to the Light Kingdom for ten years.”

Scarlet’s face drooped, she seemed more upset by exile than death and that made Kellen grin.

Maybe keeping her alive was a good thing.

Scarlet kept her eyes focused on Darby as long she could before the guards dragged her off.

“You’re all dismissed,” Philip told the crowd.

As the fey dispersed the monarchs stood and Darby wrapped her arms around Kellen.

“That was unnerving,” she mumbled.

“You were excellent, love, don’t worry. You certainly impressed all of us near the end. I didn’t know you had that much venom in you,” he pointed her chin up with his finger so she was looking at him. “I was proud.”

She beamed. “You know, I did kind of like the energy of having everyone obey me.”

Kellen laughed. “I told you, it’s great to be powerful.”

“Just don’t let it go to your head,” a new voice warned.

Darby spun around and hugged her visitor. “Seth! When did you get here? Did you see the whole thing?”

“Sunshine was here the whole time, he wanted to see you and your first public viewing as the Dark Queen,” Kellen explained with an amused smile.

“How do you think I did?” Darby asked, eyes sparkling.

Seth chuckled. “You were very intimidating. You had the crowd eating out of your hands. . . at the end.”

Darby frowned. “Was I really that bad in the beginning?”

Seth looked desperately at Kellen. “Umm. . .”

“Darling, you did take the side of the faerie who shot you and attempted to kill you,” Kellen spoke up.

Darby punched his arm and he pretended to wince.

“But you made a comeback,” Seth promised.

“Thank you, Seth,” she smiled sweetly at him.

“Hey,” Kellen interjected, “he was the one who brought up you’re less than scary start to the day, don’t blame me.”

“Speaking of spreading the blame,” Seth cleared his throat, “exiled to the Light Kingdom. Really?”

Kellen gave him a sheepish grin. “Well, she did want to leave your kingdom, I thought it was a good punishment.”

Seth rolled his eyes. “And it never occured to you to ask me? What made you think I wanted her back?”

“I was all for killing her, it was my lovely bride here who wanted to save her, I had to think on my feet.”

“Well, I still think that as the one who won the war you should be a bit nicer to me,” Seth smirked.

Kellen glowered.

He just won’t let that go.

“Wait,” Darby voiced in confusion, “You won?”

“Yep,” Seth grinned cheerily, “That’s why Sorus had him break the rules. You were the key to stopping the war. Coincidently, you were also the key to Kellen’s downfall.”

Darby turned toward Kellen who kept his focus trained on the ground.

“You never told me that.”

Kellen cleared his throat. “Well, it’s not really something that I like admitting. It’s more than a little embarrassing that I lost to sunshine.”

And a woman was the whole reason for it.

She kissed him. “I hope it was a worthy sacrifice.”

Kellen snorted, though he knew full well that that wasn’t the part that bothered her. “Sweetheart, you’re worth a hell of a lot more than my ego.”

Meaning, you are worth dying for. And even knowing that it was a trick I’d still try to protect you.

Darby smiled, and he believed she understood. Then she winked at Seth, “Way to go, Seth, the Light Kingdom won the war that counted.” She moved forward as if to embrace him.

Kellen grabbed her around her waist and pulled her back to his chest before she could. “I don’t think so, darling,” he kissed her neck, “my Queen belongs to me, you can’t just insult your King and then offer a hug to his defeater. You know how I am when I get jealous,” he purred in her ear. 

She laughed, and forced his hands off her, “No one tells the Dark Queen what to do, Kellen, I’m a force to be reckoned with.”

He could tell that she didn’t necessarily believe those words, but he knew the truth.

Once she realizes her power the Dark Empire will surely flourish. 

“You certainly proved that today,” Philip agreed, walking up to them.

“Thank you,” she blushed, pleased.

And so the reign of the Dark King and Queen begins.

© 2011 allieverwanted

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Added on October 10, 2011
Last Updated on October 10, 2011



Elmira, OR

I'm Aliya and I am sixteen. Writing is my passion and I plan on becoming a published author someday. I have written six books (mind you only three of them are any good) and am working on my sevent.. more..

One One

A Chapter by allieverwanted

Two Two

A Chapter by allieverwanted