Tags : Joy

The Voices In My Head

The Voices In My Head

A Poem by K.E. Strokez

Live to tell the tale.
A Happier Tone

A Happier Tone

A Poem by Joshua McNay

Got bored while watching E3 stuff, wanted to write in a happier tone. Turns out that involves me finding stuff that rhymes with tone. it's short and s..
The Prince's Heart the Devil's Mind

The Prince's Heart the Devil's Mind

A Poem by UndyingWyrm

Guarding my steps lighting my way,In hopes I'll find you one day.Knowing this romance will never endevery hour we continue to bend.Given a life most w..
What I can say

What I can say

A Poem by Darian B.

When someone means everything to you but that feeling is not reciprocated


A Poem by SJ Mullins

Life can turn on a dime We are never promised time There is no way for us to gauge whether we’ll live to a ripe old age Drink gr..
The little cube

The little cube

A Story by Sweet

My first time writing a little story. It was quite interesting, a bit different from writing poems ^_^
Up, up, up

Up, up, up

A Poem by Jeevanba

A poem about the manic phase of bipolar, and how it fills you with energy and grandeur
Nurturing and Nourishing your Sacred Self

Nurturing and Nourishing your Sacred Self

A Poem by Micheal Teal

this is not a poem but a series of thoughts, quotes and prose from yours truly.


A Poem by SJ Mullins

Pain, darkness, and despair, does anyone out there care? This dark shroud surrounds me, it will not let me see; blocking out the light..
Heart of Courage

Heart of Courage

A Chapter by YouoweYoupay

Piece by piece. And all that is left for me is a small prayer.
White Butterfly

White Butterfly

A Chapter by YouoweYoupay

Where did you take me that day?
Love: The Last Letter

Love: The Last Letter

A Chapter by YouoweYoupay

Like a bassinet for stars and showers of light.


A Poem by Sylvia Chika

'In a world filled with so much sorrowBe the pen that writes a happy taleBe the eyes that sees the good in peopleBe the nose that appreciates the plea..
Maya (The Spring)

Maya (The Spring)

A Poem by Pseudonym Mindless

A short poem, inspired by a lovely girl I call niece who always has a knack for bringing out joy.


A Poem by Pseudonym Mindless

A poem about beautiful crystalline figures.
Say The Words

Say The Words

A Poem by T. Edana Talbott

There’s a never-ending road, a road so far,I walk along the edge, embracing the winds with open arms.I just may lose sight of the sun,I just may..


A Poem by T. Edana Talbott

I love the times we’ve spent in the afternoon,Our conversations, our sweet little situations.There’s a beauty in your smile,And a warmth a..
Little Juju

Little Juju

A Story by Julian

a little magic boy here to spread some joy and heal all pain for the sick and scared.