Chapter 4: The Father

Chapter 4: The Father

A Chapter by Kane

Loki looked at the phone. The screen said: Call ended. And Loki was not dumb enough to call his brother twice in a row. He got his backpack and put in his laptop, charger and a few documents. He changed into a suit and threw his cellphone into the backpack too. As Loki took his keys he heard a knock on the door. He put his backpack on the ground and walked to the door. In front of it stood  Tiffany. "Hello, why are you here?" "What is your relationship with my sister?" "What do you mean? We live in the same apartment complex." "But she wouldn't tell just anyone her first name! She hates that name!" "Well, our names have the same origin so..." Tiffany stared daggers into Loki, but Loki looked back calm and relaxed. After a minute of staring Tiffany looked away and then said: "If you try to do anything funny to my sister, I'll make sure you regret it." "Sure, sure Scathach." Tiffany recoiled and asked: "How did you know?" "What? Your first name? Considering how your mother named Freya it was a lucky guess," he said. But inside he somehow just knew the name. It had been the same with Freya and Jay. He had guessed their names correctly, although he didn't call Jay by his real name but his alias. Tiffany looked at Loki first and then walked away. Loki smiled and muttered: "Not cute at all." Loki took his backpack, walked out, locked the door and ran to the subway station. He caught the train and stayed in there till the last station. Everyone but Loki got out and Loki walked to the front. In the front there was the driver. The driver turned around and said: "Please get off the train sir, we have reached the final station." Loki smiled and then said: "Acting doesn't suit you." The driver frowned and said: "How rude! I was working hard on that you know!" "What? the male mask or the act?" "Both." "Well Lilly, you should know that the mask was quite good, the acting was terrible though," Loki said bluntly. Lilly looked at Loki and then pulled off the mask. White skin, seductive lips, long legs and short brown hair. Loki looked at her disinterested and said: "I want you to look into something for me." "Okay, what is it?" "The history of the family Iota." "You know that you need to give me more info..." "No I don't, you'll probably find a lot," Loki countered. "Then why don't you do it yourself?" "Because I don't have the time or dedication to separate the nonsense from the facts." "And you think I do?" "If I give you enough money." "True, do you want them both?" "Yes, separated and ordered. Everything mind you," Loki said. He took a few documents from his backpack and threw them at Lilly. "Transfer papers. Show that to your bank and then you have the cash for it, Oh and by the way, you have a maximum time of two days to transfer everything, else the owner will find out." "I get it! Sheesh, thinking that I'm dumb..." "Do we have to argue about this?" Loki asked. "NO!" Lilly replied and then Loki chuckled. He walked off the train past the subway station to a huge building named: 'Archimedes Institute of Mathmetics and Science'. He walked into the building and past the security nodding a greeting to the guard. The guard nodded back and then said: "He's on the third floor." "Thanks," Loki replied and walked up the stairs. He reached the third floor and looked at the letters describing the room. They read out: 'Chemical Physics lab'. Loki sighed and reluctantly walked in. In an instant his blood froze and he felt something scary in the room. "I thought we wanted to keep a no meeting policy up." "Well, something came up so I'm meeting you now..." "I figured that out myself you useless son. Still thieving?" "Oh my, I thought this was in our blood?" Loki countered. A moment of silence arose and finally Loki's father turned away from the experiment, he had been working on whilst conversing with Loki, and asked: "What do you want then?" Loki turned to the experiments and after a few seconds answered: "I want her." "You know that she is not mine to give. She belongs to your mother and end of topic." Loki turned away from the experiments and looked at his father with despair clear on his face. "Mom is dead! She is now in no ones hands anymore! Give her back to me!" His father sighed. It was not a sigh that sounded like annoyance, it was a sigh of disappointment. "I never thought you were this useless. You are far too selfish for the good of the Iota family." "True, I am selfish, but you know that I am powerful enough." "Yes, you have the power of understanding the world, understanding it enough to name it... but you don't have your complete heritage yet. If you want it, you need to work for it." Loki looked at his father. He knew that his father was right. His father wasn't cruel unless necessary. "I understand, but at least let me see her. I can't bear not seeing her at least once," Loki gave in. His father let an awkward silence rest in the lab. "Understood, come to the main house tomorrow. You'll meet your brother there as well, if you want to or not." "I don't care... As long as I get to see her. You better not lie father," Loki added the last part shortly before the door closed. Loki's father stared at the door and then said: "I don't lie... Loki, it might not seem like it, but I have high hopes for you..." 

© 2014 Kane

Author's Note

Yay! I have, as of know, officially brought out three chapters on three days. A new record for me. Like always reviews appreciated :D

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Added on December 28, 2013
Last Updated on January 11, 2014



Somewhere over there, Germany

I am a person who enjoys reading the work of other people but also like to try writing fantasy novels. Currently running series: None On Hiatus: Alcatraz, Yggdrasil, Fly like the bird you are,.. more..

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