Chapter three: All in a day’s work (Part I)

Chapter three: All in a day’s work (Part I)

A Chapter by Melly moo

When I realise that my little perfect bubble of a life just got a bit bigger and not so certain.


The smell of vomit and guilt burned my nose I couldn’t get rid of the smell and I still was as white as a ghost. Nanna thought it would be best if I went to school instead of being at home, I guess she was right it would keep my mind off things.
     It should be my main concern; driving that is, but I couldn’t seem to focus and it didn’t even effect me when I ran a red light and drifted between lines, which should have scared me, since I normally have a spaz attack at Kath for her crazy driving. Kath, now that hit something; started something in this dead corpse I call my body. I couldn’t really think straight, I have to admit I knew I was a mess but couldn’t care less. I might even park sideways at school today, taking up three parking spots just for the simple reason I couldn’t give a stuff and wanted everyone to suffer "I know selfish right.
     “Not in the mood” I said to Vance as he approached, cutting him off before he could make some sleazy comment.                 
     “Neither am I.” Vance replied to my surprise and it only just accord to me that he looked as messed up as I imagine myself to be. He constantly looked around the hall, like he was being followed or something, so unlike him "insecure and out of the loop.
     “What’s happening with us today babe?” he said, a sad smiled lingering on his lips for the first time he stopped scanning the room and actually looked at me. I mimicked his smile, my fingers aching from clutching my books so hard to my chest. I collapsed into him, resting my head on his shoulder and breathing deeply "what was happening with us?        
     “I better get going, you ok?” I asked straightening up and closing my locker door that I never realised I’d opened in the first place. All I got was a grunt and a mumble of words I missed as he walked away down the hall dodging as many people as possible.


     “She will never turn her back on a friend. She is always there to defend, she is the one on whom we can depend; she is one named sailor... Sailor Venus, Sailor mercury, Sailor-” wait what? Is that the sailor moon theme song?                                                    
     “ROFL! I love that show” Icy squealed. I spun my body around to face Icy and Liz who had completely lost their marbles. I just looked at them as in to say ‘what the hell is going on with you two, you’re scaring me’. Liz for one is embarrassed when I even talk about how much she used to love Sailor Moon and Icy? She didn’t get a TV ‘till she was fifteen! After practically trying to steal one from her aunty, her parents finally got the message that she really wanted one. It was 3rd period and I started to get some colour back into my face after eating something and keeping it down. It kind of stung a little at the thought of laughing at my friends for being such goof balls; it just didn’t seem right with everything that has happened. My friends however have been acting weird all day and not just these two all of them. They can’t seem to remember much about last Wednesday and all seem on edge whenever I ask too many questions about that night "they were there and I just can’t believe they forgot what they saw that night; Liz and Icy surprising me the most for they were hysterical at the sight of the head of that poor journalist.
     At the beginning of the day I thought it was just Vance and I way out of balance but now I mean what on earth is going on? "what’s happening to all of us?
     “Hey look about the other night. You said something about a guy named Bow? Said if anything of that nature want down he’d know about it?” I said to Kath constantly looking over my shoulder like Vance was earlier. I’d never had to talk about this in public before and it scared me how easily now people could find out about me. I looked at Kath and she looked back at me confused but curious.      
     “Bow?!” she answered catching on to what I was saying, she than looked around like she said something she shouldn’t have.
     “How did you know about that?” she whispered worried and scared shitless for reasons I didn’t know, her answer left me utterly confused does she honestly not remember anything about last night or is this just some cruel joke.                                                               
     “I’ve had enough of this” I answered fed up, and so well I didn’t even know, but I was in one of those unexplainable f**k everything and everyone moods.
     “Had enough of what?” yeah like she had no idea, come on I understand last Wednesday was hard but I was there too and I’m not loopy or acting like it never happened.
     “This is ridiculous” I replied mainly to myself more than Kath. With that I left, went to my locker packed my stuff and got the hell out of there.
     I began to feel myself dozing off as I drove home. I knew I would get in heaps of trouble for missing school but I didn’t care I was in a selfish mood and couldn’t give two woods about the feelings of others. I was glad I took nanna’s car to school, my car doesn’t like the cold so much and would most likely brake down and I would never get home. My eyes became glazed over and no matter have many times I blinked, my sight was still blurred I could feel the car starting to swerve all over the road again. I didn’t give; all I wanted to do was go home talk to my nana, have a nap, a good cry and start a fresh tomorrow. The road was still slippery from the heavy ran last night and I only just realised I didn’t have the stereo on. I leant down close to try and make out what one was the on button. It was hopeless; I put both hands back on the stirring wheel and swerved down the isolated unoccupied main road. The forest was a soothing feeling as it was my crash barriers on each side if I didn’t make it home. I could see something up ahead that caught what little sight I had left. As the car lurched forward I realised it was a wolf, too late to come to a stop on a slippery road like this I swerved hard to the right. I must have put my foot on the accelerator instead on the brake without realising, and before I knew it nanna’s car was speeding over the other side of the road and through the trees. Somehow I missed them all and head straight off the cliff into the water below.

© 2012 Melly moo

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Added on October 27, 2012
Last Updated on December 21, 2012
Tags: romance, teen, young adult, fantasy, supernatual, suspense


Melly moo
Melly moo


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