An Ode for Lined Paper

An Ode for Lined Paper

A Chapter by Nusquam Esse

How wonderous
Such a simple thing
Gentle blue guiding
My measured pen
To a monolithic
Rising // marching
The solidarity of
Ink matured
From chaotic crayon
Bringing order at last
To my every

How harmonious
Such a simple thing
To fill the lungs
With intent
blooming forth
A shared meaning
To bind breath
With fettered word
Each caress of the tongue
A familar path
the mind must follow
Bringing order at last
To my every

How glorious
Such a simple thing
The flow of thought
An electric frisson
Of stimulus
Everflowing within
It's own awareness
Of itself
Of the world
Of a greater meaning
Bringing order at last
Around a structured
... regressing...

How odious
Such a simple ode
Obscuring loamy soil
beneath marching boots
Stripping the world
Of as it is
Leaving this
simulacrum of truth
Of pounding thoughts
Gripping me with
Vice like introspection
So I may never know
How glorious the world
Will continue to be
Without the latticed taint
Of my every thought
Every word
Every discarded scrap
Of wonderous lined paper

© 2020 Nusquam Esse

My Review

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Indeed I recall the certainty of lined paper as a child learning to write and especially when we progressed to joined-up writing. Then we learn to discipline and guide our own pens and gain confidence and courage. But still those pale blue lines hang behind in our thoughts and keep our 'writing' straight and between the social norms we subscribe to. Nicely penned in flowing free verse.

Posted 3 Years Ago

wow...creative weave from simple to complex to mystical notch work with the metaphor .. really like its repetition .. works well for me! ;) the irony and sarcasm in closing is almost torturous to me .. as your lines go from "..wondrous" to "...harmonious" "..glorious" ...and then boom "How odious" .. sharp turn sir .. and yes .. who can say how beautiful the world will continue to be when our vain attempts at truth finding are done .. i also really like the "..every discarded scrap" being included in those precise lined papers ... i think i can safely say we all have them .. the "brilliant" inspirations seen less glorious in the morning light .. so happy to see you return to the Cafe now and again Nusquam! and glad i did not miss this one :)

Posted 3 Years Ago

Nusquam Esse

3 Years Ago

I rarely write odes, to dedicate a poem to praise is a flighting mood. So I decided to do one ironi.. read more
Einstein Noodle

3 Years Ago

well ... i would respectfully disagree about the value of words .. they are important and all we hav.. read more
Marvelous. A life lived on paper. Careful, people will begin to appreciate poetry if you let this loose.

Posted 3 Years Ago

Nusquam Esse

3 Years Ago

I will need to hide it in an ocean of jargon and awkwardly paced poems then. It would be a shame to.. read more
Delmar Cooper

3 Years Ago

Legends endure and revisit, thanks.

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3 Reviews
Added on September 15, 2020
Last Updated on September 22, 2020


Nusquam Esse
Nusquam Esse

Ogden, UT

****I have disabled RRs, since I just don't have the time and energy to continue returning every review. I have enough on my plate without nagging feelings of obligation; so please, do NOT review me .. more..
