Chapter 15

Chapter 15

A Chapter by Dewella~Vintella

I woke up for the second time tonight, only this time it was because I was cold. Without opening my eyes I could feel that the covers had been moved away from me, leaving the top half of my body bare. I reached down and pulled them over me, repositioning myself in bed, and I noticed that I was the only one there. I opened my eyes and looked around, realizing that Emrys was not in the room, I sprang up in sudden fear at the thought of being alone.

My eyes darted around the room frantically, until finally that caught a figure out on the balcony. I sank into the bed with relief, laughing at myself for being so scared. Closing my eyes I brought the covers up to my chin and sighed still a little cold, Emrys would come back soon though and I let my mind began to drift off. Faintly I heard the balcony door click shut, soft footsteps sounded inside the room and I smiled, so close to sleep.

Only the bed did not give way to his presence. Instead, I heard the springs in the chair squeak under weight, the was a rough sigh from the corner, and then silence. I waited a moment, then another, and still I was alone in bed. Prying an eye open I saw that it was not Emrys who occupied the chair, but Kieran. He sat stretched out much like Emrys had done, only his arms were folded behind his head. He must have just returned and Emrys had probably taken off, leaving Kieran to watch after me. Despite my shock of having Emrys crawl into bed with me, I was disappointed that Kieran had not done the same.

"Kieran," My sleepy voice seemed too loud in the room.

"Why are you still awake, Valery?" He kept his eyes closed as he spoke, ignoring his question I went on.

"You can sleep in the bed if you like. You must be tired, and I cant imagine that the chair is comfortable," This time he did open his eyes, wide and unwavering he stared at me.

"Are you sure?"

I only nodded, with the covers still tucked up under my chin. He stood, watching me carefully and crossed to the bed; I lifted the blankets and moved over to make room for him, pausing for a moment he looked to me, giving me one last chance to take back my invitation. I didn't say anything though, just closed my eyes and pretend to go to sleep. I tried not to smile as I felt him crawl in next to me, tucking the covers around him and giving another rough sigh as his head invaded the pillow.

"Thank you,"

I waited a moment and nothing happened, then peeked open my eyes again to see him laying there on his back with his eyes closed. I huffed softly, feeling ignored compared to the way Emrys had snuggled up next to me. It was strange really, having been at a loss when Emrys had gotten into bed with me, and now being disappointed that Kieran had not done the same. I imagine that I would have let Emrys go the whole night sleeping on the chair, but once I had gotten use to him laying with me I had liked it.

Now I was determined to have the same experience with Kieran, and in a huff of frustration, and a little bit of fear, I scooted up next to him. Molding my body to his side and laying my head on his shoulder, I even went so far as to hitch up my leg and lay it across his. I felt Kieran flinch with surprise as I did so, lifting his arm out of my way and holding it in the air, confused as to what he should do next. I felt him staring at me, but I kept my eyes closed and breathed in the scent of him, my entire body relaxing instantly.

His body stayed rigid against mine for a few moments, then he began to slowly relax. I felt his arm come down to curl around me, pulling me a little closer. My mind was quickly heavy with sleep, and my senses were filled with the presence of Kieran. It should have scared me that I was cuddling with a demon, but it didn't, in fact, I was more comfortable than I had ever been. Kieran was a risen demon, which meant that he was a good demon; And Emrys was a fallen angel, so did that made him bad? I had been in bed with two very different men in the same night, and yet I couldn't help but miss Emrys now that he was gone. Much like I had missed Kieran before he had come back.

One was a demon from the dark pits of hell, and the other was a pure angel from the clouds of haven. Yet here they both were, on earth with me, Miss Half and Half. You would suspect that I would be more comfortable with the white winged Emrys; But where there was a softness in the demons storm gray eyes, there was a fierce gleam in the angels sky blue gaze. For the life of me I could not choose one over the other, I took Kieran now because he was here, same as before Emrys had gone. I had never let a man sleep in bed with me before, nor had I ever wanted to; So why was it now that I had shared my bed with both of these men, whom I had just barley begun to know?I just didn't know.

I could feel the sun shinning in through the balcony doors onto my bed, warming my skin where it touched. I rolled around in bed for a moment, contemplating weather I wanted to wake up just yet. I stretched out my arms and legs, arching my back and yawning with pleasure. I pulled the covers over my head and curled up once more, thinking about the changes my life had taken on. Kieran was no longer in the room with me, and I assumed Emrys was gone as well, a strange feeling rising up in me at the thought of them being gone.

If it would have been any other normal day, I would have closed my eyes and gone back to sleep, even though it was probably late enough in the morning for me to wake up. Today was not an average, normal day though; Today meant that tomorrow I would be attending classes for the first time in a year, today was also the day after spending the night with two different men in my bed. Those two facts alone seemed reason enough for me to go back to sleep and avoid reality just a little bit longer. I couldn't bring myself to do it though, something was nagging at me to wake up and start the day.

I flung the covers away from me and sat up in bed, stretching and yawing once more, something catching my eye as I did so. I turned my head to the corner where the chair was tucked close to the walls, to see Nisorca sitting there, a cup of coffee steaming in her hands. A bright smile bloomed across my face at the site of her sitting there, her wings fanning lightly behind her as she brought the mug to her lips to sip on.

"Good morning," She smiled as she lowed her mug.

"Morning," I beamed back, happy to see her again.

"I have a present for you," She moved to set her coffee on the night stand, then reached behind her to pull out my cell phone.

It looked brand new, not even the little dents from dropping it so much were there anymore. Sitting up higher on the bed I took a look into the trash, sure enough the broken pieces of my phone were no longer there.

"You fixed it?"

She gave a slight nod of her head, "I had come in last night to check on you and saw Emrys break it. Please forgive him, he is not aware of how things work down here on earth, same goes with Kieran."

"You understand technology though, right? How come Kieran and Emrys are so clueless then?" I flipped open my phone to see that it was indeed in perfect working order.

"I am a Guardian, Dear, which means that I spend most of my time on earth. It is what we do, rarely do we even leave our charges unattended, though there are time we attend business in Haven, but not much. To be a Guardian means to always watch and be with our humans, there have been many cases where an Angel and a human become so connected that when one dies, so does the other,"

"Kieran and Emrys have never been to earth before?"

"They have on occasions, but only for limited time. They are warriors, Valery, when they travel to earth it is to fight, they don't spend time wandering about, learning your ways. They are uneducated as to what goes on here; It is true that earth is their home now, but they have only been here for a little over a week now, and I assume they have not spent much time adjusting and becoming familiar with their surroundings,"

"I understand, I knew I should have not been upset last night when he broke my phone,"

Nisorca moved to sit on the edge of the chair, leaning closer to me, "If I may be so bold to ask a favor of you, I ask you to be patient with them. Teach them your ways, Dear, open their eyes to the world you live in; They may not show it, but both of them are uncertain of themselves here. All they have to live for at the moment is protecting you, and they will do everything they can to keep you safe; But they are out of their comfort zone here on earth. You might even go as far to say that they are afraid, they are not men who are used to dealing with such drastic changes in their life,"

My heart throbbed for them unexpectedly, I had never thought to look at it the way she explained it. The both of them seemed so strong and sure of themselves, it never occurred to me that they were masking their true feelings on the situation. There was a constant ache inside of me from being so far away from home, but I knew it was still my home and I could return whenever I liked. I couldn't even began imagine how devastated I would be if my family had cast me out, which is exactly what had happened to Emrys and Kieran.

"Where are they, anyways?" I asked suddenly, trying to ignore my pain for them.

"I am not sure, they left shortly after I arrived. All they told me is that they would be back within the hour, they should be back soon, I have been here for some time now. I believe they took your Jeep though, so I am not sure how well they are fairing, "

My jaw dropped and I had to stop myself from cursing in her presence. They had wings, they could fly, what use did they have for my Jeep, were they nuts? My brand new car, a birthday present no less and it was probably laying at the bottom of a lake right now. They had been so enthralled with my Jeep when they first saw it, they probably didn't even know how to drive. Remembering what Emrys had done to my phone last night because he was ignorant to modern technology; I could only begin to imagine the mess my Jeep would be by the time they got back, if they ever got it back.

© 2011 Dewella~Vintella

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Added on July 24, 2011
Last Updated on July 24, 2011



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