Chapter Twelve

Chapter Twelve

A Chapter by Scarlett Dale

The time for the dance arrived and both girls looked ravishing. Melcia in her sea foam green dress, and Cory in her light pink one. Melcia had her hair curled and pinned at the top of her head with little curls framing her face. Cory, with her long brown hair, had a rope of it wrapped around the back of her head with long curls coming out the middle and falling down her back.
Seth and Kyle both came and knocked at the front door, as my mom went to answer it Melcia and Cory both gave me a hug. Cory whispered, “are you sure you’ll be all right?”
A tear rolled down my cheek un-noticed, “yes.” I whispered back. In a louder voice I said, “now don’t keep our dates waiting.” They walked to the door and met Kyle and Seth. Both were dressed casually. I noticed that Kyle looked especially nice.
He glanced at me for an instant then turned to Melcia, “ready to go ladies?” he offered her his arm; my mind flashed to Kyle and me in the gym and him offering me his arm to go to the pet shop. Another tear rolled down my cheek and I turned away.
Everyone shouted their good-bye’s as they walked to Kyle’s car. My mom and I watched them drive off then she closed the door and went into the living room. She hadn’t known about Kyle, and had just thought he was Melcia’s boyfriend. I didn’t mind, I wasn’t going to be talking to the boys again so I didn’t care what she thought.
I made my way up to my room, and closed the door. I went over to my closet and took out my new dress I had boughten for the dance. I walked to the mirror and put the dress in front of me. I wanted to wear it so bad, I wanted to go to the dance. I threw the dress on the chair and ran over to my desk. I found my address book and opened it to Biff’s number. I ripped out the page and threw it across the room, next I turned to Jerry’s number. I looked at it for a second then tore that out as well, and threw it across the room.
I flung myself on my bed.
I’ll never talk to distractions again. I hate them, I hate them, I hate them!
-I’m sorry to sound like a snob, but I tried to tell you.-
I know, and I should have listened. But from now on I will. It’s just me and the girls again.
-That’s the most sensible thing you said in a long time.-
And I plan to keep it that way.
For the next hour and a half I kept myself busy with movies, popcorn and chocolate. I didn’t feel like any sappy love stories, I wanted scary ones, I wanted something funny, I wanted a sad one. I watched movie after movie just waiting for the girls to be back.
Finally I got bored, turned the tv off and walked over to the mirror. I stared at my dress for a moment, then picked it up. I quickly changed into it and sat down in front of the mirror. I played with my hair for a while. It’s pretty hard to put it up on your own, but somehow I managed it. I had curled it and piled curls on the top of my head, with still a waterfall of curls cascading down my back. I pinned a jeweled butterfly in my hair that my dad had given to me on my sixteenth birthday. I then went to my closet and pulled out my new silver heels. Slipping them on, I stood in front of the mirror. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I looked completely different. It felt so good to dress up. This is what I wanted, I wanted a change in my life. I felt trapped in a never ending movie clip, being played over and over again. I stared at myself a little longer then clasped on a simple silver chain around my neck, then grabbed a small jeweled handbag. I walked down the stairs and into the living room.
“Mom, I’m going to the dance.” I stated flatly.
My mom looked up from her book that she was reading and stared at me with startled eyes. I had never showed her my dress, and the shock she felt was noticeable in her face. “Honey you look wonderful!” She jumped up out of the chair and rushed over to hug me, then backed of and looked at me. “But you don’t have a date do you?”
I took a deep breath, “no I don’t but I can’t let that stop me, I’ve made a terrible mess of things, and I need to fix it.”
“Well, I’m proud of you.” She stopped as we heard my dad coming through the back door.
A few second later he walked into the living room and stopped short, “Abebi? Why are you all dressed up? What’s going on?”
My mom smiled at him then whispered to me, “go on, you’re already late for the dance, I’ll explain to your dad.” She walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder and pushed him into the kitchen.  Smiling slightly I went out the front door. I hopped into my car and drove off towards the school.

I pulled up at the school a few minutes later, I got out and walked up to the building but stopped at the big front doors.
-I don’t understand why you’re doing this!-
I have to, that’s why. And I don’t want another word out of you. I’ve finally realized that you’re the one that’s been messing up my life. And I want no part of you.
-I’m speechless. How can you say that?-
Because I can, I am, and I mean it.
I walked through the doors and headed towards the gym. I could hear the music playing. I felt like Cinderella when she was walking into the ball, I knew I didn’t have a prince waiting for me, but I knew I had to do this. Slowly I walked into the gym, the DJ was just putting on soft music and the dance floor was clear. I had walked directly into an open spot. Someone gasped, and I felt eyes staring at me.
Cory  and Melcia came running up to me out of nowhere. “Bebe you came!” Cory whispered loudly and Melcia gave me a hug. But they both backed away when they noticed Jerry appear across the room. My heart skipped a beat when I saw him; his red hair practically glowing in the soft light, I took a step forward rehearsing in my mind what I had to say. As I made my way to the middle of the dance floor so did Jerry. We stopped when we reached each other. I noticed Biff in the background, and Kyle not too far off standing next to Melcia.
“Abebi? You came? But with who?” Jerry asked staring into my eyes.
I was caught in his beautiful green eyes as I slowly whispered, “I didn’t come with anyone. I wasn’t even going to come but I had to tell you something.”
Jerry still stared into my eyes, “what was it?”
I took a small breath, “I wanted to apologize for everything, for the way I acted, for pulling that stupid prank, for hurting you-” I was talking louder then a whisper now, but I didn’t care about all the ears that were listening in, I wanted Jerry to know the truth.
“Abebi, I forgave you before you even did those things, and I know you were in a tight spot when Biff asked you to the dance first, I should be the one apologizing for the way I acted towards you that night.”
I felt a wet tear roll down my cheek, he was being so sweet about everything and it was making me confused again. “I really am sorry, please forgive me Jerry.” I asked looking down.
I felt Jerry’s hand on my cheek wiping away the tear, then he tilted my head upwards. “I forgive you,” his lips brushed mine, I melted under the kiss.
No! I can’t do this!
Before I could even start backing away from Jerry I felt a tight grip on my arm then I was on the floor, “what the-!” I gasped and looked around me.
“That’s what you get you little witch!” Vadia’s voice rang out as she stood over me with Jerry and Biff holding her back. I scrambled up and stared at her. “Let me go!” Vadia struggled free from the boys grasp and swung her well manicured fist at my face.
Ducking I backed off towards the refreshment table, “I’m no witch, if anyone is it’s you!” I growled at her when she reached the table and stood glaring at me.
“Vadia, knock it off.” Jerry said sternly as he grabbed a hold of Vadia’s arm, “just leave her alone.”

 “You!” Vadia shrieked and whirled on Jerry, “you! How dare you even talk to me, cheating on me like that, how can you kiss a creature like that!” she turned towards me with a crazed look in her eyes.
Jerry sadly looked at me then back at Vadia, “you’re right, how could a kiss a creature like that.”
I couldn’t believe my ears, why was Jerry siding with her! Vadia wore a triumphant look on her face as Jerry continued, but a didn’t stay to find out what he was saying.
“Bebe wait!” I heard Cory call after me as I ran, but I didn’t stop, I reached my car and fell into my seat exhausted. I felt like crying but I couldn’t, it wouldn’t come. I sat there just breathing slowly, I had to calm myself before driving. I saw Cory coming out of the school and running towards me, I started the car and pulled out of the school parking lot, I didn’t want to talk to her. Now I couldn’t go home, mom thought I was having a good time. My thoughts went to Cordain, but I didn’t want to go there after what happened with me and Jerry. I just drove on until I reached the outskirts of town. I pulled off at a lonely gas station, turned off the ignition and just sat there.

I must have fallen asleep, because the next instant I jerked up and hit my head on the car roof. As I rubbed my head I looked around, the sun was up and a few cars were driving in and out of the gas station. I glanced at the clock; ten O’clock! I pulled down the sun visor and checked my hair in the mirror. After I had fixed myself a little I got out of the car and walked into the gas station building.
“Hi, ma’am, what can I get ya?” a whiskered old man asked me cheerily. He eyed me up and down with a wondering look. I realized he was probably wondering why I was dressed like I was.
 “Hello sir, can I get a cup of coffee and a pretzel?” I asked.
The whiskered old man nodded, gave me a cup and shuffled off to get a pretzel. I picked up the cup and filled it with steaming coffee. I grabbed a lid and made my way back to the counter. “Here you are ma’am, will that be all?” The old man asked as he handed me a brown bag.
 “Thanks, yes that’s all.” I said digging out what little money I had in my hand bag. “How much?”
The man looked at me a second then said, “It’s on the house, you just save yer money for somethin’ else young lady.
I smiled my appreciation and left, I sat in my car and ate the pretzel then slowly sipped the coffee. I finished and sank back against my seat.
I guess I’d better go home before mom’s get’s frantic.
-I would.-
What are you doing here. Just shut up, I’m still not taking your advice. I’m through with you. I make my own decisions.
-Fine by me... but you’ll regret it.-
I made it home and wearily walked in the front door. “Oh! Oh! Abebi you’re safe! Thank God!” My mom shouted and ran to hug me, Cory and Melcia followed. “I thought something had happened to you! Where were you?”
I sighed, “Sorry mom, I needed some time to think and then the next thing I knew it was morning.”
My mom hugged me again then sent me to my room, Cory and Melcia followed. I got out of my dress and took out my hair then threw on some comfortable clothes and sank onto my bed. “Bebe, are you okay?” Cory asked sitting down on the edge of my bed.
“You ran out of the dance pretty fast last night. You left Jerry in complete shock. And Biff wasn’t much better, I wish you would have stayed, it had to have been the greatest night of my entire life. After you left, Jerry said that he wasn’t good enough to have someone like you kiss him and that made Vadia so mad she said they were through. Well Jerry got mad too and told her they were never together, that  he only excepted her invite because he thought maybe you’d be there and he wanted to talk to you. But now that she knows who pulled the spider prank and ruined her rep, plus took her guy, she’s going to fight back.” Melcia stated breathlessly
I shot up, “What?” I shouted, “h-he did that? But that- he said-” I decided to stop blabbering,  “You know the truth then Mel? About everything?”
Melcia nodded, “I’m not mad at you though, or Biff, I’m actually grateful. It pulled me out of Vadia’s clutches and I made some true friends. But now it’s going to be bad for you.”
I glanced at both of them, understanding their pity for me, “I know. Believe me, I know.”



© 2010 Scarlett Dale

Author's Note

Scarlett Dale
Okay! So this one was super long because it is the end of what I wrote as book one! But like I said a few chapters back I'm thinking of combining my two books. Please let me know what you think! Thanks for reading!

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Added on June 21, 2009
Last Updated on April 9, 2010


Scarlett Dale
Scarlett Dale

I'm what you call a strange person. I love to write and when I do I feel as if it's coming straight from my heart onto the paper. Especially with my poetry. I was never one for poetry (writing it anyw.. more..

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