Chapter 2- Limbo

Chapter 2- Limbo

A Chapter by Huggy Bear

My instincts told me that this wasn't heaven or hell.

After surveying this new entity I ask him where we were?  My instincts told me that this wasn't heaven or hell. The platform vibrated and I looked down. The platform became transparent and I was shocked with what I saw. Beneath us was a fiery and odious domain that I new it was Hell. I could clearly see the pain and agony on the faces of the residents of Hell.

There was one region where people were dipped in lava. There was another place where objects were inserted in places that were to explicit to tell. I almost vomit at seeing this. I looked above me and I was not surprised that I looked into Heaven. Heaven looked so inviting and peaceful. The people there looked happy and content even though they are dead. There is no sense of despair and hardship resonating from Paradise. Abyss told me this was Limbo.

Abyss explained to me that Limbo is a place where souls that have no definitive alignment are place here to be judged. Abyss oversees Limbo and makes sure that the soul destined for either Heaven or Hell is going to the correct place. I asked Abyss if he will be judging me.

He answered no and he continued on to say that this particular part of Limo is something special. This place of Limbo is called the Proving Ground. The Proving Ground he explained was a place where souls go to train to do battle. I asked Abyss as to why I am here at the Proving Ground and I asked why would I need to be trained for? Abyss looked at me coldly and said that I am to be trained to prevent the End War.

© 2010 Huggy Bear

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Train to End War. Story is getting a good twist now.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 9, 2010
Last Updated on February 10, 2010
Tags: Limbo, Mustafa


Huggy Bear
Huggy Bear

Astoria, NY

- I have such an innocence and purity that not a lot of people have - Have a heart that most people can only fake - My heart has led me to some dark regions of life. - My heart has also led me to s.. more..
