Cannibalism of the Soul

Cannibalism of the Soul

A Chapter by Norma M Sutton

Team Renfield


You strive to best another
To tell them you are better
You take and take and take
Building your soul by destroying another

The blight upon your soul grows
And yet you never know
For as you steal the soul of another
Further and further you fall

Away from the golden light
Of love and joy and sharing
Away from loves blind sight
Accepting muted light

The cannibalism of the soul
Is a horror to behold
For as the light from one dies
The other still darker

Till in the end
One is but a husk of dust
The other full of sin
Big and dark and full to bust

Cannibalism of the flesh
Is only flesh and bone
Loss of soul . . .
Atrocity to men

© 2010 Norma M Sutton

Author's Note

Norma M Sutton
Today's prompt involves cannibalistic tendencies. (Remember, anything written before the date of prompt issue cannot be accepted as it is not prompted writing.)

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I enjoyed the story in this poem. The language held my attention to the last word.
"The cannibalism of the soul
Is a horror to behold
For as the light from one dies
The other still darker grows"
A powerful ending to a excellent poem.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Really good writing! Very creepy! Good job!

Posted 13 Years Ago

Very dark and rather frightening but I think I agree with the conclusion. This is really well done, I'm impressed!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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. infinitely profound ... and brilliantly expressed ...

Posted 13 Years Ago

Oh my... wonderful. Renfieldians unite!

Posted 13 Years Ago

If you have no soul there is nothing for vampires to nourish themselves on. Spirit however is the miracle of all you behold, which reveals the soul as a series of grudges placed along your personal history. Your memory is just a tool though for your spirit to let the future pour its presence into you. Therefore the failure of soul, is the triumph of spirit.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Suppression and abuse of one's soul is the worst form of abuse in my opinion. Some personalities just suck the life out of everyone they are close too. It takes a lifetime of healing to recover just from being near people like this. Well written piece. Love the picture too.

Posted 13 Years Ago

including auto-soul cannibalism, which both, only "human" beings are capable of...the flesh one is common in some other species. Deep, this is.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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8 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on November 22, 2010
Last Updated on December 9, 2010


Norma M Sutton
Norma M Sutton

Bostic, NC

Norma Moore Sutton has written and published two children's books: The First Lamb and Harry Goes To The Fair She has written and published the first book in the Haunting Memories Series: Matthe.. more..


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