Thoughts in Teirm

Thoughts in Teirm

A Poem by Anna

That distant and misty, shrouded deep;an inevitable terror for the man asleep.Paralyzed by the empty of nothingness;a heart which begs, with none to b..
first step

first step

A Poem by hiraethstill

As with most of my poetry, a catalogue of thought.
the difference between house and home

the difference between house and home

A Poem by hiraethstill

there was never a family foundation to begin with
the in-between

the in-between

A Poem by hiraethstill

hovering between asleep and awake
this time

this time

A Poem by hiraethstill

maybe it really is my own damn fault


A Poem by hiraethstill

i laughed today, after what felt like ages
Calling Back The Kinfolk

Calling Back The Kinfolk

A Poem by Zoe Richardson

What popped in my head while I was watching football
Elephant Puzzles

Elephant Puzzles

A Poem by anais.vionet

Thoughts on complicated love
3 am in the morning

3 am in the morning

A Poem by sedulous_mind

Exhale...inhale. Keep walking. That´s how I find myself sometimes in the morning.Lucky on my side, headphones in my ears. Empty sidewalks, roads..
To My Dead Sister...

To My Dead Sister...

A Poem by Julie Skyes

Tomorrow is your day The day you turn 20 or would’ve atleast. I promised myself, that I wouldn’t cry tomorrow So I clench my pillow ..
To my dearest friend...

To my dearest friend...

A Poem by Julie Skyes

Once, twice Thrice. You choose to believe him over me His opinions Always mattered more, He always came first. No matter how much I hated it, n..


A Poem by Julie Skyes

It hurts to see, those that you once held close Move on and let loose Of all the twisted ties that held us together. That I hoped would stay for..
A Rollercoaster Ride With You

A Rollercoaster Ride With You

A Poem by Julie Skyes

A Rollercoaster Ride With You She asked me to think of a memory Not just any, but a good one. A smile crept its way out And then..
My Scars Forever Remain Open

My Scars Forever Remain Open

A Poem by Julie Skyes

Its my first try. Feedback is appreciated. ( dont be too rude if you dislike it)


A Poem by Nikolean

what is unable to be spoken but must be realized.
purpose of life

purpose of life

A Story by sedulous_mind

What is the meaning of life? I believe that everyone has his own answer to this question, which needs to be found out. But what if we never find out t..


A Poem by Cherry

Thoughts on home