Tags : Smut

smut isn't for everyone

smut isn't for everyone

A Poem by nigrum homonculus

been a long time coming. my thoughts on smut. i am legit scared of it. you guys can seriously get disturbingly creative with your writing man.
Hell on Earth

Hell on Earth

A Book by ShiDeath

8 friends striving to survive in a world now dragged into damnation. With an unknown virus running loose, its now kill or be killed, but will this be ..
The break

The break

A Chapter by ShiDeath

What is going on, how did it happen...where do we even start?
Unrequited Love

Unrequited Love

A Poem by parakiss

We all have those unrequited loves, mine is forbidden of course and this poem explains my perverted and lonely feelings.
Ch. 1- The Room

Ch. 1- The Room

A Chapter by Amber Daniel

Days Missing: 1 12:38:56 AM Alexandria I wake up; my head feeling like it's been split in two. My hand paws my head. It feels wet..


A Chapter by Amber Daniel

It happens so fast. One grabs my wrists, twisting them harshly behind my back. I cry out. Zane rushes to my side, punching one in his face, k..
Ch. 2- The Bird

Ch. 2- The Bird

A Chapter by Amber Daniel

Days Missing: 1 10:13:02 PM Zane "Where the f**k is she!" My voice crashes throughout the room, making the guys cower. My chair lies o..
Ch. 3- Beast

Ch. 3- Beast

A Chapter by Amber Daniel

Days Missing: 2 9:20:19 AM Alexandria I wake up, my eyes swollen from tears. My entire body aches even more. It screams with every mo..
Ch. 4- Nightmare

Ch. 4- Nightmare

A Chapter by Amber Daniel

Days Missing: 5 1:10:36 AM Zane "No!" I'm gasping for air. I jolt up in my bed, my hands grasping at thin air. I get a hold of my..
Ch. 15- Assassins

Ch. 15- Assassins

A Chapter by Amber Daniel

Days Missing: 15 2:04:38 PM Iris Everyone’s sitting in the living room again. This time, it’s Zane pacing back and forth, ..
Ch. 13- Haunted

Ch. 13- Haunted

A Chapter by Amber Daniel

*ATTENTION* After you've read this chapter, please go to the end that says Chapter 14. It's out of order because it didn't upload correctly so now it'..
Ch. 11- Prey

Ch. 11- Prey

A Chapter by Amber Daniel

Days Missing: 8 4:18:55 PM Alexandria I open the door to our room. The bed is so inviting. I stroll over and flop down on my back, letting..
Ch. 12- Wings

Ch. 12- Wings

A Chapter by Amber Daniel

Days Missing: 9 1:33:18 PM Iris I lie on my back, the wooden floor making me stiff. I press a pillow I’m holding deeper into my che..
Ch. 10- Unbreakable

Ch. 10- Unbreakable

A Chapter by Amber Daniel

Days Missing: 7 12:30:05 AM Zane My hands are shaking. The vase I threw at the wall lies shattered on the floor, water ever..
Ch. 9- Connected

Ch. 9- Connected

A Chapter by Amber Daniel

Days Missing: 7 11:32:45 PM Iris I sit on the couch, my legs pulled tightly into my chest. I eye the wall, as if it contained all the ..
Ch. 5- Victims

Ch. 5- Victims

A Chapter by Amber Daniel

Days Missing: 5 11:42:16 AM Alexandria I try to move. A whimper escapes my lips from the pain that shoots through my body with each m..
Ch. 6- Broken

Ch. 6- Broken

A Chapter by Amber Daniel

Days Missing: 5 12:01:23 AM Saxon I splayed my hand across the coarse wood that was the door, pushing it open. I entered the house, a ..
The Alley

The Alley

A Chapter by Amber Daniel

Days Missing: 15 3:35:44 PM Saxon “Saxon!” I hear Channing’s frantic voice as I swivel sharply on my heel, catch..


A Chapter by Amber Daniel

Days Missing: 15 4:11:57 PM Alexandria I sit in a corner, my back pressed against the wall. Aiden and Lex sit together in the distance..


A Chapter by Amber Daniel

Days Missing: 15 4:52:59 PM Alexandria The three of us stare at him, shocked. Lennox stares back, his blue eyes telling the truth. "Lis..