Cosplay Cover

Cosplay Cover

A Chapter by Davey-sama

Night fell. Mia and Yue were sat awkwardly in their room. Mia was too afraid to say anything in case she triggered Yue’s new personality. Instead she stared down at her thumbs, which she twiddled nervously.

“What’s wrong?” Yue asked sitting down next to her. Mia couldn’t muster up any kind words to reply. “You haven’t said anything since that Aaeru girl left.”

Mia was unable to hold it in any longer. She stood up in a fit of rage and began screaming. “What do you expect me to say huh?” Yue didn’t quite expect the reaction she was getting and sat there with wide eyes. “You tried to kill Lucia for f**k sake. F*****g f**k f**k f**k!” She continued to scream.

Her fury began to react with the virus inside of her body. Her eyes became bright yellow and veins surfaced around them. Her body started to bulk as if another person was trying to escape from her.

“I couldn’t help it!” Yue retaliated, tears forming in her eyes. “You make me feel so f*****g small when you’re off flirting with other girls. If they weren’t there then I wouldn’t lose you!”

“Fine. If I have to prove some s**t to you then I won’t go out!” At this moment she was on her knees.

Yue stood there, watching Mia thrash on the floor in pain from her triggered mutation. She didn’t know what to do.

Mia grunted, desperately trying to take control back. The skin in her arm began to dissolve only leaving black muscles. The muscles extended and twisted smoothing out. The pain stopped. She lifted her face from the pool of tears she had left on the floor and stared down at what used to be her arm. “Tendril whip” She said to herself, admiring it.

“Isn’t that what Lucia struck you with?” Yue asked, now knelt down next to Mia. She touched it. “It’s warm.”

“Well obviously, it’s a part of me. Just, I wanna know when it’ll change back.”

“It shouldn’t be too long should it? Why don’t you get some sleep and see how it is in the morning.” Yue kissed her cheek and whispered in her ear. “Please stay in tomorrow.”

Mia nodded solemnly.

Aaeru watched the clouds from her window; they floated gracefully by. “They look so soft.” She mumbled to herself. “I wish I could fly away.” She sighed and buried her head in her hand. “I want to go to another world.” A noise below her caught her attention. Mia was opening her apartment window a couple floors down. Aaeru grinned; pleased.

Mia flopped on her bed and exhaled irritated. She was stuck in this tiny apartment while Yue and everyone else were outside enjoying the nice weather.

A small bang spooked her. Aaeru was sat on her windowsill holding out the peace sign with her fingers; her free hand was grasping a rope and a huge grin plastered across her face. “Aaeru?” Mia said shocked. “Did you climb all the way down here on that rope?”

“Yep!” She replied pleased with herself.

Mia let out a small laugh. “You really are a funny girl.”

“So why aren’t you out enjoying the sun?” Aaeru sat down next to her.

Mia frowned and looked at the floor.“Yue asked me to stay in.”

“Why though?”

“So I didn’t end up seeing you.” Mia anxiously chuckled

“Did I do something wrong?” Aaeru’s face suddenly turned serious, her stare made Mia feel incredibly uneasy. Unable to look her in the eye she began to twiddle her thumbs.

“She’s been getting really jealous lately. About other girls and things,” Mia began to explain. “She attacked one of my friends as well. But that was my fault. I shouldn’t have kissed her,” As Aaeru listened, her expression became softer. “I’m so confused about everything, about all these feelings that have been building up inside me. About this thing I’ve turned into,” Mia gripped the front of her shirt tightly. “And now Yue’s hurting and it’s my entire fault.” Mia’s snivelling echoed throughout the room.

Konata was leant against Mia’s apartment door listening in. It’s not your fault Mia, I’m the reason Yue got like that. She thought to herself clenching her fists. She was right. Numerous flashbacks played endlessly in her mind. The guilt swallowed her whole and shook the petite body she possessed. But then everyone’s sanity had been dancing on edge with the recent happenings.

It was harmless fun, right? Konata began to scowl viciously at herself, she couldn’t deny the shame. I didn’t mean anything by it. It’s how I’ve always been. Light footsteps alerted her that someone was coming down the hall. Her heart stopped when she realised who. Yue. Gradually the footsteps got louder. S**t! I have to think of something quick.

Inside the apartment things had calmed down. Aaeru hadn’t contributed to the conversation; instead she held Mia and encouraged her feelings to pour out until silence thickened the room. The silence was her cue to speak.

“Never blame anything on yourself.” She smiled. “The blame lies with no one. No one is to blame for the world becoming cruel and no one is to blame for what has happened to you,” Mia looked up from her lap at Aaeru. “If you make a mistake there’s no point in feeling sorry for yourself. You have to learn from it.”

A sudden bang made them both jump. “Yue, back so soon?” Konata’s voice bellowed through the door.

“S**t, it’s Yue. Why’s she back?” Mia panicked.

“What do I do? I’m too young to die!” Aaeru whispered loudly.

“Get under the bed!” With that straight forward instruction Aaeru dived under just as the door was opening and Mia sat on it. “Y-Yue, what’s up? You’re back early.” She laughed nervously.

“I forgot my purse, is something wrong?” Yue replied slightly suspicious.

She tried to smile. “Wrong? What? No, nothing’s wrong everything’s fine, why?”

“You’re acting wei- Why is there a rope coming through the window?”

“Rope?” Mia looked over to what she was pointing at. “Oh! That rope. Well, you see I got kind of bored so I thought I’d do some exercising.”

“On a rope?” Mia could tell that Yue was getting more suspicious, she had to think of something quick.

To Mia’s rescue Konata barged through the door. “Mia, you finished with your exercise already? Wow, you are amazing!” Konata shouted with a strong pose.

Mia looked at her shocked and then went along with it sharing her enthusiasm in the act. She stood up and pointed at Konata. “No exercise you give me will bring me down!” She shouted putting on a heroic deep voice.

Yue was now confused. She looked over at Konata who had somehow changed into a tuxedo with a cape, on her head a top hat sat perfectly and covering her face was a black mask. “I am the strongest villain in the world!” She evilly laughed.

“When the hell did you change?!” Yue asked even more puzzled, but they ignored her. Are they... Acting? She thought as she looked over at Mia who was now dressed as ‘Makka’ from the Anime ‘Soul Eater’.

“Shut up or I’ll take your soul!” She pointed at Konata.

No... They’re cosplaying… “You’re both geeks.” Yue sighed and walked out the door.

Konata took the mask off her face and exhaled deeply in relief. “That was a close one.” She said continuing to take off her costume.

“I’m not quite sure what happened, but I’m grateful.” Mia thanked her also removing what she had over her clothes.

“Well you should be, if we had messed up we would have been fucked.”

“But, how did you know what was going on?”

“I was walking past and overheard you. You talk loud.”

“Ah, sorry for your trouble,” Mia turned towards the bed. “Aaeru, you can come out now.”

Aaeru poked her head out from her hiding place and scanned the room before she crawled out. The room became awkward. “Soooo...” Aaeru began.

“I’m gonna go elsewhere. Don’t get caught” Konata grinned at them both.

“I don’t know why we’re hiding it, it’s not like we’ve done anything wrong.” Mia muttered turning to Aaeru.

“Hmm, talk to Yue tonight about it. She needs to lig-” An explosion outside caught them unaware. “What was that?!”

“Aaeru, you got your baton?” Mia asked with a serious look, Aaeru nodded pulling it out and extending it like she did before. “Right, we’re going to use the window.”

“Wait, Mia!” Konata shouted, but it was too late. They had already left without her. “S**t!” Not knowing what to do or what was going on she approached the window hastily.

A group of Virus’ were plaguing the camp, lives were struggling to stay. But then she saw it. In a flash everyone was being saved. It was almost frightening seeing someone so close to her rip through the flesh of former beings with such velocity. A girl with a human heart that possessed a demon body. This would be such a good anime. She thought to herself. “Well, they’re going to be finished soon, may as well go out and see them.” She sighed.

Everyone thanked Mia for prolonging their lives for a short while longer, she became known as their hero; an ‘angel’ sent by God to free them from this hell. Ignorance was their new form of love, and that love spread through them like a disease.

“Are you okay Yue?” Mia asked grabbing her hand.

Yue looked up at her with such a gentle smile. “I am now.” She replied.

“Mia something’s wrong.” Lucia interrupted the sentimental moment.

“Huh? What do you mean?” She replied confused.

“I think there’s someone behind this. I think I know who.” Lucia stared beyond the front gate at a silhouette merging towards them slowly. Everyone else turned towards the unknown figure.

“A survivor!” A man shouted.

“Survivor?” Mia said to herself quietly.

As the figure came into view his blond hair waved charmingly in the wind. He wore his black suit perfectly; not one crease or rip. His mysterious blue eyes fixed on Lucia’s calm gaze. He stood tall before them. “Madam Lucia, it’s nice to see you're still alive.” He smiled.

“You too Douro.” She didn’t return any emotion.

“But why are these human’s still alive?”

“I was captured upon coming here and I was rescued by the Zusshu I intended to kill. I owe her my life.”

“Oh?” He looked at Mia who was stood next to Lucia holding onto Yue’s hand. “You must be the Zusshu.”

“Zusshu?” Mia asked; she was shaken by an incredible force she could feel emanating from him.

“Crossbreed. A demon hybrid. Therefore you are Zusshu. It’s a much better name than ‘demon’.” He turned his attention to Lucia again. “You have betrayed us.”

The quickness of his movement was alarming. He held Yue by her arms a dozen feet away from them, after they all comprehended what happened they gasped.

“Yue!” Mia called.

Douro smiled knowingly. “And now I will kill your ‘friends’ one. By. One.” With great force he slowly pulled Yue’s arms apart pulling harder by each second. The frantic screaming froze everyone who watched.

The pain was unbearable, it was nothing like she had ever felt. Being shot was like a mosquito bite compared to it. The pop from her shoulder’s triggered her to screech louder. Silence struck her enhancing the sound of her flesh tearing and her body hitting the floor. She was left verbally paralysed by the agony.

“Your friend dropped something.” Douro said as he threw Yue’s severed arms at Mia’s feet.

Lucia scowled and charged into attack him whilst everyone was frozen. Mia stared down at her girlfriend's arms. Her breathing was shaky, her eyes wide, her mind reliving that moment over and over again. She could feel it. Something calling out to her. The heat coursing throughout her entire being. She became one with hatred.

Lucia was knocked down hard at the feet of Douro. Before she could stand up he stomped viciously on her kneecaps rendering her immobile. She screamed out.

“Now you can watch without interfering.” He smirked, turning towards Konata who was stock-still with fright.

She flinched at his charge bracing herself, but instead was embraced by a warmth. She opened her eyes to Mia.

“Huh?” Douro became confused. “I see.” He said when he spotted Mia holding Konata far left of him. “You’re fast girl. I can give you that.”

“You.” Mia muttered dropping Konata to the floor.

“Hm? Speak up.” He mocked

“YOU!” She roared viciously. A strong wind suddenly exploded from Mia making everyone struggle to keep their balance. The force was powerful and the energy overwhelming.

“What is this?!” Douro shouted disturbed. Mia appeared in front of him. Her inhuman scowl frightened him and without a second thought she stabbed her arm sword through his chest and ripped him in half. She glared down at him malevolently.

“M-maybe.. Demon was the right word.” He smirked before having his head cut off. Mia’s arm changed back rapidly and she fell to her knees panting.

“Mia!” Konata screamed.

“Yue..” Mia’s voice cracked.

Everyone was sat around Yue crying as Mia cradled her; apart from Lucia who was focusing on healing her legs.

“You’re going to be okay. Medics are on their way.” Mia spoke gently.

“I’m.. So cold.” Yue whispered.

Mia couldn’t hold it in any longer; she couldn’t be strong. Her eyes flooded with grief that gently spilled over Yue’s pale face. “I can’t lose you,” She whimpered. “Don’t you dare die on me!”

© 2017 Davey-sama

Author's Note

please let me know of any mistakes,

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Added on February 8, 2017
Last Updated on February 8, 2017
Tags: horror, harem, fantasy



Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Name's Dave. Nice to meet you. I like writing. more..

Dead Debut Dead Debut

A Chapter by Davey-sama