chapter 7:Darkness unfolds

chapter 7:Darkness unfolds

A Chapter by Rayner Ramsay

Michael now knows the truth behind dark energy.It is a combination of pure dark matter and dark energy mixed together to form potent liquid that corrupts even the noblest.

Deecar grabbed hold of Michael's arm.His face immediately went from that of concern to fear."You need to hurry Michael before all is lost."
"What did you see when you touched me?"
"I saw what should not happen.It is up to you to prevent an apocalypse from breaking out,so go now,stop Leahcim."
Michael shook his hand then headed off.He eventually made it out of the valley and on a hill over looking Heaven City."There it is."But he then noticed that standing outside of the city was an army of killer robots.They looked spine tingling terrifying.They had blades,chainsaws,and lasers.They were awaiting orders.
A robot that was designed to look like Leahcim,walked out in front of the army."This city stands before us in defiance!We will take this city by storm and let it be known to the rest of the world that they are not better than us!"
Michael frowned."What is that lunatic talking about?"
"This city is like Sanctuary!It stands as a symbol of man kinds achievements! So I say we tear the walls down and destroy the city!" The Leahcim robot stood aside as a machine was wheeled out.It looked like a giant flash light.And where the light bulb would usually sit was instead like the harpoon laser.The glass began to spiral slowly,charging up what appeared to be dark energy.
Michael's mouth dropped when he saw what it was."A dark energy amplifier?How the hell did he create one of those?"
"Fire the machine!"The machine whizzed and shot of small electrical sparks as a beam of black light fired from it.The beam hit directly in to the wall creating cracks to splinter through it.The Leahcim robot looked to the hill and saw Michael standing on top of it."It's him.Kill him!!!"
A portion of the army turned to Michael's direction and marched towards him."This is gonna sting."Michael felt an energy impulse like never before.He suddenly caught flame but did not get hurt.Instead,Michael found this to amplify his powers.He drew his sword and held hit at his side ready to take on the small number of enemies.The army marched towards him with weapons ready,Michael also at the ready.Once they made it to him he tore through them one by one.He sliced,dices,tore in two,crushed,and demolished all of them.He then turned his gaze to the city and saw flames rising out over it.
The city was built exactly like Sanctuary as a symbol of respect to the rebirth of earth.In the center of the city was a building that housed the mayor.Michael  sprinted down towards the city in an effort to save it.He came to the hole in the wall then burst through it.Once on the other side he found the city was turning black.The darkness devouring the city was originating from the mayors building.Michael ran as fast as he could to get to the building,but once he was there he found the doors to be impenetrable.He blasted the doors with an air blast,fire blast, and an energy blast,none of them proving worthy.
Michael charged a fire blast within his arms then fired it at the doors point blank,the heat causing them to melt away."Time to kick some a*s."He ran inside only to find a gun pointing at him."You don't want to do this."
"I don't want to shoot you Michael."
"Why are you helping the enemy?"
"I have no choice."
"If you want to do this then I will have no choice but to put and end to you."
"Then so be it."
"Fine then George." 
George ran at Michael and tried to punch him but Michael side stepped.George swung his leg to trip Michael and was successful.Michael fell to the ground with a thud,but as George was about to stomp on his head,Michael rolled away. Michael jumped to his feet and got ready for round two.
"Come on George.Or can't your old body handle it?"
"I'm forty not twenty."
"Then try this on for size!"Michael punched him in the stomach with forced George to lurch forward.Michael then brought his knee up and kneed him square in the face making him stumble backwards.
George pulled out his gun once more."Die!"
"What?!"Michael crouched down and charged a small fire blast.He then released it causing the flames to burn George's face.
"My face!!"Screamed George, running from the room.
"Coward!" Michael went after him.He went up ten stories and came to the top floor.Before him stood two huge steel doors that were bolted to the wall.In the center sat some kind of strange lock.He pulled out his sword and stabbed the lock with it.He charged a small amount of energy into his sword allowing it to blow up the lock.Once it was removed,Michael kicked open the doors.Inside of the room were book cases,a desk,and heaps of animal heads.
George was high in the air being held by the Leahcim robot."Please,I did what you ask me to do."
"You failed to kill him!"Out of the arm of the robot was a blade that ended in a hook.The hook curled over top of the bottom blade but had a razor sharp edge.
The robot stabbed the blade deep within George's abdomen."Failure is not acceptable." He then lifted him through the air and cast him out the window."Have a nice fall."
"That is enough Leahcim!"Yelled Michael.
"You're giving me a lecture?You do not give superiors lectures!"
"What have you done to the city?"
"I have inserted a dark energy crystal into the cities central power core,thus allowing the flow of dark energy to spread across the city rapidly."
"I don't have time for this.Why are you attacking this city?!"
"Beneath this place is Dueldoix's tomb.I will find a way to get into then awaken him."
"This is the talk of a mad man."
"I have been mad since my first creation."
"The you have a chance to change that.Take my hand and I can help you turn over a new leaf."
The Leahcim robot stared at him with sympathy in its heart.Sadness was its new song."You would really do that for me?"
The Leahcim robot held out its hand to him."I never imagined anyone caring for me.Not even my creator cared for me when he created me."
"I will."
"I suppose."The Leahcim robot smiled evilly at Michael."But that would be something  a sap would do!"It laughed as it took Michael's hand and spun him round until it let go of him.Michael flew hard against the wall and could not get up."What's the matter Michael?Did that hurt you?" It walked over to Michael and picked him up by his throat,choking him by letting him dangle in the air.
Michael gasped for air as the hand around his throat."Stop this..."

The Leahcim robot smiled."Good night princess." It head butted Michael forcing him to unconscious."I have things that require my personal attention."

© 2014 Rayner Ramsay

Author's Note

Rayner Ramsay

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Added on February 14, 2014
Last Updated on February 15, 2014
Tags: action, adventure, super hero, futuristic


Rayner Ramsay
Rayner Ramsay

Hamilton, Enderley, New Zealand

I am a new father who is trying to keep everything in tact.While I tend to my baby,I also try to tend to my passion.Writing. more..

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A Chapter by Rayner Ramsay

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A Chapter by Rayner Ramsay

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A Chapter by Rayner Ramsay