Suits you Perfectly

Suits you Perfectly

A Chapter by Babyrhinos

Another villain


      Previously... on Spiderman...


        "Okay bank, prepared to be robbed, by the not Spiderman..." Spiderman said as he slipped on a new suit...


       Mr. Op screamed, "AHH!!! I'm turning green!" his skin became green and got bumpy. He roared as a tail appeared and his whole body turned green. Then his muscles grew stronger! And he got spikes running along his back, "WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO ME!?" Mr. Op went into a rampage! He picked up his stand and tossed it at one of the students, luckily he was able to get out of the way before it hit him.


        Spiderman sighed, "Look you can't help me! You're human, and you have no powers! You're wasting my time! Go now!"

       Roy frowned, "A waste of time? Is that what you think I am?"

       Spiderman ignored him and swung away.

       Roy sighed, "He's right..." he stopped himself, "Wait..."


       Spiderman sighed, "I can't hold him off... much... longer..."

       Suddenly, a bolt of lightning striked The Creature! The Creature fell to his knees, "I can't... move..." he said as he collapsed.      

       Spiderman looked up to see Shocko flying in the air and a puff of smoke still giving out from his finger tips, "Why did you help me?" Spiderman asked. Suddenly a thought popped into his head, "He's just trying to act like my friend but he just wants revenge!" he frowned, "NICE TRY!" he leaped into the air and punched Shocko into the ground, "I'm not going to fall for it!" He landed on top of him, "I want to see your face when I end you!" he punched off the mask to see Roy sitting there in shock.

       Roy smiled, "Hi! I kind of fixed the suit."

       Spiderman laughed, "You gave me a scare there for a second." Suddenly Spiderman's suit shot out a blade that pierced Roy's solar plexus, "NO!" he screamed as Roy passed out. The world froze as a million thoughts raced through Spiderman's mind, "I need to get you to a hospital..." he gasped.


Now back to the present...


       Spiderman quickly threw off Shocko's suit and picked up Roy, "It'll be okay... I promise!" he said as he set Roy on his shoulders and started webbing down the road, "WHY DID THE SUIT DO THAT?!" he thought. Then another voice inside him said, "We don't need him... we are our only friends..." Spiderman frowned, "The suit has a mind of its own... It's a symbiote!" he thought. Spiderman reached the hospital and brought Roy in, "WE NEED TO GET THIS KID TO THE E.R. STAT!"

       A nurse nodded and motioned for a stretcher, Spiderman set Roy on it and watched as the rolled him away. Spiderman's eyes swelled up with tears, "I'm not going to loose the one person that cares about me..." Spiderman turned around and left the building.

       When he got outside, White Cat landed on the side of the wall, "Spiderman, is that boy okay?" she asked.

       Spiderman frowned and felt the anger boiling he spun around and shot two tentacles that slammed her into the wall, "I DON'T KNOW!!!! He might die! THE ONE PERSON IN THE WORLD THAT..." he stopped. He pulled back the tentacles and dropped her, "Roy wouldn't want me acting like this..." he thought.

       White Cat gasped for air, "What was that all about?!" she yelled.

       Spiderman frowned, "sorry Cat... I gotta go..." he turned around and started swinging away.

       White Cat frowned, "What is going on?"


       Spiderman landed on a rooftop, "I'm sorry Mr. Symbiote... but you gotta go..." he grabbed hold of the suit and ripped it apart, luckily he had his human clothes under it. He looked at the symbiote laying on the ground. But suddenly, the symbiote came together and formed Spiderman!!!

       John gasped, "WHAT THE?!"

       The symbiote Spiderman smiled, "I was only on you to copy your body! Now I am as strong as you were when you were wearing me... I can even show your true face! I can ruin your life, and of course, end it..."

       John quickly webbed a nearby pipe and threw it at the symbiote Spiderman and took off, "I'm out of here Spiderman-wait a second... this is going to get confusing..."

       The symbiote Spiderman dodged and yelled, "Okay then I'll make it easier, just call me the Spiderdeath..." He quickly webbed John's feet and threw him into the air.

       John hit the ground, "Oww!!!!" he leaped to his feet and webbed the pipe again, this time he threw it at the Spiderdeath's feet.

       Spiderdeath dodged it, but when the pipe hit the ground, it made a high pitched vibration. Spiderdeath started to come apart for a split second but then returned to his original form.

       John gasped, "VIBRATIONS! He hates high pitched vibrations!" Spiderdeath picked up John using a tentacle then shot a giant blade out right at him!

       Suddenly, White Cat appeared and broke the blade, "Spiderman stop! What is wrong with you?!"

       Spiderdeath smiled, "Oh, I've changed White Cat!" he laughed and fired another blade, this time towards her!

       "I CAN'T LOOSE HER!!!" he thought. He struggled with all his might and broke the tentacles, "CHRISTY!!!!" he yelled as he webbed the blade and tossed it back at Spiderdeath. It stabbed into him and threw him off the roof. John landed on the ground in front of White Cat.

       White Cat gasped, "John?!" she started stumbling. John realized she was going to faint! He leaped forward and caught her.


       John got home and laid the unconscious White Cat on the bed, "I'm sorry, but I have to go and see Roy." He turned and jumped out the window.



       Venom laughed, "I didn't doubt you for a second!"

       Spiderdeath frowned, "I? Not we?"

       Venom rolled his eyes, "Okay I did doubt you, but I didn't..."

       Spiderdeath scratched his head, "That is a little confusing... but back to business... Spiderman will stop at nothing til I am destroyed, he already knows my weakness... so what should we do?"

       Venom smiled, "We have a plan... we find him, then you start a fight... then we come in and double team him!" Venom laughed an evil laugh.

       Spiderdeath frowned, "But he knows our weakness, he could take us both down..."

       Venom shrugged, "Good point... well we have another plan... instead of hurting him on the outside... why not hurt him mentally instead? That way, he'll have a broken heart, so his fighting won't be as motivated... and sense you know his secret identiy, it'll be easy for us to do..."

       Spiderdeath smiled, "I know just the man to go to... Roy..."


       At the Hospital


      "Doctor, will he be okay?" John asked as the doctor picked up some papers, "Give it to me straight... will he live?"

       The doctor shrugged, "It is VERY hard to tell right now, the cut had pierced some his important body parts, but only slightly. I just can't give you a serious answer right now."

       John sighed and left the building, "Well, some hero I turned out to be..." he said to himself as he walked down the road. Suddenly, he heard a sound, he spun around to see two shadowy figures run towards the side of the hospital, "Okay... action will get my mind off of this..." he quickly threw on his Spiderman outfit and made his way to the shadowy figures.

       "Are you sure that this is the place?" Venom said as he looked through the window.

       Spiderdeath nodded, "I was here when he was laid down..."

       Venom sighed, "Who is this, Spiderman, anyway?"

       Spiderdeath smiled, "It's Peter Parker's son, John Parker."

       Venom slapped his forehead, "DOH! Of course!"

       Spiderdeath rolled his eyes, "I'm surprised you hadn't figured it out earlier..."

       Spiderman watched as they talked, "Venom... and Spiderdeath... they both know my secret identity now... this is bad... real bad..." He thought.

       Spiderdeath frowned, "Why don't we just get to business? I'll open the door then you kill Roy, then we make our escape... easy as that."

       Spiderman gasped, "NO!!!!" he yelled as he jumped towards them. He quickly webbed Venom and threw him into Spiderdeath, he landed on the ground then webbed them both. Then he tossed them down the road, "YOU AREN'T GOING TO HURT HIM!!!" he yelled as he webbed a fire hydrant and pulled it out of the ground, "EVER!!!!" he tossed the fire hydrant into Spiderdeath.

       Spiderdeath quickly recovered and shot a tentacle that grabbed onto Spiderman, "Spiderman, my greatest enemy. How do you do?" he said as he tossed Spiderman up into the air. When Spiderman started falling he shot out another tentacle which impaled him into the ground, "I hope you're doing terrible..."

       Spiderman got up slowly, "I gotta keep them away from Roy." he thought. He looked at Spiderdeath, "Hey where'd your friend, Venom go?" Then something, or someone, grabbed hold of Spiderman! He looked up to see Venom, "YOU DIDN'T TRIGGER MY SPIDERSENSE!" he gasped.

       Venom laughed, "That's right wall crawler!" he quickly tossed Spiderman into the ground, "Let us end this as we ended it with your father..." he kept Spiderman on the ground using his tentacles, "THIS WILL BE THE END OF OUR TROUBLES!!!!" he yelled as he smashed his fist into Spiderman.

       Spiderman groaned, "Ouch..."

       Venom laughed and repeated the routine over and over again. Spiderman was getting smashed into the ground, and Spiderman couldn't move! Venom kept repeating what he was doing.

       Spiderman quickly dodged one of the fists then crawled up on Venom's back, "OH NO YOU DON'T!" he yelled!

       But then Venom grabbed Spiderman and threw him back into the ground, then he repeated the process over again!!!! Venom laughed as Spiderman groaned with each hit.

       Suddenly, White Cat came out of nowhere and kicked Venom into Spiderdeath. White Cat helped Spiderman up, "Are you okay, John?"

       Spiderman smiled, "Call me Spiderman..." Spiderman faced Spiderdeath and Venom, "They don't like high pitched vibrations, know where we could find some?"

       White Cat nodded, "A dog collar is supposed to give super high pitched tones. If we could rewire one, we may be able to make it go off without a bark!"

       Spiderman sighed, "You did it again Cat..." he quickly leaped into the air and started swinging down the road.

       Spiderman landed right next to the pet store, "okay... just act natural..." he opened the door and everyone gasped. Spiderman walked over to the counter, "Could I have two dog collars?"

       The lady's eyes got wide, "Uhh... sure... yeah..." she went under the counter and got them, "here." she said as she handed them over.

       Spiderman smiled, "thanks..." he turned around and left. When he got out White Cat landed on a nearby rooftop, "Hey Cat! Could you rewire this? You've always gotten better grades in chemistry, science, and math." he tossed the dog collars to White Cat.

       White Cat smiled, "Of course." She sat back and got to work, "okay prepare yourself. We won't hear much, but they will. Now who are you taking? Venom or Spiderdeath?"

       Spiderman shrugged, "Hmm... the freak that is good looking... or a freak that is as ugly as a hippo's butt... I'll go with Spiderdeath!" Spiderman smiled and took a collar, "Let us kick butt..."

       When they reached Venom and Spiderdeath...


       Spiderman grabbed onto Spiderdeath, "Come here boy..." he said as he tried to slip on the collar.

       White Cat laughed, "You're as slippery as poison!" she said as she put the collar on, "Easy as pie..."

       Spiderman groaned, "maybe I should have taken Venom..." Spiderman fought with Spiderdeath but couldn't get the collar on.

       Venom, having some troubles of his own, was falling apart. He was screaming and was in deep pain.

       Spiderdeath tossed Spiderman into a wall, "NOW SPIDERMAN PREPARE TO FACE YOUR DOOM!" he said as he fired out a blade.

       Spiderman leaped out of the way then webbed Spiderdeath, "GOOD BOY!" He yelled as he threw the collar on, "Mission accomplished..." Spiderman said as Spiderdeath broke out in a tantrum.

       Spiderdeath fell on the ground and fought to keep himself alive, "SPIDERMAN!!!!"

       Spiderman sighed, "Wow, I guess I'm not such a bad hero after all..."

       Spiderdeath tried to pull off the collar, but everytime he touched it he would just feel more pain, "WHY?!?" he said as he fell on the ground, "WHY DO THE BADGUYS ALWAYS HAVE TO LOOSE!?" he yelled.

       White Cat grabbed Spiderdeath and flung him into Venom, "Ha ha!"

       Venom felt the anger boiling inside of him, "NO!!!" he yelled as he broke the collar, "STOP!!!!" he said as he grabbed hold of Spiderman.

       Spiderman braced himself for an attack. When Venom did nothing Spiderman spoke up, "Umm... are you goin to do something?"

       Venom scowled, "We will always hate you... but Spiderdeath resembles you so much, that we hate him also... we'll work together to defeat him, for he is even more like you then you are yourself..." Venom dropped Spiderman on the ground.

       Spiderman smiled, "Looks like he's already defeated..."

       Venom frowned, "No way... Spiderdeath is too strong... he will not be defeated by vibrations..."

       Spiderman sighed, "Right... now what?"

       Venom sighed, "The only logical thing to do would be to send him back into space where he belongs, so that is what we'll do..."

       Spiderman groaned, "Idiot... how are we going to get him into space?"

       Venom laughed, "Did you think that Spiderdeath just found a meteor that was headed for Central Park? NO! It's a space ship!"

       Spiderman gasped, "Of course! That explains it!" Spiderman smiled, "So we just need to get him to Central Park, then put him on the meteor then send him off?"

       Venom nodded, "That would be correct..."

       Spiderman looked at White Cat, "Did you catch that?"

       White Cat nodded, "Got it!" she grabbed hold of Spiderdeath then flung him into the air. Spiderman quickly gave Spiderdeath a kick that sent him flying. Then Venom grabbed onto him with his tentacles then started making his way to Central Park.

       When they arrived their Spiderdeath understood what they were trying to do and struggled harder, he finally broke loose of the collar! He quickly grabbed Venom and flung him into White Cat then webbed Spiderman and threw him into a tree, "YOU CANNOT DEFEAT ME!" he yelled as he grabbed the ground with his tentacles, "HA HA HA!" he laughed as he started pulling out part of the earth.

       Spiderman leaped to his feet and webbed Spiderdeath, "HI YA!" he yelled as he hurled Spiderdeath towards Venom, "HEADS UP!" he warned.

       Venom heard the warning and slammed Spiderdeath with his tentacle as hard as he could. Spiderdeath fell into the ground, "VENOM!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! You'll never defeat Spiderman without my help!!!!" he screamed angrily.

       Venom frowned, "We would never be able to defeat you by ourselves either... and since we know Spiderman's identity we don't need you!"

       Spiderdeath frowned, "THEN WE'LL CHANGE THAT!" he grabbed onto Venom's head with his tentacle and started wiping Venom's mind, "NOW YOU'LL FORGET EVERYTHING ABOUT JOHN PARKER!"

       Venom came out of the trance and fell to the ground, unconscious.

       Spiderman smiled, "Wow like all the badguys are helping me today!" Spiderman landed in front of Spiderdeath, "Okay freak 2... lets dance..."

       Spiderdeath quickly fired a blade, but Spiderman webbed it and threw it back. But Spiderdeath easily dodged it, then he turned around and fired his tentacles! He lifted Spiderman off the ground then threw him back into the ground. Spiderman quickly recovered then webbed two nearby trash cans then sandwiched Spiderdeath. Spiderdeath threw back the trash cans then webbed onto Spiderman and threw him into the meteor's crater.

       Spiderman smiled, "Now we're getting somewhere..." he thought. He quickly webbed Spiderdeath and threw him onto the disguised ship. Then he looked down at the meteor, "This doesn't have any controls!!!!" he said.

       Spiderdeath laughed, "Only a symbiote can control this ship! YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING! HA HA!"

       "But we can..." Venom said as he got up, "Just cause we don't know who Spiderman is doesn't mean we still want you around!" He said as he made the ship take off.

       Spiderdeath managed to yell three words out before he blasted off, "I HATE YOU!!!!!"

       Spiderman smiled, "WE ALL HATE YOU TOO!!!" he turned and face White Cat, "Thanks..." he turned and faced Venom, "Thanks I-"

       Venom punched Spiderman into the air then smashed him into the ground, "NOW THAT SPIDERDEATH IS GONE IT IS TIME FOR ME TO FINISH YOU!" He yelled as he grabbed Spiderman and threw him into a tree.

       Spiderman tried to get up, but couldn't...

       White Cat came in and punched Venom back, "STAY AWAY!" she said as she punched Venom again.

       Spiderman lifted up his hand and webbed Venom, "UGH!" he grunted as he tossed Venom behind him, deep into the city..."

       White Cat dropped by Spiderman's side, "Are you okay?"

       Spiderman nodded, "Yeah, just a bit winded... just take me home so I can change, then I'm going to go and see Roy..."

       White Cat nodded, "okay..."

       Spiderman started to get up but then collapsed, "Ouch... my leg..."

       White Cat shook her head, "Your leg looks really messed up..."

       Spiderman frowned, "just take me to see Roy..."


       At the hospital


       John walked in with a cane, "Is Roy okay?"

       The doctor smiled, "yes he's fine. You can go see him if you want! He will have to stay in the hospital for a while, but..."

       John entered the room, "Roy?"

       Roy looked up at John, "Hey... so... why'd you stab me?"

       John looked into what looked like, his serious eyes... they weren't...

       Roy broke out in laughter, "Don't worry! I understand, I saw you fight that clone of yours on TV! Told you to check out that suit..."

       John looked down at the ground, "I don't know if I can do this Roy..."

       Roy frowned, "Do what?"

       John sighed, "Be Spiderman... I mean... look at the trouble I've gotten you into, and think about all the pain and suffering comes to those who know me..."

       Roy sat up in his bed and grabbed onto John's shoulder, "If I die... I expect you to stay Spiderman... if New York gets destroyed, I expect you to move to another town and save lives there... You are Spiderman... that is who you are, never deny it... Never..." Roy fell back against his pillow and sighed, "Never..." he started getting sleepy, "never....." he finally fell asleep.

       John looked down at the ground again, "Roy... you are truly, the greatest friend I ever had..."




       "Okay so my life may not be perfect... but I have great friends, a girl that I love, and I'm a hero... but I know now what I've been doing wrong..." I thought as I sat up looking over New York city, "I've always felt like the whole city depended on me... and if I slipped up once, I'm not good enough to be a hero... I was wrong... I'm only what I want to be... nobody needs to depend on you for you to do good. If I did my whole life over, then I would change nothin. I'm thankful in spite of this experience, because everything has come clear to me... I finally understood what my dad meant when he said... with great power, comes great responsibility..." the sounds of sirens soared through the sky. Spiderman sighed, "Same old...same old..." he jumped down off the building and swung away.



       A shadowy figure walked over towards Shocko's suit that was laying on the ground. He picked it up, "That last item is secure sir." he said into his walkie talkie, "I'll be ready with the delivery in an hour or so."

       Then a reply came, "Good... Spiderman... prepare to meet your doom..."


       To be continued..........................................................

© 2009 Babyrhinos

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Added on July 13, 2009



Oceano, CA

I love writing stories. I started when I was in 3rd grade. I wrote a little comedy series, but soon I came up with new ideas and began writing them on a site called (it was great) but t.. more..

Broken Hearts Broken Hearts

A Chapter by Babyrhinos