Prologue:  One of Many Lives Ruined

Prologue: One of Many Lives Ruined

A Chapter by ewest1220

It had been awhile since she'd been up here. The attic room where it had all began. It had been awhile since she'd thought about the event that had ruined her life...



It had been awhile since she'd been up here. The attic room where it had all began. It had been awhile since she'd thought about the event that had ruined her life.

But why, then, did she remember it so well? She could hear the voices, she could see the crib, she could feel her heart race, see her husband fall to the ground.

It was a warm day when it happened. The clear sky gave admittance to the sun's light straight overhead. She was staying in the inn at the small town of Haman on her way to visit family. Her husband was with her along with her 6 month old son.

Her husband was a blacksmith by trade. He stood around six feet tall, broad shouldered and strong. But of the two minds her's was surely the stronger. She had resolve, he didn't. She was blunt, and often, rude. He was subtle and calm.

She herself stood five and a half feet tall. Slim and slender. The face of a calm, rational woman concealed the true nature of her personality. She defended her husband and her son, and gave her all every day to see them smile.

Her son was a strange child. Though only 6 months old he seemed to have an understanding of her and her actions. When she cried his arms moved up as if to comfort her. As she hugged her child she would cry ever the harder. And as the warm tears cascaded from her swollen eyes she heard what she believed to be the voice of her son. Comforting her and calming her even as tears shook them both.

She prayed every night with her husband that he would grow up to help others, to be honest and giving. And as they fell asleep every night in their bed. She thought only of their baby of her husband. It truly was a dream come true.

So came this day, when everything changed. It was in the midst of a celebration. The day of life had come. A celebration of when the world was freed from the grasp of demons. The legend of the man named Keir. It was a name that fitted him well. He was just one piece of a great apocalypse that gripped the world. The final result of one who was a shifter for too long.

A shifter, known to most as the damned, drew his power from one of the two great forces that govern the world. Life and death, it was that simple. Many who were shifters lost their minds due to the inability to control these forces. Killing hundreds and even thousands of people before the power consumed their souls and destroyed them from the inside out. Be it life or death the end result was the same.

In fact there were only two people she knew of who had ever learned to control their power. Keir the king of death, and Anri, the woman who had destroyed him. At the cost of her own life.

Suddenly, in the midst of the celebrating crowds, she heard a tremendous explosion from the direction of the inn. She wheeled around to face the inn as an apocalyptic wind began to roar. She began to run, her husband and son were in the second floor of the building which was now being ripped apart by the furious storm.

She ran up the stairs desperately trying to find her family. Pieces of the roof crumbled and cracked as she cried out desperately for her husband. All was a mass of panic and confusion.

But just as suddenly as the storm began it subsided. She stared all around her waiting for something to happen, but nothing did. She returned to her search, crying out her husband's name. She quickened her pace, for the suddenness of the storm could only mean one thing. One of the damned had lost control.

She ran up the stairs and took the first left into her room. Her heart stopped and sank to her feet. Unable to bear the weight of her body she too fell to the floor.

Her husband lay dead on the floor, a look of shock plastered on his pale face. But her baby, her child, was unharmed in his crib. Crying as the sound of her footsteps.

As she approached the crib with cold tears filling her eyes she noticed something different about her child. His eyes were glowing a bright, vivid blue. She stared in strangled shock as the light faded from her son's face.

Realization hit her with a force that shattered her resolve. She screamed to heavens, tears flooding down her pale cheeks. Her son lifted his arms it what seemed to be an apologetic fashion. She lifted him up and held him tightly in her arms. The voice that had once born her comfort now changed tone. “I'm sorry,” she heard the voice say.

Her hard spirit shattered and faded, only to be replaced by a weakness she had never felt before. She knew that she didn't have the power to take care of this child anymore. She also knew that he would need to fight, as the damned were hunted down like animals. And she knew she had to act fast before he lost control again.

“I will not let them take you,” she said weakly. “I can no longer be your mother Issak.”

The child began to cry. As if in some small way he understood what was going on. She stood up and began her journey. Her still crying child in her arms.

She knew a man who could teach him to protect himself. She only hoped that she could reach him in time. Before Issak lost control again. “I understand,” came the voice in the back of her head. “I cannot protect you either.”

Lost in this memory, the woman looked around the room with dead eyes. Bombarded by old memories she raised her hands and let them fall. With a sickening thud, a cold knife found her dead heart.

© 2012 ewest1220

Author's Note

Alright this was copied straight from a written page so there may be typos. Please let me know where I can expand, what questions are unanswered or, really, any input you have on this book this has been a long time in the making. I have the entire book written I just need to translate it to text. Thank you guys so much for reading and for your support you guys are awesome!

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Featured Review

This wa a really powerful first chapter, presenting a fast-moving storyline.
I loved the description and feelings that evolved when your protagonist went back to the attic. Beautiful descriptive writng.
I enjoyed reading about the mother-child relationship that were beautifully written, but found it quite strange when she felt she no longer had the strength to look after her boy. An interesting tale, indeed.
I agree with an earlier review that as a reader, I would like to know more about the inn, the town, the atmosphere she encountered there. The town has a name, so it can definitely be developed.

In the 3rd paragraph I think that should be"staying at the inn in the small town of ..."

You did say you want to get in written up first and would make the changes later. I would like to see the changes now, so that I can picture the inn and the town and the community, before everything changed.

Looking forward to next chapter. A great read!

Posted 11 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

Actually some very good points you've brought up I'll see what I can do :) As far as the changes go.. read more

11 Years Ago

Always a pleasure!


Brilliance. I know a piece is going to be good when I'm hooked just moments in.

"She could hear the voices, she could see the crib, she could feel her heart race, see her husband fall to the ground." is what got me.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

Wow thanks! I'm glad you liked it!
I require more of this! It's really good so far.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

Thanks! I'm glad you liked it!
It's great :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

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11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

No problem :)
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This was very intense, an apocalyptic view into the mind of an obviously strong character dealing with a horror of epic and unspeakable proportions. A truly strong prologue to what I am sure to be an awsome story as per your usual.
Magnificently done...

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

As per my usual... lol you flatter me my friend. Thank you so much for reading and I'm thrilled tha.. read more

11 Years Ago

Just to let you know I think that you'll enjoy the rest lol just a feeling.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

Thanks! I'm glad you liked it!
So far a very good write flowing descriptive .

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

Thanks! Glad you liked it!
* She could feel her heart race
I think this is fantastic, and I really love how you left the last bit sort of hanging, like you wanted people to want to know what happens, need to know what happens

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

Thanks for pointing that out! Knew there were going to be typos so I'm glad that I had your help wi.. read more
Really good!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

Wow, what a chapter! The was you began and ended it was so perfect. The end was fantastic because I did not see it coming! How refreshing:) the concept and descriptions were good and held my interest. Well done! In paragraph 2 though you left the t off of heart. Great write! I can't wait to see where you take this
God bless

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

Wow thank you so much I'm really thrilled you liked it! Thank you so much for reading!
Lost in Wonderland

11 Years Ago

No problem:) I cant wait for the next chapter! Make sure to send me a read request when its up:3
I loved this prologue
I cant wait for more

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago


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41 Reviews
Shelved in 5 Libraries
Added on July 27, 2012
Last Updated on August 2, 2012
Tags: Book, Dark, Reflective, Fantasy



Columbia Falls, MT

I have been writing for as long as I can remember. I have been featured in about 4 books, have won several contests for my work and currently have a paperback edition of my works. (Titled "A Winter Wa.. more..

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