(RE) Them, Them and Us

(RE) Them, Them and Us

A Book by P.J. Amey

Biff, Meath, Polan and Deki are the only four who can stop an impending war between a religious city state and those who were shunned from its walls. If ignored, it may mean the damnation of everyone.


© 2016 P.J. Amey

Author's Note

P.J. Amey
This version of the book is with the help of everyone's awesome support and reviews on the BETA version of the book. Thank you so much again, I hope you enjoy! P.S. this is an EDIT not a FINAL copy.

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Added on January 8, 2016
Last Updated on July 3, 2016
Tags: love, hate, death, cabin, fear, religion, hope, forest, fantasy, fiction, life, spite, revenge, Cursed, Immortal, Struggle, Religious, Truth, Suffering, War, Peace, Real, Mat


P.J. Amey
P.J. Amey

Allentown, PA

Thank you for stopping by and reading what I have to share. Much love and thanks, -P.J. Amey more..

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A Chapter by P.J. Amey