Chapter 16

Chapter 16

A Chapter by Chloe Hickson

“In this one encounter with a Gemini agent, I feel we are putting at risk that which we have fought to maintain and build.” Sam said to the assembled leaders of the Libra resistance. “I believe that we should put Hope Moonstone out of her misery.” The room bussed in reaction to Sam’s suggestion.

          “Your honours,” Faith called from the grand entrance, “Sam’s case is wrong and I would like to present the evidence to prove my claim.”

          “The chair recognises Faith Moonstone of Quartz Minor.” Said a human male in the centre of the two elders, with a plaque that read ‘Mr Speaker’.

          “Thank you, Mr Speaker.” Faith began. “I would like to start with my most recent piece of evidence.” Faith was now in the centre of the large domed room, holding up a cylindrical see-through container with a large, green star fish like creature inside it.

          “What is that?”

          “This came out of my daughter last week. She woke up three days ago, dazed and confused with all her memories intact. It is unclassified but is definitely a parasitical being of some kind.

          “Hope Moonstone had no, or very little, control of her own action.”

          “This is irrelevant...” Sam began, but trailed off.

          “It is relevant!” the speaker cut Sam off.

          “Now Hope is riddled with ill deserved guilt. No true Gemini agent has ever shown such remorse.

          “And finally,” Faith paused and took a deep breath. “What kind of a father would suggest their own child should be shot? None! Which brings us to my final piece of evidence. Samuel is not who he claims to be.”

          A burst of chatter made its way around the room.

          “Order! Order!” the speaker shouted. Quiet fell. Then Jeremirer stood up. All eyes turned on him.

          “Faith explain yourself.” He demanded.

          “Samuel is not Samuel.” Faith began. “This thing is a shape changer.” Sam started to step back but changed his mind.

          “That is ridiculous!” Sam protested, “Shoe does not have any proof.”

          “If I could administer the Goethite test, that would be all I need to prove m words as true.” Faith said confidently. Jeremirer nodded.

          Faith began to pull a small, shinny, black, bubbly stone out of a pocket. Sam made for the door, but was caught by the guards. He yelled out in defiance and defeat.

          Faith approached Sam, with the stone in the palm of her hand. She held the stone up to Sam’s face. It melted in a pink reptile’s features. The hall gasped.

          “Hope informed me, but I was too angry at the time to do anything about it.” Faith explained.

          “Hope will live for now.” Faith’s grandfather declared. “Prisoner, what is your real name?”

          The shape changer spat on the floor. “My name,” it said in a dry, husky voice, “is Lapis. Lapis Lazuli.”

          The hall was stunned into silence.

          “Take the prisoner to a cell.” Jeremirer ordered. “This session is over.”

          Faith ran from the room in glee. Her daughter was safe. For now.

© 2016 Chloe Hickson

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Added on December 7, 2016
Last Updated on December 7, 2016


Chloe Hickson
Chloe Hickson

Bexhill-On-Sea, East sussex, United Kingdom

Also on Wattpad as chloe hickson5 will publish original works on both sites. Student who writes to relax and wants to share ideas more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Chloe Hickson

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by Chloe Hickson

Chapter 3 Chapter 3

A Chapter by Chloe Hickson