Not really the 1st chapter. It'll make sense later

Not really the 1st chapter. It'll make sense later

A Chapter by Veronica

I remembered the day so clearly. Well... I thought I did. We were walking like we
always did, on the right side of the road. Cars buzzing by. Ashleigh and I would walk next to each other while my mom walked in front of us. Just a normal day. But something about that day made me feel weird. A firetruck came out of no where and made me jump. I looked at the firetruck but there was something strange about it. The wheels were moving but it was going very very slow.
"Oh my gosh, do you see how slow that fire truck is going?" I asked Ashleigh
"What firetruck?" Ashleigh asked. I looked back at the fire truck and it started speeding up.
"CAPRI!" Ashleigh shouted
"MOVE!!" my mom yelled
Then right there, at that very moment, the firetruck slid across the street and hit me. Then I blacked out.                                             

© 2009 Veronica

Author's Note

Ignore all mistakes

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Added on July 24, 2009



lala land, CO

Hiya! I'm a 14 year old girl who hates describing things. I write the way I talk so, you might not understand somethings I say in my stories. I made an account so that I could get all my ideas out. Al.. more..

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