Tags : Leaves

Autumn Beauty

Autumn Beauty

A Poem by MsJewel

the beauty of the season
Falling From the Skies

Falling From the Skies

A Poem by Emily

This is about nature.
Terra Cotta Embers

Terra Cotta Embers

A Poem by SyberRose

Painting by Ann Mortimer


A Poem by Sarah Lynn

The season of fall
Travailing Travels

Travailing Travels

A Poem by CygnusX-I

Expressive of my love for nature.
A Timely Beginning

A Timely Beginning

A Poem by V. P. Trujillo

A most lovely sight, for end is illusion and beginnings reign supreme.
Gifts of Fall

Gifts of Fall

A Poem by Dana Walker

Inspired by my good friend, RM, who sent me a photo of her simply perched in the arms of a tree on a November day. Quite lovely.


A Poem by MsJewel

art ~ Laurie Blank Falling, falling, falling theautumn winds complain winter's breeze is calling as leaves fall like the rain Gently ..
The Green of Leaves

The Green of Leaves

A Poem by MsJewel

art ~ Laurie Blank ~~~ Here sleeps the sun in autumn’s wake of leaves once green as branches shake the red and orange of fiery tears no..


A Poem by Natalie Beck

The transition from fall to winter


A Poem by Vian

You know that feeling, when you're walking down the side walk one Autumn day...


A Poem by MsJewel

photograph compliments of janedoe.com Through pastel skies and sunlit beams and fluffy clouds and autumn dreams a leaf fluttered as warm wi..
Nature walk

Nature walk

A Poem by beckyflowa

This poem is about a nature walk with a deeper meaning.
The Moth's Journey

The Moth's Journey

A Poem by Nutella Wolf [Alias: Sam..

The snow falls ever so lightlyLike a mothLanding on a leafThe leaves will fall!They will!If I ask them to ever so nicelyFall, Autumn,Whatever you may ..


A Poem by Anonymous 79

a narrative-style poem about a lost friendship
Autumn Brings Barren Spaces

Autumn Brings Barren Spaces

A Poem by Josie E. Cook M. A.

Changing Seasons bring different views to the landscape.
Autumn Leaves

Autumn Leaves

A Poem by Paula Henslow

I've actually already posted this on a website called Wattpad. But I really just want to share this with you guys. I hope you like it. I wrote this on..
Leaves In Fall

Leaves In Fall

A Poem by Coll Silvermoon

Seasons change. My interpretation.
The Night

The Night

A Story by New Identity

A frightful journey of one mans night.
She Wore Spring All Winter

She Wore Spring All Winter

A Poem by Rinsinya

She wore Spring all Winter to drive away the snow, She would dance outside, cold encasing every toe. She did not mind though, with Spring..