Chapter XVI: A Journey Begins

Chapter XVI: A Journey Begins

A Chapter by Spider Rose

Something dark is creeping into the world, and it is time to gather the Spirits - special individuals burdened with the duty of bringing a tilting world back into balance.


Chapter XVI

A Journey Begins


“Rubedo!  Where are you?”

“Over here!”

Luna laughed, looking around the maze of brush. All the twists and turns and dead ends made her feel so disoriented!

“Where is, ‘over here’?”  She called

They had finally found time to go into the maze.  She was glad for the shade the maze walls cast, it was so hot!  Late spring was upon them, and soon early winter would breeze down into the valley.  What a relief it would be!  The air would cool and the leaves would change to fiery colors of red, yellow, and orange.  She loved early winter - it was so beautiful!

Rubedo stepped out from behind one of the tall walls of the maze.  “Have you seen the others?”  He asked.

Luna shook her head, “Comitis was with me a little while ago, but we were separated.”

The grass rustled somewhere behind them, “Well, looks as though I’ve finally stumbled upon someone.”   Viktor walked over to them, sending them both a friendly glare.  Something about Viktor's sharp eyes and dark eyebrows made it seem he gave everyone a constant glare, though Luna had learned that not all “glares” were threatening.

“You would think,” The golden-eyed boy said, “That after wasting half our childhoods in here, we could remember how to get out.”

“Oi!”  Comitis ran around a corner, tugging at her cover’s long sleeves. Frustrated, she yanked them up and fastened them above her elbows.  She glared at Rubedo and Viktor, who were both wearing their pants and shirts, and had left their own covers at home.  “You two are so lucky... don't have to wear your covers, you don’t.”

Rubedo ignored her complaint, “Where’s Madidus?”

“Over here!”  Madidus’ disembodied voice rang out.

“I despise that answer!”  Luna burst, “Nobody ever knows where ‘over here’ is!”

“Wait a second!”  Madidus called, “I think I see you lot!”  From the wall directly in front of them came Madidus, vaulting himself over the wall.  He landed roughly, catching his foot on the top of the wall, flipping and landing his back.

Rubedo and Comitis howled with laughter, while Viktor smiled and chuckled, giving Madidus a playful kick in the ribs.  “Mad, that’s cheating.” He told him, smiling down at his friend.

Luna leaned down to him, “Oh Madidus!  Can’t you wait more than five moments before hurting yourself again?”  She said, “I’ve already had to heal you once today.”

Madidus rose and gave a dramatic bow, “Ah, my beautiful Princess, don’t worry, I’m usually skilled in such things as balance...” He paused and grinned at his friends, “And in many other areas...”

Madidus, tace!”  Rubedo gruffly grabbed Madidus’ collar and shoved him into one of the bushes, holding him against it.  Madidus was laughing and showed little, if any, concern at his friend’s outburst.

“For the sake of God man!”  Viktor snapped, “There are women aboutThe Princess is right there!!”

“She doesn’t know I mean!”

“That’s no excuse!”  Rubedo started, “It’s still-”

“I think we’re lost... really lost.”  Comitis said, looking around.

“We’re lost?”  Luna said, dismayed.

“Of course not!” Madidus said with bravado, “We go left!”

“We go right.”  Rubedo objected.

“I think we go straight.”  Viktor said with a shrug.

There was a very long silence.

“We’re lost.”  Rubedo confirmed.

“Very lost.”  Viktor added, looking over at Madidus as he groaned and put his palm over his eyes.

“Eh, no worries.”  Rubedo said, waving anxiety away, “We’ll just do what we always do-”

“You mean wander around aimlessly until we stumble upon the exit?”  Madidus said, rolling his eyes.

Rubedo blushed vividly and rubbed the back of his neck amidst the laughter, grinning slightly.

Comitis was the first to catch her breath, “Well, let’s go by the rest stop first, I’m so tired!”

Luna laughed, “Do we even know how to get there?”

Comitis nodded, “No matter where you are in this maze, if you go directly north you will eventually reach it.”  She smiled, “Of course, I’m not saying we won’t have to turn around a couple of times due to dead ends.”

“There’s a cold fountain you can wash up in, a pump you can get some cool water to drink, and some benches too,” Rubedo smiled, “Quite comfortable, actually.

“Lead the way.”  Luna said, giving him a warm smile

As they started walking Viktor grabbed Madidus’ arm, pulling him back away from the group.  Comitis gave them a questioning look and was about to hang back, but Viktor smiled and shook his head.  She grinned at him and caught back up with Luna, looping her arm with hers.  Viktor turned to Madidus as they walked.

“Don’t tease Rubedo while the Princess is around, alright?”

Madidus raised an eyebrow, “But we’ve always jested with one another, we have.  It’s never bothered him before.”

“No, it hasn’t,” Admitted Viktor, “Except the situation is a bit... different now.”

Madidus grinned, “Wanting to help him impress her, eh Viktor?”

Viktor jerked his head towards Luna.  “Just not when she’s there, any other time is fine... but...” He paused slightly. “Don’t embarrass him in front of her... and in exchange, I’ll take all the jokes intended for Rubedo.”

Madidus grinned widely, laughing and winking at his Viktor, “Dear friend, you will be in living hell when that girl is around!”

Viktor sighed, letting go of Madidus’ arm and shaking his head, “Please Madidus... don’t remind me.”

Within the hour the group had found the top of the maze where the rest stop was situated, and were all lounged about in the shade as they took a break from the long walk.

“All of you were right.”  Luna said, looking around the area. “This is nice.”  Noticing the pump, she walked towards it, thirsty from the long hours spent in the maze.

Madidus nodded happily, gather water in his hands and throwing it on Comitis as she sat on the edge of the fountain.

“Madidus!”  She squealed, drawing up her legs.

“Couldn’t help it love, you’re such an easy target.”

“Madidus, act your age.”  Viktor sighed, rolling his ever-glaring eyes.

Madidus shrugged, then glanced over at the water pump, noticing Rubedo had joined Luna by the well.  “Well look over there!”  He said with glee, “Oi!  Rubedo!”

“We had a deal, Madidus.”  Viktor reminded, elbowing him in the ribs.

Madidus grinned, “Oh yes, you get hit with the jokes that would have normally belonged to old lover boy over there.”  He sat down, resting his chin on his hands.  “So... you have your mother’s eyes?  I didn’t know people and hawks could do that.”

Viktor's golden eyes shot him an alarmingly hawk-like glare.  “Not that old joke again.”

“Oh, yes.”

“Oh, damn.”

Over at the pump, Luna glanced over at Madidus and Viktor, raising an eyebrow.  “What are they going on about over there?  Viktor looks ready to kill.”

Rubedo shrugged, “Knowing those two, Creator only knows.”  He glanced at her, grabbing two of the wooded cups stacked neatly beside the pump.  “Princess,” He said, starting to work the pump, “Would you like some water? There’s plenty of it, and it’s very cool and clean.”  Water flowed from the spout, and Rubedo abandoned the handle and filled the two cups in his hands, offering some to Luna.

She nodded, taking the cup and thanking him.  “Rubedo...”  She began, then paused, as if trying to figure out how to go on.  “You can... you can call me Luna if you like, or Lunamis if you prefer!”  She smiled, taking a sip of water, “You don’t have to call me Princess...”

Rubedo flushed, shaking his head, “No, m’lady.  Like I’ve said before, in his village you don't call a lady by her first name except under certain conditions.”

“You call Comitis by her first name, and you never call her m’lady... except if you’re being sarcastic.”

Rubedo shrugged, “That’s because she falls under one of those conditions.”

Luna sat down on a bench and took another sip from the cup, “Tell me about these conditions.”

“You don’t give in easily, do you?”

“Tell me your conditions, and I’ll tell you ours.”

Rubedo considered this, then nodded, “Either they must be a close family member, a sister, cousin, niece, etcetera.”

Luna laughed, “Etcetera?”

Rubedo grinned, “It’s an easier way of saying, ‘and so on and so forth.’  Anyway, it’s either that, or a very close, lifelong friend, Comitis falls into that category.”

“That’s all?”

Rubedo shook his head, “Your pollicitus, is usually called by her first name also.”

“A what?”

Rubedo translated, “Your ‘promised one,’ the person you are betrothed to.”

“Oh, your fiancé?”

Rubedo nodded, “Or, if you’re courting a girl, you can call her by her first name, but only if she specifically request you do so.  Wouldn't be living in the villages usually, but it sometimes happens if someone moves from a different one.”

Luna rolled her eyes, “So even if I specifically tell you to call me Luna or Lunamis, you would refuse?”

He smiled, “Bull’s-eye, Princess.”

She smiled, looking up at him with those alluring eyes of hers, taking a step closer to him.  She had gotten close, a bit too close.  “And, if I order you, Rubedo?”  She asked with a laugh, “I am the princess, after all.”

“If you order me?”  He backed up and fell over.  Luna laughed and kneeled down beside him, Rubedo stuttering continued, “Well, I-I suppose if that’s what you really want I suppose I could.”

Luna smiled, “Please?  Call me Luna?”

He rose, his voice still trembling slightly, “I’ll c-call you Lunamis, but if I call you anything less, the Elders will have my head!”

She nodded, obvious to Rubedo’s stuttering. “Alright!”  She said happily, “Lunamis it is.”

“Luna! Come over here for a moment, I have to show you something!”

Luna turned and waved towards Comitis and nodded, “Of course,” She called, “I’ll be just a moment!”  She looked towards Rubedo, “See you in minute.”

Rubedo managed to stutter, “Alright.”  But nothing beyond that.  He slid down the wall of the maze onto the ground.  He was barely aware of Viktor and Madidus coming to either side of him.

“Are you alright Rubedo?”  Viktor said, clearly concerned, “Are you ill?”

“Smooth lover boy.”  Said a not too concerned Madidus, “Very smooth.”

“I... I think I’m... going to vomit...” Rubedo rasped.

“Is est nocens, what did she do to you?”  Madidus said, starting to laugh.

“Will you be alright?”

Rubedo nodded, slowly rising, “Give me a minute... I-I’ll explain later...”  They trailed behind, quietly whispering amongst themselves.

“Oi! Boys, I think I see the exit!”  Comitis and Luna turned and waved at their friends behind them.

“Alright!” The three rather distracted boys said in unison.

“I hope it is.”  Luna said, smiling to herself, “The sun’s starting to get low, we’ve been in this maze all day!”

Rubedo had finally finished telling his friends what had just happened, his stuttering now subsided.

“That’s it?”  Madidus yelled in surprise, then lowered his voice when both girls turned and stared at him with raised eyebrows.  “That’s all she did and you completely lost every bit of grace and dignity you possess?”

“Well...”  Viktor said, trying to defend Rubedo, “I suppose you would have to have been there... in certain situations... I suppose.... a certain look... could-”

“Or, perhaps Rubedo isn’t as charming, witty, and courageous as we all thought he was!” Madidus laughed and nudged his friend in the ribs.

Viktor shrugged, “You know the old saying.”  He switched to the Black Mage tongue, reciting a phrase.

Madidus grinned and shouted, “Nothing can make a man’s knees quiver out from under him like a woman!”

“To put in layman’s terms...” Viktor replied coolly, disliking Madidus incorrect translation.

Comitis turned around, “What are you yelling about now, Madidus?”  She rolled her eyes and turned to Luna, “Honesty, that Madidus has enough volume for all five of us!  He’s always so loud!”

“Ah Comitis, you know you just love hearing my voice!”  Madidus called back, “It makes you weak in the knees!”

“Shut it!”

He waved his arms, ”You know you want it!  And this handsome stallion not related to you, give in to the temptation!”

Exuro en Abyssus, Madidus!”  She yelled sharply, her eyes flaring up.

“What... did you say?”  Luna asked curiously.

“I told him to burn in Hell.” She said mildly.

Luna clapped both hands to her mouth and laughed, joining everyone except Madidus, who sneered and glared at Comitis.

“Sorry.”  She said, “That is why you need to think before you speak.”

Viktor grinned, “Well, Princess, as you have learned, some think before they speak, some speak before they think.  But Madidus over there... he doesn’t think, he only speaks!”

Rubedo have him a pat on the back and a weak smile, “Well Mad, look at it this way, this will only be a running joke for a few years.”

Luna laughed, “One person will need only to say a few words, and this memory will come flooding back!”

Rubedo laughed with her, “I will never look at you the same, Comitis!”

“The exit should be around this last turn...” Viktor murmured, not particularly caring if anyone heard him or not.

He was correct, at the very next turn (“To the left!”  “No the right!” “Straight!”)  They came to the exit; Madidus was the first to dash out of the shade of the maze and into the light of the setting sun.

“Finally!” He yelled, dramatically falling to the ground outside the maze, “Land! And sun!  We were in there forever, weeks almost!  Ha ha, land!”

“Rubedo, do something.”  Viktor sighed, “He’s being an idiot again.”

“We were there for five hours Madidus.”  Rubedo laughed, playfully nudging his friend with his foot.

“But if felt like years!”

“Oh dear.”  Comitis said, rolling her eyes, “Madidus, exactly how many times were you dropped on your head as a child?”

Madidus shook his head, “I don’t know... must’ve been a lot...” He laughed, cupping a hand to his ear, “Because I’m hearing this strange... echoing sound... thu-thum, thu-thum, thu-thum.”

“It’s called horse hooves, you idiot.”  Comitis snapped.

“It’s called joking, Comitis.”

Except for Comitis and Madidus, who were too busy bickering, everyone turned to look at the rider approaching them, as the horses drew nearer the figure on one of the horse became more recognizable.

“Finally! I thought you people would be in there forever!”  With the clopping of hooves, Azara came galloping up to them, grinning widely, “Luna, come back to the house, quickly!”  Dominica was being led beside her, irritated at being put on a lead rope.  “I’ve brought Rubedo’s horse, come along, you have a visitor!”

Luna looked at Rubedo for guidance.  He nodded, “Let’s go Prin-” He shook his head, “I-I mean Lunamis.”

This is bizarre... He though, Calling her that...  “We shouldn’t keep your visitor waiting!”  He mounted Dominica, offering Luna his hand.  She took it and, with a little help, mounted in front of him.  “We’ll be back if we can!  If we don't show up in two hours then we’ll just see you lot tomorrow!”

Azara had already started Mitis at a brisk trot, and Rubedo hurried to catch up.  “Who is it?”  Luna asked her when they had finally caught up.

Azara grinned, “Guess.”

“I haven’t a clue.”

“Your guardian.”

“Yami!”  Luna cried happily.

Rubedo leaned down, speaking softly in her ear, “Gallop?”  he asked.

Luna leaned back and readied herself, “Gallop!”

“Dominica! Hye!”  Dominica took off, leaving Azara choking on the dust behind them.

It feels rather odd... to be in this home again...

Yami looked around this familiar home, unable to help looking around.  After two long yearas Rhea’s memory of him seemed to have faded, and she squacked and flared her wings at him.  He walked into Rubedo’s late parents’ room. Just as he suspected, it had been changed into a guest room, most of its original furniture was nowhere to be found.

He even ventured into Rubedo’s room, smiling the entire time.  The boy hadn’t changed a bit, keeping nearly everything he found, though his collection had grown.  His eyes were drawn to a blue blindfold, one of the many Rubedo had owned in his time of darkness... this one tacked above his bed.

“No!  I-I didn’t mean to!  Mother! Mother!  Answer me!  No please, please!  Anything but... this wasn’t supposed to happen!”

Sobbing.  That was the single thing Yami would never forget about that night... and the destruction.  The warm smell of smoke from burning wood, swirling amidst the sickening, sour smell of burnt flesh.

“This wasn’t supposed to happen... this wasn’t supposed to happen... this isn’t happening this isn’t happening this isn’t happening!  You b*****d!  You said you’d never hit her if I listened to you... you promised... you liar... you liar!

Yami quietly proceeded into what was left of the charred door, knocking bits of it off with his shoulder, the boy must have heard him.

“He...” The boy began, “He was hitting her... he promised... I... I never wanted her to die!”

Yami glanced down at the body withered in the corner, it was a terrible thing.  Unless you had already known what had happened, you wouldn’t have even been able to tell it was human.  It had been twisted and broken in impossible ways, its skin dried and was charred to red and black, laying in a stagnant pool of blood and fluids.  He had suffered long before he had finally died.

The second body, perhaps a more pitiful sight than the last, lay in the arms of this young boy.  The body wasn’t twisted, broken, or even singed... it was completely unmarked... it’s only flaw was the lack of color in her cheeks... and the absence of a heartbeat.

“Mother...” the boy moaned, leaning over the body, “Please Mother!  Don’t leave me, I-I need yu-you!”

Yami kneeled down beside the boy, “She’s dead... she’s been dead for hours.  Let her go-”

Liar!”  The boy turned on him, his eyes were not the brilliant blue they had once been, but a soulless black, his pupils dilated to their limit..  “Shut up!  She isn’t!”

“Stop this... she is dead.”

“You stay away you b*****d!  She’s not dead! I would never kill my mother, never!”

Yami gently tried to pry the boy’s arms away from his mother.  “Rubedo, come on now, there is nothing you can do now, what is done is-”

“I said keep away!”

The boys’ eyes glowed with a dark light, and Yami felt all gravity around him diminish.  He floated up, then was slammed into the far wall with incredible force.  The boy released him and he fell to the ground.  Yami shook his head, pieces of wood and clay used to build the house fell all around him.  The boy had unbelievable powers of the mind, but he had no hope of controlling them... especially now.

“Just... just go away... leave me alone... she’s dead... no... No! She’s not dead!  She’s not!”

Yami stared at the boy, had he gone mad?  He seemed to be arguing with himself.

“I killed her!” He sobbed, “I-no! No I couldn’t have! I would never... this is a dream!  I’m dreaming.... oh I killed my mother!  Mother I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to!  I’ll save you, just some herbs and bandages and you’ll be fine... oh I killed her!”

Yami reached into his pocket, pulling out a blue strip of cloth. He leaned forward and pressed the cloth to the boy’s eyes.

“Wha... what are you doing?  Stop!  Don’t touch me!”

“Hush...” Yami whispered soothingly, “I am putting a blindfold over your eyes-”

“I didn’t want to kill anyone!”  The boy cried, tears soaking through the cloth, “I don't want... how could I?  God no!  No, no, no, no, no, no, NO-I didn’t mean to! This wasn’t supposed to happen!  I just wanted him dead!  Mother! Please wake up!”

Yami continued, “The blindfold will greatly weaken your powers... you cannot hurt anyone anymore...”

“We have to get her to a hospital!”  The boy cried, looking around frantically, “Is there a White Mage anywhere?  Are you a White Mage?  Please, oh God I killed her!  She needs medical attention now!  She’ll die-oh my mother!  I killed her!  I killed her!

Yami’s ears perked up at the sound of hoof beats.  He jerked himself away from that terrible memory and walked out of Rubedo’s room, closing the door behind him.  When he walked into the sitting room Rhea let loose a screech, flapping her wings at him.

“Yami!”  Luna burst into the room, running towards him and throwing her arms around him.  “Oh, Yami!”

“Little Luna!”

She started to cry, sobbing into his chest, “Yami, Yami, Yami...”

Her guardian gently smothered her hair back, softly whispering to her in a low, soothing voice, just as he had when she was small.

Azara and Rubedo stood in the doorway, staring at Luna and Yami with smiles on their faces.  Luna opened her eyes and glanced over at them.  She pulled away from Yami, standing straight and wiping her tears.  “Oh, I’m so sorry...” She smiled at them both, “I suppose I was a bit more homesick than I believed.”

Yami backed away from them all a bit; he looked pale, and something seemed to have shaken him greatly.  “All of you, listen to me... something... terrible has happened.”  Everyone turned to look at him, “All of you, sit down.  There is something that all of you need to know... deserve to know.”  Yami sat shakily in a chair, gesturing for everyone else to do the same.

“The Seven Spirits are all the elements of the earth and all the ways of humanity.  They each hold the planet together and carry the laws of existence.  They are born and live as humans, residing deep within the soul.   But when they are together in the same time...” He paused and closed his eyes, “It means these laws of order that the earth should maintain are deteriorating... all the ways of earth and her people.  The ways of Humans, the ways of Ancients... the ways of Alchemists...” Yami paused again, then looked at them with worn eyes.

“And the ways of Mages...”

Rubedo had been the first to speak.

“Yami... what are you-”

“Hush, and listen to me Rubedo.”  Yami said, but not harshly.  “I need to explain something to all of you, it may seem unconnected, but please, hear me.”  He looked at them all, “There are Seven Spirits.  Each with its own strengths and laws.  Earth holds the laws of nature, kill or be killed, survival of the strongest.  Like a nurturing mother, earth supplies all you need.  However, if you do not take advantage of these things... well... let us just say nature can be cruel.”

“Another is Fire.  Fire holds the laws of creation-”

“But fire destroys!”  Luna objected.

Yami smiled at her, a weary, tired smile.  “The Beginning was made from ash, the ash, from burning, the burning, from fire.  Destruction is only the beginning of another creation, Little Luna.”  He continued, “Fire has always been a lonely Spirit.  Fire can destroy a forest, yet too much wood and dirt can choke a fire, it can easily be destroyed by water, but can boil water to steam if the fire is large.  Wind can blow out a candle, but only feeds and spreads a great blaze.  Fire is very wary of the other Spirits, and trusts little.”

“Air.” He said, “Wind is usually unnoticed, it is quiet and often calm, and it is easy how to forget how important it is.  Yet, it can destroy so easily, gales can turn over ships and demolish houses.  Air is a quiet, but deadly force.”

“Water is by far one of the most gentle and misunderstood of all Spirits.  For it is not water itself that kills ships and seamen, it is the wind that creates crashing waves and causes gentle raindrops to become squalls.  Water itself is the bringer of life, calm, gentle, but if not treated with respect, can be the bringer of death.

He rose to look at them all.  “You should all know the three Spirits of Existence, Light, Shadow, and Time.”

Rubedo nodded, “Light, the good in all people, Shadow is the bad in all people, and Time is the one constant thing.”

Yami smiled and shook his head, “If only things were that simple, Rubedo.”  He started pacing, “Light is an ultimate good... but Shadow...” He shook his head, “Let us begin with Light.  A harbinger of purity, hope, and good, light is joy, laughter, and sweetness, Light is naïve.  It sees the beauty in the world, and is coveted and loved by all. Light gives people strength and hope, the will to live, to move on.  However… light can blind a person from reallity.”

“And Shadow is evil.”  Rubedo said simply.

“For the last time, Shadow is not evil!”  Yami sighed, averting his eyes from Rubedo, “Shadow is just... truthful... people do not always like the truth. It sees the world as it truly is, unforgiving, difficult, and sometimes cruel... yet wonderful is vibrant!  Shadow is knowledge, wisdom, strength, courage, and power... all of which are sought after traits, but if too much is blessed to one man it can corrupt... twist.”

He looked at Rubedo, “I have heard you say that there is no fine line between good and evil, just a blur of gray... Shadow resides in that gray.  It is a very... delicate Spirit - no, not delicate...” Yami closed his eyes, deep in thought, “Not unstable either... just...”  He sighed, “Shadow holds on to sanity by a fraying thread... easily susceptible to madness...”  He looked around, “Just like the world we live in is full of madness and chaos, so is the mind of Shadow.”

“Is he... good then?”  Azara asked timidly, speaking for the first time.

“Well...” Yami looked at them, “All things are basically good... as is Shadow... however... he lives in the blurred limbo between good and evil, where he could easily fall to either side.  To some, he is a saint.  Strong, fearless, protecting, a leader, even kind... and yet to others he is evil.  A killer and murderer, believed to be heartless and cruel.  He is seen... as every person wants to see him.

Yami closed his eyes, “Six Spirits... three male, three female... two Humans, two Alchemists, two Mages”

“But Yami.,” Luna whispered, “If there are two Humans, Alchemists, and Mages.  That’s all this world contains, besides Dragons.”  She looked at him; eyes narrowed curiously, “What about the Seventh?”

After a long silence Yami fixed his eyes on Luna.  “You are so dear to me Luna... no matter what happens, promise you will remember how much you mean to me... how much I love you, mon joyau précieux.”

“Yami... what are you-”

With a heaving sigh, Yami rose and grasped Luna’s shoulders. “Promise me Lunamis. Remember that if there were anyway I could stop you from hurting I would do so!  If there was a way I could always protect you from pain-”

“You're scaring me.”  She whispered.

“Luna...” Yami dropped his arms and lowered his head, “I am so sorry... I did not mean to frighten you, I only...”  He paused, looking down at her, and placing his hands on her shoulders, “Just promise me that you will never forget how much you mean to me...”

Luna looked up at him, “I won’t, Yami... I never will.”

Yami embraced her, kissing the top of her head.  “Good, good girl... just always remember that.”  He closed his eyes and laid his forehead on the top of her head, “I want you to go on into your room now...” He said softly, “Get some sleep, we’ll be starting early tomorrow.”

“What...” Rubedo stood, throwing anxious glances at Luna.  “What exactly are we starting early for?”

Yami shook his head, gently leading Luna to her room.  “Have you forgotten already Rubedo?  I said that you were to take Luna somewhere when I asked you to watch over her for me... do you not remember?”

Rubedo shook his head, “No, I don't remember a bit.”

After making sure Luna was in bed Yami returned.   “We must take her to Alchemia... but first Rubedo, Elder Gnarus must keep his word.  Before we venture to Alchemia, we must first visit a place you are very familiar with... your talents have made these people very fond of you...”

“Extraho...” Rubedo whispered, “Why?  Why of all places...” He sighed, knowing Yami would give no answer.

“Rest �" all of you.”  Yami ordered.

Yami never retired. He sat in the sitting room all night, wide-awake.  “The stage has been set...” He whispered quietly, “Let the performance begin.”

© 2015 Spider Rose

Author's Note

Spider Rose
I'm interested in anything that you think will improve this writing. From grammar and spelling errors, to funny dialogue and plot holes that I've missed, to things that just don't sound right.

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Added on May 18, 2015
Last Updated on May 18, 2015
Tags: regenero, rubedo, lunamis, black mage, white mage, magic, magick, fantasy, adventure, journey