News from Darren

News from Darren

A Chapter by Minyonka

                                  I had gotten through another three weeks with Kaiba and Mokuba. I realized I could still go hunting ever two weeks without many problems. I was becoming closer to Mokuba and he seemed to like me. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard my cell phone start ringing. I picked it up and saw that Darren was calling me.


"Hello," I answered.


"How are things going over there," he asked.


"Not very well. The guy is all about the company or dueling. I don't get how anything dangerous could come his way with that."


"Who knows? Maybe the danger is still in its early stages."


"Then can't we find it and rid the world of it before the situations comes to life or death?"


"Scarlett, you know it doesn't work that way," Darren answered.


I sighed and place my hand of my forehead.


"I know, but sometimes I wish it could be that simple."


"So do I. Scarlett, I saw something else."


I sat upright on my bed, my eyes wide. Did his previous vision become clearer, or was it something else entirely?


"What did you see," I asked, my voice nearly inaudible to the human ear.


"Something's going to come up and you'll need my help. I'm coming up there in five days."


"Are you serious? It's that bad, huh? Alright, I'll try to convince Kaiba into letting you stay with me," I answered.


"Scarlett, I want you to be careful until I get there. Don't let anything happen to you," Darren whispered, his voice tender.


He was only three years older than me, but he still protected me like an older brother would.


"I'll be careful."

I hung up the phone after a quick goodbye and then stood up. I changed out of the clothes I wore for the night and into a pair of dark jeans and a red dress-shirt. I slipped on a pair of black shoes before leaving my apartment. I took the elevator up to the top floor and knocked on Kaiba's office door.


"What is it," he asked.


I opened the door and stepped inside. Kaiba was typing on his laptop and I glided across the room. He glanced up at me as I placed my hands on the edge of the desk.


"What do you want? I'm busy," he asked.


"My brother just called me. He said that something's going to come up where I'll need his help," I started.


"You still expect me to believe your brother can see the future?"


"Yes, I do. Kaiba, please, let him stay here. He can live in my apartment. Hell, he'd probably prefer it."


"Whatever. I don't care," Kaiba answered, not bothering to look away from what he was working on.


"Thank you, Kaiba. Darren's coming in five days."


Kaiba finally looked away from his work. He stopped typing altogether and slowly pulled his hands away from the laptop.


"You made plans to bring your brother here without consulting me first?"


"No. Darren made plans to come into the city to help me out. I asked if he could live here with me. You said it was fine, so now I'm going to call my brother and tell him," I answered.


"I thought he could see the future."


"Not on command. If he could do that, then I wouldn't be here, now would I?"


Kaiba cocked an eyebrow at me and I just smiled before walking out of the office. I immediately called Darren and told him the news.


"I'll see you in five days, then," he answered and I could tell he was smiling.


"See you then. I'm going out. I haven't in two weeks," I told him.


"Scarlett, you shouldn't be risking it like that."


"It's been fine so far. As long as no one gets a paper cut in the next few hours, I'm fine. I'll see you soon."


I hung up my phone and turned my head to the side.


"I'm going out, Kaiba. I'll be back in a few hours," I called over my shoulder before walking towards the elevator. I rode it down to the first floor and, once outside, hailed a taxi.


"Where can I take you," the driver asked.

"The outskirts of the city," I answered and sat back in my seat for the half-hour ride.


I desperately needed to go hunting. I knew Darren was right about the risk of exposure I was taking, but I had to make sure nothing happened to Kaiba. The more I left him alone, the more vulnerable to attack he would be. After the car ride, I paid the driver and began walking into the woods.


"Let's hope things will be easier when Darren comes," I mumbled before running through the trees.

© 2008 Minyonka

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Added on November 21, 2008
Last Updated on November 21, 2008



About myself: I'm an nineteen-year-old college student with the intention of becoming a high school math teacher. Why math teacher, you wonder. I want to become a teacher because I have learned that I.. more..

Sunburn Sunburn

A Story by Minyonka