Cassandra's Story. Chapter two

Cassandra's Story. Chapter two

A Chapter by Kat

 "Get up s**t. Make us some dinner." Aria shouted, stepping on my stomach so I would wake up. I shoved her foot off of me and walked down to the kitchen. I went to the white board and wrote down what she would like. "Some pasta. Make it good though. Don't screw it up." She snarled. That girl can really piss me off. I just did as she asked so I could go up and sneak out. I knew that Mr. and Mrs. Rosemen wouldn't check on me, and that Aria and Andrew would go back at it once they had food. It was sickening. I put their plates on the table and went up stairs to get my things together.

        "And where do you think you're going?" Andrew asked, coming into the closet(not my room closet but Aria's closet bedroom thing.) and leaning against the door frame.

(A/N this will be signing. This is just regular talking.)

        Out. I continued what I was doing. I could really care less right now. I mean he was Aria's boyfriend and I couldn't wait to get away from him. He was my tormentor. I hated being near him. Absolutely hated it.

        "Oh no you aren't. Aria sent me up here to tell you that you have to do her science project, english project and her history project. Make sure she gets an A, or she can't be on the cheerleading squad. And if she's not happy well, lets just say that you're not happy." Andrew turned his back and went downstairs. Well there goes my plans for tonight. I just sighed and got the computer. About five hours later I was nodding off to sleep. I had done her science and history, now I just had to do her english. I went down to the pantry to get some more red bull. "Hey. Ae you finished with her reports yet?" He asked.

        Almost. I knew that he didn't know how to sign so I figured he would just leave.

But he didn't. Why do you care?

        "I bet your wondering why I care. Well, if Aria isn't on the cheerleading team I can't exactly get to see her in that tight little uniform. And have you seen her in that uniform?" I cringed. that s****y uniform was so ugly. It was modeled after the dallas cowboys uniform. In fact, I'm pretty sure that is is the same uniform

        "Now get back to work. Oh and remember monday." He said smiling his smirk. Oh how I hated that smirk. He always smirked when I was about to be hurt. And hurt I was. He came over to me, and pressed his lips to mine. I gasped and hetook advantage of that gasp, and shoved his tongue into my mouth. I didn't kiss back but after a while I tentatively kissed back. After about five minutes of that, I felt a sharp pull and heard a tinkling sound. I looked down and saw that my locket was gone. "Looking for this?" He asked slyly. I saw him hold it up in his hands. I opened my mouth and let out a silent gasp. No! My necklace! It was the last reminder I had of my parents. I felt my eyes sting tears. No! I can't cry. I can't show weakness. I can't. I looked at him with hurt and just walked away. I will get my revenge. I'll make his girlfriend fail. I will.

© 2009 Kat

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good job.

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1 Review
Added on March 7, 2009




Meh, so I'm gonna write some random stuffage about me I guess. I'm Kat, I love to write, listen to music, and hang out with my friends. I really shouldn't have caffine but I do anyway. I mean, it's ju.. more..
