Forbidden Love

Forbidden Love

A Book by AngelBeat

Me and My friend (Pixieheart97) wrote this ages ago, but we never finished it. (Crap title..But its better than '-can't remember-'


© 2012 AngelBeat

Author's Note

ignore the mistakes and stuff and sorry if it isn't interesting and descriptive, I didn't write like that awhile ago. I'm proof checking them and changing them a little, so chapters may be posted a little late.
If you see the name James or Athena in here, tell me/message me/review that piece of writing you saw it in... Also the name Damon... Those names shouldn't be there. We changed the names of them. Athena is Rory, James is Devin & Damon is Seth :)
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This is pretty much about how two girls (one is an Angel, one is a Demon) form a forbidden love...(not with each other though ^^")

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two girls (one is an Angel, one is a Demon) form a forbidden love...(not with each other ^^") LMFAO!!!!!!!!

Posted 12 Years Ago

yeah, i didn't add that coz when i wrote this note thing...i hadn't posted a chapter where there was seth included in it ^^"

Posted 12 Years Ago


Posted 12 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on January 31, 2012
Last Updated on February 13, 2012



New Zealand

(Lets change this again~ -_-) I don't come on here as much, rarely ever do now. I am more on dA. I like to do art stuff. Thats it ._. *** I'm sorry if you don't like my stuff :) I don't like it eith.. more..

Goodbye Goodbye

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