A narrative on coming of age

A narrative on coming of age

A Book by Reya

This is a translated transcript of my diaries that I have kept ever since I was 12. A lot of things weren't easy, being a Russian girl growing up in Japan with a volatile mum and hardly any friends.


© 2018 Reya

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Hey, so far this sounds really interesting and I will definitely give it a try when it is posted. I may be jumping the gun here but with the title, may I suggest "A narrative ON coming of age" I mean both of and on work but since you use 'come OF age' it just sounds a little weird, like it's not right. This is just my opinion though, some may agree some may disagree I just thought I should let you know. I will definitely review your narrative when it comes out (if that's what you want). Anyway, best of luck, I look forward to reading more :)

Posted 6 Years Ago


6 Years Ago

Thanks! :)

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1 Review
Added on February 16, 2018
Last Updated on February 16, 2018
Tags: culture, teenage, adolescence, memoirs, Japan, Russia, developmental psychology




I always wanted to write memoirs (well ever since I was 11 and fell in love with memoir books) and I have kept diaries since I was 12. I planned to start publishing them when I turned 30, which felt .. more..

Introduction Introduction

A Chapter by Reya

December 99 December 99

A Chapter by Reya

December 99 -2 December 99 -2

A Chapter by Reya