The good side?

The good side?

A Chapter by Reaper

Derek remembers the time when she was going to ask Maddy to marry him. He got reservations at the nicest restaurant, sent her flowers the day of and had spent most of low level doctor’s pay on the ring.

Derek got to his car and took off because he was going to meet her there. He instantly hit traffic and was twenty minutes late. If he had his cell phone he could have warned her but lucky for him she stayed.

Derek run up to the table and said.

“I’m sorry that I’m late for this very important date.”

He then processed to drop to one knee and propose to her. Maddy with tears in her eyes, busted out with a “YES!” midway through him asking.


Now, Derek was trying not to be late to saving Eve.

Alice and Derek run all the ten miles to the tower. They are sweaty intensely and barely can breathe but they arrive. Alice’s and Derek’s eyes hit the broken in tower door.

Derek runs in and searches the place. Alice joins him. They find nothing.

Derek walks out of the tower. Alice follows. Alice gets in front of him.

Alice grabs his shoulders and makes him look up at her.

“We will find her, Derek.”

Derek tries not to cry, “I have no clue where she is.”

Alice moves her hand to his cheek, “We will.”

Derek forces a slight smile. Alice goes in for a hug but she hears a noise from behind.

Before she knows it, they are surrounded.

Eight men on stunning white horses, dressed in white military outfits outline in gold. The men draw out their swords in fear of what weapons Alice has on her and the gun that Derek has already drawn.

One of the men hops off his horse and goes in front of Alice and Derek. The man was the dressed the nicest of the group. He was a small man with a stubby nose and a faint outline of a mustache.

He looks at them then speaks.

“Drop your weapons in the name of the Queen of Light!”

Alice looks at him, “Who the f**k is that?”

The man is taking back from the statement, “How dare you use that ogre language in reference of the queen?”

Derek walks in front of Alice, “Are you the one who took my daughter?”

The man looks at him, “No. We came to get her. The oracle said to come get her as she was going to leave for the capitol city.”

Derek mumbles, “That b***h.”

The man looks at them, “We are going to take you to the capitol city. You are currently under arrest.”

Derek looks at Alice, “What do you want to do?”

Alice looks at him confused but realizes he’s asking her if they should fight, “Let’s go with them. They don’t seem that tough and we should embarrass them by escaping.”

“Sounds good to me.”

Derek and Alice get on separate horses. Alice gets on the one who did all the talking. He looks back at her.

“My name is Colton but you can call me Rabbit.”

Alice nods. And the group takes off.

They all head through the greenest forest Alice has ever seen. They weave in and out of trees. Alice relaxes a few moments to actually see the beauty of tress.

After about two hours they break through the forest and are in a modern city. Most of the city looks like it’s been burned down. Only a group of buildings untouched is where we head to.

Seven greyish buildings, probably warehouse of some type. The six other men dismount and draw their weapons in preparation of us getting off the horses.

Derek, Rabbit, Derek’s rider and I, get dismount and stand in the middle of the drawn weapons.

The warehouse door is pulled open. And a woman comes out protected by more of the men in white uniforms. The woman herself was wearing a white long dress that had a few dusty marks, just like all the other uniforms had. It this world, it would be impossible to not have them.

The woman get long flowing jet black hair coupled with her pale white skin.

She walks up to Alice and Derek, and then speaks.

“Hello. I’m Victoria. Queen of the White Light.”

Alice and Derek look at each other and somehow know that each other is thinking

What the f**k is up with this stuck up b***h.

© 2012 Reaper

My Review

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Can't wait for the next chapter! This one just brought a whole new world into context

Posted 12 Years Ago

Grammar aside this is an interesting story. I did get confused a bit. The beginning starts with one scene and then we are somewhere else with other characters and it jumps a bit. Maybe it was me as I haven't read you stuff in a bit. Coming in dry I did have to reread a few times just to stay on track.

Posted 12 Years Ago

I like the story line a lot, but it has some grammar mistakes, though it doesn't really matter. The story is intense and confusing. great job

Posted 12 Years Ago

Their are a lot of grammar mistakes. The story line is well, but, it is quiet confusing. I mean, it confuzzled me a lot. But like TKBickel said 'The last line is a killer!'

Posted 12 Years Ago

The last line is a killer, Love It!
Now down with the dirt.
Loved the beginning, it made me go ahhh how sweet.
Your sentence, ‘They are sweaty intensely and barely can breathe but they arrive.’ is a little trippy on the brain. Can I suggest (trying to stay close to your word), ‘They are sweating intensely and barely breathing but they arrive.’
Here’s another sentence, ‘They don’t seem that tough and we should embarrass them by escaping.’ I’m guessing you meant would instead of should and a few sentences down tress-trees.
Last sentence I’ll pick on, ‘The woman get long flowing jet black hair coupled with her pale white skin. How about has instead of get?
It’s still a killer story line and looking forward for the next installment.

Posted 12 Years Ago

A very good chapter. I like the conversation and the new characters. Strong description gave life to your words. A excellent chapter.

Posted 12 Years Ago

lol thats was f****n awesome :D

Posted 12 Years Ago

It was definantly worth you putting off your outline. Loved it :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

HAHA I LOVED IT! the ending is hilarious and amusing. Nice word choice there and I like the way the story has taken a turn. its quite good

Posted 12 Years Ago

I liked the ending a lot :) Great choice of words! Good luck and as in the book I just read (not) "may fair winds be with you" :)
Keep up the good work!

Posted 12 Years Ago

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22 Reviews
Added on March 6, 2012
Last Updated on March 6, 2012



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