Chapter 4:

Chapter 4:

A Chapter by L.V.


...Where is the village anyway...?

Lillianna thought while looking on the map.

So, it is after those trees...

This map is really useful...

And then she just followed the map.

After some time Lillianna got to Leonno village. The village was bigger than Tempello village, had more people and shops. And the village even had a fountain. Right before the fountain, a girl with scarlet hair and eyes, was selling different kinds of flowers. There also was a banner saying: "Tsubomi's Flowers".

...This village looks even better than Tampello village...

Lillianna was walking thought the village until she saw the armor, weapon and accessory shops. And they were closed for some reason.

-Come here.-She heard a voice say. She looked around and saw a female who looked to be 16 years old with light blue hair and eyes. She was wearing a white colored dress.

...More strangeness again...and she also feels weird...

Lillianna went after her and inside a medium sized house. Inside the house was a big sofa. On the sofa sat 5 people.

...They also feel weird...

...Especially that woman with brown hair and eyes…


...Is it me or the woman twitched uncomfortably for a sec...?

...I am probably just imagining it...

The female whom Lillianna followed sat there with them. Lillianna sat on the chair that stood before them.

-Welcome to the Entou family house. - Said a middle aged man. He had black eyes and hair. Seems like the father of the family...-My name is Sandonnel.

-My name is Fallgetta. - Said a middle aged woman. She had brown eyes and hair. The mother of the family... 

...Feels familiar somehow...

-Alffontto. - Said a male with purple hair and blue eyes. He seems serious...

-My name is Alittenno. - Said a male with red hair and eyes. Is it me or he sounded not too welcoming...?

-My name is Alimmetta. - Said a female with yellow hair and eyes. I think I saw her elbowing her brother just now...

-My name is Aliannetta.-Said a female with blue hair and eyes. She looks distracted...

-My name is Lillianna.-said Lillianna.

...The family seems interesting...

...But more interesting is, why they suddenly invited me to their home...

-So, why did you invite me here, and how did you know that I would be coming...?-Asked Lillianna surprised.

-We had a shared dream about you coming!

-That's right.



...A shared dream...?

-And for some strange reason all of us feel like we can tell you all of our secrets. - Said Fallgetta. There were 5 nods in the room.


-As if someone had orchestrated it...-Said Alittenno.

-Well, you are also a traveler, so it should be fine to tell you stuff. -Said Sandonnel. -I will start.-Then he paused for a few seconds.-I met with Fallgetta 100 years ago. I was supposed to kill her. But I have fallen in love with her. Especially since I am a demon and she is an angel. -So, that's why they felt weird...-It was a forbidden love, and as punishment, our powers were sealed. Then we were cast here.

...My father was involved in it, was he not...?

...And since I am his daughter, I am at fault as well...


-I will continue from here. -Said Fallgetta. -It was hard at first, but then we settled in. Alittenno, Alimmetta and Aliannetta are our biological children although they have different hair and aye colors. -she continued. - We found Alffontto 10 years ago by a river on a rainy day. He was all soaked and looked like he had a cold. We could not just leave him there, so we took him in as our son.-...They are nice people...-The children are so different.-she continued with a smile. Is it Just me, or it seems as if she wanted to say something else, as well...?-Alffontto is a workaholic, to the way that a sense of duty can be filled from him.

-Not that much...-Said Alffonto with a slight blush.


-Alittenno is a loner, he is pretty gloomy and always thinks about bad things. -Fallgetta said.

-Whatever. -Said Alittenno.-And I am not gloomy!

-Aliammetta is kind of a tomboy, always voicing her opinions, and does not seem to be on good terms with Alittenno. -Said Fallgetta.

-Because he is a gloomy weirdo...-Said Aliammetta.

-Hey!-Said Alittenno.

-Aliannetta is somewhat shy and always thinking about something, like she’s in a completely different place.-Said Fallgetta.

-...Maybe...-Said Aliannetta.

-I am so worried about my children.-Fallgetta said. Still, seems like she is not telling everything...-Can you keep an eye on them?-Then she became a little sad. -I feel as if a dark shadow is lurking near them.


-I can watch myself...

-I don't need a nanny!!!

-...I am fine by myself...

...Well, the conversation sure is strange...

Especially since it seems like Alffontto is 18 years old and the other "children" are 16 years old...

...It feels as if I am a grandma or something...-_-

-Well, we are going out for a while...-Said Fallgetta.-You can talk between yourselves now...-And then she went somewhere with Sandonnel.

...Is it just me, or it was a little awkward just now...?

-Well, I do not remember anything from before 10 years ago. -Said Alffontto. - It just feels as if I am here to fulfill a promise from long ago. But I can’t remember it at all. -Then he smiled a little. -But I was taken in and got a new family. So I promised myself that I will watch over my siblings.

-What a complete nonsense...!-Said Alittenno- I am grown up and do not need anyone to stalk me. It is very annoying...

-You are just stupid, Alittenno! - Said Aliammetta-You talk too much for a lone brat. -Then Alittenno began arguing with Aliammetta.

-...I do not really know why they are arguing...-Said Aliannetta while looking on them. Then she turned to Lillianna.-I am really sorry for the trouble. -Then she smiled. -You are welcome to come here again.

...Well, that went...well...

Lillianna thought, after exiting the Entou family house.

...Now I would need to go back to Meldon and tell him what they told me...


...It does not really feel right...

...I promised to help, and I understand that it is important, but...

...It is not good to tell other people's secrets...


...I still need to go to Meldon, thought...

...Then I would think what I should do...

Then Lillianna went to buy more potions and went to Tampello village.

...I wonder where Meldon is...

Thought Lillianna when she looked into the temple. But there was no sight of Meldon.

-Sorry, do you know where Meldon is...?-Lillianna asked around. In answer she only got a letter.

"To Lillianna,

I went to talk to a friend in Ellania’s Great Temple in the Allvero City.

I want you to investigate more about the Entou family.



...That was sudden...

...Well, at least I would not feel bad about telling other people's secrets...

...That is good to know...

...And I could finally make friends as well...

Then she smiled a little and went to Leonno village.

© 2016 L.V.

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Added on June 24, 2016
Last Updated on June 24, 2016

Eternal Fate



Chapter 1: Chapter 1:

A Chapter by L.V.

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by L.V.

Chapter 3: Chapter 3:

A Chapter by L.V.