Chapter 74:

Chapter 74:

A Chapter by L.V.

-I will revive him…!!!-Ellania said with a strange smile.-Revive!!!-She continued. Then Giorrto started to revive.

-What happened to me???-Wondered Giorrto…Good question, for once…-You were explaining to me about gods, and then my memory went blank…

-You just passed out…-Said Ellania with a smile.-You just need to drink more water, that’s all…

-…Lianna…-Said Lillianna, and sighed.

-She actually erased his memory…-Whispered Allttia.

-She should have erased all of his memories, as well…-Whispered Eleneos.

-Anyway, when we gods make a world, we are transpiring some of our power to it every day so it will continue to exist…-Said Ellania.-And if, for some reason, it’s less than it should be, bad things may occur…

-What bad things…???-Wondered Giorrto.

-You know that I was sealed for some time, because of that, the usual power transfer was broken…-Said Ellania.-The animals, were turned into monsters, alongside the monsters, that had just appeared…

-Wait…so that, was the cause of that change…???-Giorrto became very surprised.

-Yes, at first there were no monsters in the Affelio world…-Ellania said.-It’s so sad…

-But you are a goddess, can’t you make them disappear or something…???-wondered Giorrto.

-I could have, but right now the normal energy flow is broken…-Said Ellania.-So even if I do it, they will turn back after a couple of days…

…The normal energy flow is broken…?

-What do you mean by the normal energy flow being broken…???-Wondered Giorrto.

-You know that gods are fighting, aren’t you…???-Said Ellania.-Some of their attacks energies, are flowing out and effecting the world’s…-She continued.-I think that the space and time distortions are accuring because of that…

…So, it’s because of the negative energies…?

-Ok…-Said the confused Giorrto.

-I wonder what else is going to happen…-Said Ellania with a sad expression.-It would be really sad if this world disappears…

-The most important thing for you gods is your world…???-Wondered Giorrto.

-Yes, it is!!!-Ellania, Allttia and Eleneos said in sync.


-I just tried to cooperate…-Suddenly said Eleneos.

-Yes, our world is the most important thing to us gods…-Said Ellania.

-And for all the gods…-Said Allttia.-Even for Eleneos, who is trying so hard to hide it…

…Is that true…???

-What…???-Wondered Giorrto.-Didn’t he absorb his world…???

-Well, Eleneos was very mad back then…-Said Allttia.-So now, after he absorbed his world, he is blaming himself, really hard for it…

-Since gods, can put on a good act…-Started Ellania.-Eleneos, has no problem, to hide his real feelings, behind a face of a badass…

-He joined Lillianna because of it…-Said Allttia.

-What…???-Wondered Giorrto.

-He was just acting…-Said Allttia.-Putting up a cool front, while constantly blaming himself…

…Is it just me…

Or Litte looks really shocked…?

-…I absorbed my own world…-Said Eleneos with a calm face.-Why should I, worry about it now…-He continued, while turning his back to the party.-I don’t understand what you just said…

-Then why had you turned around…???-Wondered Allttia.-Let me see your face…-She ended and went to Eleneos. Ellania went there as well. After a few seconds, both stood there while giggling about something.

…What the…???

-Lianna, Limmea, are you okay…?-Wondered Lillianna.

-What is wrong there…???-Wondered Giorrto.

-He’s crying like a baby!!!-Said Allttia.

He is what…???!!!

-I am not crying!!!-Said Eleneos while turning around. All his face was in tears. Giorrto has made a strange expression.


-You have a problem with this…???!!!-Said Eleneos.

-No…-Said Giorrto, with a sign.

-Now as you can see, things can be different, from what they look like, at first…!!!-Said Ellania.

-Especially if it’s Eleneos-kun…!!!-Said Allttia, with a smile.

-Can I cry, in peace…???-Wondered Eleneos.

-Your mood, is really changing fast…-Said Giorrto, while watching the drama.

-Anyway, I will explain one more time, the details about gods…-Said Ellania.-First, our power is…

-%$@#@ #@@@%$ **&%##@#@!!!-Suddenly said Eleneos.

-I don’t really like, how you put it…-Said Ellania.-But yes…

-I agree…-Said Allttia.

-Second, the world is everything…-Said Ellania.-Third, Communication and understanding is very important…

-Ok…-Said Giorrto.

-If only, it was like that, not only for gods…-Said Ellania.-It would have been, so much better…-She ended with a sigh. Allttia and Eleneos nodded sadly.

…So, basically, immortality and godhood is a curse…

…A really heartbreaking curse…

…Which I have caused to exist…

…If only I knew…

…Back then…

-Athenasia…!-Suddenly said a voice.

Wait, what…???

Why did I…?

© 2016 L.V.

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Added on June 30, 2016
Last Updated on June 30, 2016

Eternal Fate



Chapter 1: Chapter 1:

A Chapter by L.V.

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by L.V.

Chapter 3: Chapter 3:

A Chapter by L.V.