Chapter 27:

Chapter 27:

A Chapter by L.V.

-Will it really help us…?-Wondered Feitten.

-This scroll has a lot of positive energy inside of it, it should be able to repel the darkness inside your brothers.-Lunitari started to explain.-But it’s sealed, probably so it won’t be used for personal gain.-She became really serious all of a sudden.-And the only way to unseal it…-Her eyes suddenly became clouded.-Seems to be the life force of at least one person.


-Someone has to die…???-Asked Alliannetta in horror.

-I am afraid that…yes.-Answered Lunitari.

-…Feitten…-Alleina clutched Feitten’s hand harder.



Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!-Suddenly a very evil and scary laugh was heard. Everyone jumped a little.

…A way to ruin a serious moment…-_-

-That just now, was just Minx going crazy.-Said Lillianna.-Don’t ask how I know it, I am not sure of it myself.-She continued.-But it seems that they are doing okay.

Everyone was quiet for a few seconds.

-…So, about the question at hand.-Started Lunitari.-Will you use the scroll…?

-If it’s the only way to stop my brothers from destroying everything and murdering everyone.-Said Feitten seriously.-I will gladly use the scroll, even if I would die in the process!

-No, Feitten!!!-Alleina shouted.-You can’t!!!

-Alleina, I have to.-Said Feitten.-It's my responsibility as Feitten Taertto, the son of this place's lord.-He continued.-I have to make sure for the safety of our citizens.

-But Feitten, I don't want to lose you too!!!-Alleina shouted. Then they started talking some more about it.

…I feel really bad for them…

…I wonder what they would decide on…

-Luni, is it really the only way to use the scroll…?-Asked Lillianna.

-I am sorry, but it is.-Answered Lunitari sadly.

-Lets go, we can't lose any more time.-Said Feitten plainly and went to the stairs, to the castle's first floor. Everyone went after him. Alleina was even quieter than usual.

After some time of walking through the castle floors and looking on the chaos inside and outside the castle, the party got to the throne room.

The throne room was falling apart because of a swirl of chaos energy that was overflowing it.

Dairro and Gierrge still fought in the middle of it and looked even crazier than before.

…This looks really bad…

Was what everyone in the party thought as they went to Feitten's crazy brothers. As they did, the scroll shone a little and some of the chaos disappeared, making a passage for the party to walk onto, without being corrupted by the chaos.

-Stop it!!!-Feitten suddenly shouted.-The city is already is danger!!!-He continued.-If you continue, everyone in this city will die!!!

…Until now, it's the first time that he is shouting with such emotion…

-Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!-Suddenly a very malicious laugh was heard.-Why should I care about some %$#%$##@ peasants???-Said Dairro.

-Yes, they are just a bunch of %$@#$@ peasants, Why should anyone care if they live or die???-Said Gierrge.

-You should just quietly go somewhere with your farmer girl.-Said Dairro.

-Yes, the city shouldn't concern you at all.-Said Gierrge.

…On with the craziness again…-_-

-Why are you saying such things…???-Wondered Feitten.

-Why….? Why, you ask…?-Said Dairro- Because power is everything!!!

-…What…???!-Wondered Feitten. �"You can't be serious…!-He continued.-What about family and friends…??? Isn't that more important than power…???

-Those are nothing…-Said Gierrge.-They are useless anyway!-He continued.-Frankly speaking…-He suddenly made a really evil face. �"I was the one who killed our parents!-Then his grin went wide.-Our mother was very shocked when I thrust the sword through her, you should have seen her face!-Then he started laughing madly.-Then father came, saw our "dear mother" and started crying! It was so pathetic that I decided to slice him up numerous times!!!-Then he became crazily happy.-It was so great!!!

I had so much fun!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!

…This is just too much…!!!

How could he do something like that to his own parents…!!!

And he even had fun doing it…!!!

-How could you???!!!-Feitten shouted after everything sank in.

-…Feitten…-Alleina said sadly.

-…I don't have words to describe this situation anymore…-Said Alliannetta.

-…You are not the only one…-Said Lillianna. In the meantime, Dairro and Giorrge continued fighting with each other. Feitten was still shocked by everything and just looked at them while he clutched his hands.

-I would be with you until the very end.-Said Alleina suddenly.-I won't leave you alone, Feitten.

-…No…-Said Feitten.-I will stop it, I will unseal the scroll and stop everything…!-He continued.-Alleina, you should live. Go to safety with Lillie and Lianna, and then live.

-No.-Said Alleina.-I have already decided to go with you, and I will.-She continued.-Nothing you say will change my decision.

-Lillie, Lianna.-Alleina said. - This is our city and you have already done a lot for us.-She continued. �"You two should leave this to us and report everything to king Hotohori.

-But…-Started Alliannetta.

-It's okay.-Said Alleina while taking the scroll together with Feitten. The scroll started glowing.

-You two…-Started Lillianna. Feitten and Allenia started glowing as well.

-…It's fine…-Said Feitten. The glowing became bigger and bigger…until…


…And then, light and darkness collided…

© 2016 L.V.

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Added on June 24, 2016
Last Updated on June 24, 2016

Eternal Fate



Chapter 1: Chapter 1:

A Chapter by L.V.

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by L.V.

Chapter 3: Chapter 3:

A Chapter by L.V.