Chapter 32:

Chapter 32:

A Chapter by L.V.

I was ready to teleport us to the beach again…


I decided not to, for some strange reason, even I myself can’t understand…

So, we decided to walk some more instead...

But, really…

What is with this forest…?

We are already walking for 30 min, and we still hadn’t reached the exit…-_-

-Pharaoh!!!-Suddenly a male voice was heard.-Pharaoh!!!

-Prince!!!-Suddenly a female voice was heard.-Prince!!!

-Where are you…?!-Both voices said in sync.

…There’s people here…

-Let’s go, check it out, Lillie.-Said Alliannetta. Then both of them went to the direction of the voices.

...They are also wearing strange clothes…

The people Lillianna and Alliannetta found were: A spirit of a male with long brown hair and brown eyes, wearing some kind of robe, and a spirit of a female with long brown hair and brown eyes, wearing some kind of really revealing dress. They also both had some gold on them. Both of them were frantically searching for someone.

…This seems familiar…

-Hello, My name is Alliannetta.-Said Alliannetta after going to the duo.-Are you searching for someone…?


-…Yes.-The male was a little surprised, since he didn’t notice Alliannetta before.-My name is Mahad.-He said after regaining his composure.

-I am Mana!-Said the girl with him, while jumping around, like a rabbit.

-Mana!-Said Mahad.-You are a magician, so act like one.

-Master Mahad…-Said Mana.

-Hi, my name is Lillianna.-Said Lillianna suddenly, right after she stood near Alliannetta.-So, who are you searching for…?

…I have an idea, but I have to be sure…

-We are searching for the prince!-Said Mana. Mahad looked at her strangely.

-It’s “pharaoh”.-Said Mahad.-And you shouldn’t tell important things, to people you have just met…!

-But, Master Mahad, They could help us find the Prince!-Said Mana.-You told me yourself, that the prince will be in danger if we don’t find him fast!

…I can still hear you…

-…We are searching for a person with hair of the colors of night, twilight and afternoon.�"Said Mahad.


-It’s that person we found earlier.-Said Lunitari suddenly, while appearing.

-You have found the Pharaoh/Prince Atem…?!-Asked Mahad and Mana in sync.

-Well…-Started Lillianna.


After a few minutes…

-Prince…-Said Mana while looking on the unconscious Atem.

-And he didn’t open his eyes ever since…?-Asked Mahad.

-No.-Answered Lunitari.-He hadn’t even moved since then.-She continued.-For some strange reason his life force is not recovering…

-Damn that Reddio! - Mahad said in fury.

-Master…-Said Mana, trying to calm him dawn.

-What happened…?-Asked Lillianna.

-Well…-Started Mahad, having calmed down a little.

-I was hiding from master Mahad!-Mana started all of a sudden. Mahad was trying to “shush” her.-Then some strange person appeared! Then he attacked the castle! Then the prince tried to stop him! Then the prince summoned the gods! Then the prince fused the gods and a big light woman appeared!-Mahad tried to “shush” Mana even more by now.-Then she called the strange person “Reddio”! Then Reddio called her “Heannia”! Then they fought! Then he smiled evilly! Then he attacked the prince with some strange spell! Then the prince lost conscious! Then he started disappearing! Then Heannia turned into a soul and went into the prince! Then the prince stopped disappearing! Then Reddio left laughing! Then a grey portal appeared! Then the portal took the prince! Then we went after him! Then we appeared here! Then master was mad at me for not being serious! Then we searched for the prince! Then we meet you! Then I was happy that you found the prince! And now the prince is not waking up!!!-She ended in an even louder voice.

…My ears…

-…Mana…-Mahad sighed.

…But it seems like a serious problem…

…We better help them…

Lillianna thought as she exchanged glances with Aliannetta. Then they both nodded.



© 2016 L.V.

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Added on June 24, 2016
Last Updated on June 24, 2016

Eternal Fate



Chapter 1: Chapter 1:

A Chapter by L.V.

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by L.V.

Chapter 3: Chapter 3:

A Chapter by L.V.