Chapter 64:

Chapter 64:

A Chapter by L.V.

After some time, Lianna and the others have rested enough, and went out of their heart necklaces.

Lianna even fully restored the village after that.

Then Fallgetta and Sandonnel ran to us, worried…

…I really wanted to apologize, when I saw their face expressions…

We decided to stay in the Entou family's house for three days.

Illoinnet left us, thought…

While apologizing for the trouble…

…Why did he apologize, anyway…?

So, we stayed in Entou's house.

During that time, we mostly talked between each other, about everything that happened.

…It involved long stories, crying, smiling and hugs…

It was a little awkward as well.

It was also hard to leave, resuming our adventure.

But, reluctantly, we did so anyway.

We teleported back to Allvero city.

And got told by a guard, called Hyuuga (with silver hair and blue eyes), that the king is waiting for us.

We got to the king, his name was Sion (with silver hair and golden eyes), and he told us about getting a letter from king Hotohori, about how much we helped him.

He told us that we can stay in Allvero city, for as long as we want to, and asked if we would help him when the time comes.

Lianna accepted the offer right away, while Litte (Eleneos) was in a bad mood, and Limmea (Allttia) was nudging him, playfully.

I wonder what is between the two of them….

After that we exited the castle and decided to walk a little, out of the city.

If kind Sion wanted something from us, he would send us a message, won't he…?

Lillianna thought, as she walked besides Alliannetta, Alliammetta and Allittenno, and looking at the greenery around.

-Why did we accept to help that stupid thing…???!-Allittenno snapped.

-My my…I am sure I heard a little kid snapping, just now.-Said Allimmetta, smiling strangely.-It seems, that someone didn't get the right education.

-I am not a little kid!!!-Allittenno yelled.

-Oh, who ever said it was you…?-Allimmetta asked in fake wonder.

-You…!!!-Alitteno yelled on Allimmetta. Then they started having a commotion again.

…They are, at it again…-_-

-It's a nice day, isn't it…?-Said Alliannetta, ignoring her bickering friends.

-…Yes…Yes…-Said Lillianna.-It is.

If not for their bickering…!!!

When would they…!!!

-Prince Lute!!!-Suddenly a male voice was heard.-Prince Lute!!!-It continued.-Prince Lute, where are you…???!!! Answer me, please!!!

…That name…

…Sounds familiar…

-Let's go help!-Said Alliannetta and ran to the direction of the voice.

-Lianna, wait!-Said Lillianna and ran after Alliannetta.

-Trying to help some stupid thing again.-Said Alittenno in a disguised voice.

-We are going too!-Said Allimmetta while taking Allittenno's hand and pulled him in the direction Lillianna and Alliannetta ran off to, much to his protest, which consisted of yelling and badmouthing.


After a few minutes…

-Are you the one who was yelling just now…?-Wondered Lillianna. The male turned around. He had blond hair and blue eyes. He was a little surprised at first, but right after that, he practically ran into the party, with worried eyes.

-Do you know where prince Lute is…?-He started, frantically.-Do you know where he is…? Do you know anything about him…? Could you tell me…? Anything would be fine! I have to find him! I have to find him fast! I have to find him before anything bad happens to him! I won't let him die again! I have to…!

…He is so worried…

-Stop it already!-Allittenno suddenly yelled. The male froze.-Just shut up already, and tell us, what is, your problem!!!

…He snapped, again…

-Allitenno…-Allimmetta started in a scary voice.-That wasn't very nice of you.

-My name is Alliannetta, I am sorry for my friend's behavior and the yelling.-Said Alliannetta.

-…It's fine…-Said the male, still looking worried.-I shouldn't have ran at you like that.-He continued.-But, if something were to happen to prince Lute…I…I…-He continued sadly.-I don't know what I will do…

…This person…

-…My name is Lillianna.-Said Lillianna.-What is yours…?

-…My name is Clarinet.-Said the male.-Or Clari for short.

-My name is Alimmetta.-Said Alimmetta.-And this stupid guy here, is called Alittenno.

-Stop calling me stupid.-Said Alittenno.

-Why should I…?-Said Allimmetta. Then they started with their routine, again.



-You were calling for a person by the name of "Lute".-Lillianna started.-We actually meet someone with a similar name, a few days ago.

-Where is he…?!!!-Clari asked right away, and stopped for a few seconds.-…Sorry, could you take me to prince Lute…?

-Of course!-Said Alliannetta. After a second the party+Clari were inside of Ellania's great temple, right before the shocked three great sages. Lute was the most shocked, thought.

-Prince Lute…-Clari said when he spotted Lute, with tears starting to appear on his eyes.

-…Clari…-Lute said, surprised.-How did you…?-He started asking, but stopped as he feel Clari hugging him tightly.-…Clari…?

-…I was…so worried…-Clari said, crying.-I thought… that if I would find you…any later…you would die again…just like that time!!!

-…Clari…-Lute said with a face of realization.-Why, are you still blaming yourself for that…?

-Because…Because it's my fault…!-Clari continued crying.-If I were stronger…If I were stronger…You wouldn't…!!!-Lute widened his eyes for a few seconds.-You wouldn't have…!!!

-Clari, stop blaming yourself, it wasn't your fault.-Said Lute.-It was the mazoku’s fault…It was never yours’.-He continued, trying to soothe Clari.-It was never your fault. So, stop blaming yourself.

-…Prince Lute…-Clari whispered, still clutching to Lute, but crying a little less now.


So touching…

© 2016 L.V.

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Added on June 25, 2016
Last Updated on June 25, 2016

Eternal Fate



Chapter 1: Chapter 1:

A Chapter by L.V.

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by L.V.

Chapter 3: Chapter 3:

A Chapter by L.V.