

A Chapter by Jonathan Biswell

Just read it and find out, also there is going to be a description of Noah


After Noah training and laying in the grass he went to take a shower when he got into the house he notice his dad was passed out on the sofa with an empty beer bottle in his hand hanging off the sofa. He silently walked up the stairs and headed to the bathroom, he turn on the shower and tested the warm water on his skin when it felt okay he stripped down and got in the showers just standing under the running water for a while " Man hot water feel great after a hard work out like that” next he grabbed a rag and lather it with soap and started washing the dry sweat off his skin then he put some shampoo on his dry hair. The whole process took about 15 minutes he got out of the shower and walked into a bathroom full of smoke from the shower then wrapped a towel around his waist from the nearby rack; he then headed to the sink and wiped off the mirror.


It revealed a teenager of 18, 19, light blond shaggy hair, not a single hair on his chest, his abs were slowly forming, his arms look like small bounders. His face is flawless, deep green eyes. He got dressed and head to his room to get ready for bed but he stop to look at his bed looking at the spot where him and Justin sat down for their tutor session he quickly looked away and got into his bed and closed his eyes


"He was at the football game and his team was tied up with the other school, he looked out into the sea of people he could see his dad, next he was his girlfriend with a hungry in her eyes but she not looking at him she was staring at Tom from there team. Then he saw Justin his eye showed pain and what looked like love real love. That cause Noah to stop in his tracks and just stare into his eyes he was sure Justin saw him because his face went blood red, out of know where he started walking towards Justin he could hear his coach yelling at him, so was his dad, so was Rose but that did not stop him . Justin was walking down the bleaches when he ran into Noah; he tried to walk away but Noah wrap one arm around waist while one arm went under Justin chin to place a gentle kiss on his lips. The kiss sent both of them into outer space and they felt that they were the only ones on the planet.”


Noah woke up in a shock and he was covered in sweat then he placed his hand on his heart. Thn he placed his hands on his lips he could swear he could still feel Justins lips on his he quickly went to the bathroom, he turned on the lights to see himself in the mirrior. "Could i be in love with...Justin"  Noah asked himself


© 2013 Jonathan Biswell

Author's Note

Jonathan Biswell
Sorry it is short but there you go and with some foreshadow lol

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Shelved in 1 Library
Added on April 12, 2012
Last Updated on February 22, 2013
Tags: gay, football, high school


Jonathan Biswell
Jonathan Biswell

Shepherdville , KY

A novice writer who still has a lot of work to do, I do write guy x guy, yoai, boy love story whatever you want to call it, but I do keep it descent but I will write little teaser in there. I know my .. more..

Karma Karma

A Story by Jonathan Biswell