The Bad Plan

The Bad Plan

A Chapter by The Zombie Guy

 At first I, didn't see it but after the fire started up the temperature rose expeditiously and the fire jumped from one undead to another and caused an army of, not just undead, but flaming undead and they weren't going down as fast as I thought! They kept coming and the fire was slowly eating them alive, we have to get away to a safe distance before we get burned and possibly eaten alive. Jeremy didn't want to get as close to them because of the heat and I didn't have enough bullets to kill them all so we had to move. We slowly backed up to a staircase up to the roof. We could've ran up there and closed the door and locked it and waited it out for the flames to do their job but in the back, in the medical room, was where Ray put her group. Not only was she be in danger but the rest of the group was in there to and they couldn't fight. Mackenzie can look after herself and the gun shots earlier proves that they have a chance. Jeremy and I ran past the stairs and ran to help Ray.


Reaching the door was locked, I banged the door as loud I could while Jeremy said that it was them. after a couple of clicks the locks unlocking the door slightly opened and the girl that I helped earlier and once she saw my face she screamed, I didn't know this then but I had a layer of blood on my face. Once she realized that it wasn't mine she opened and then she saw the problem at hand, before she could do anything I pushed open the door and pulled Jeremy in and slammed the door shut and locked the doors with all of the locks that was available. The girl tried asking question but I was rather too focus to listen or she was too scared to speak clearly. I soon found Ray looking at everyone and inform her how screwed this plan was.


The news was both surprising because she wasn't there to make the final decision and scared that it didn't work and the numbers was overwhelming for everyone sane enough to know what the end result is. I told her, "The fire is spreading and we need to evacuate or else everyone here will be burned alive." The fear in her eyes tells me that she didn't want to but on instinct she knew that I was right. The girl that was looking after the boy overheard us and objected, "There is only medical supplies here, if we abandon it then they will all be destroyed and then if someone gets sick we won't be able to help them." Jeremy went to her and told her, "Show me what we truly need and the most rarest, I'll carry them out, I just need to know what's what." She nodded, unsure about the plan but led Jeremy further away. With Jeremy gone it was me and Ray to look after the kids and they all looked unsure about everything.


Ray wasn't focusing on the whole scenario, all her life she was used to being in charge and everyone following her. Now in this world being in charge wasn't as fun to her as it was in the real world. What is the real world? Is this all a dream? No, she knew that this was real, rather or not she wanted to believe it. Jack was trying to tell her something but she wasn't focus, she asked to repeat what he said and he said, "Is there a way we can get out of here besides the front doors?" She thought about and was about to say no, but then she remembered the emergency exit in the way back.





Ray told me about the emergency door and I figured a big warehouse like this did have a back door. My plan was to leave towards the back because the horde was probably focused on the front so there has to be less in the back. The problem was where do we go from there and what about Mackenzie and the people back at the store. Were they even still alive? No, they had to be, for Lexi's sake. I asked Ray, "What about Mackenzie? Is there a way that she can meet us in the back?" Ray nodded and said "Most warehouses do have ladders in case if the door was jammed and the person needed to get down without hurting themselves." This new plan was getting better and more random every second we give them so we needed to move now.


I yelled for Jeremy and said that we needed to go, he appeared with the girl and that made me realize, I don't know anyone here. I told Ray to show me their strongest people and she showed me two guys, one was wearing football equipment and they looked like they weren’t fitting well, at a closer examination to his face he saw that it was all battered up. I didn't know if his body was the same because of the uniform but he was not looking right. He was holding onto a baseball bat. His name was Andrew. Then Ray pointed at the boy who was unconscious, his name was Paul and he was out of commission. This plan just got difficult very fast. I pulled Andrew closer and told him to come with me and informed him that we are going to clear out those in the back. He didn't like it but he went along with the plan. Before we headed out I told Jeremy and Ray to gather has much stuff that they can, only the essential.


Leaving them to it me and Andrew headed out the back. At first, we thought that we didn't need to clear anything out then we turned a corner to where Andrew says that is where we need to head. The path that we planned on taking was going to lead us the tree lines so we can sneak past the horde and hopefully regroup with our people back at the store. The problem was we had to cross the street to get onto the path towards the tree lines that doesn't pose a threat. We knew we couldn't clear out the street so before we got spotted we headed back inside. Inside everyone was carrying a bag that were stuff with hopefully the essentials and forgot to tell Mackenzie what was going on. I told Andrew to fill them in and I headed outside again, only this time some of the undead caught a whiff of me and were coming towards me once I stepped outside. Going by my instincts I raised my machete upwards and struck down on the one that was wearing a dirty version of a tourist and then I did a side swipe towards the neck regen that belonged to another one that looked to be a teenager my age, the swipe was just right that it decapitated the boy.


  Realizing that one of the undead was unusual, the reason being is because usually the undead was adults. So why was there a teenager that transformed into one of them? I bent down and looked at the body, it was new and familiar looking, I've seen this kid before. It's Raven!


Raven's body was all torn up with multiple bite marks and blood all over him rather than being his or someone else I didn't know but I did know something, something about the plague was changing and that change could be the death to all of us. Thinking about the change was too much for me because we were used to just dying by bites and blood loss but the fact that we come back now as one of the undead was, discouraging. That was a different problem for a different day though and I needed to warn Mackenzie. Andrew haven’t seen Raven yet and he didn’t need to. I told him to go back inside and check on the doors, at first he was confused but also happy to be back inside. Once he was gone I headed up to the roof.


Climbing up my second ladder this night was my thought of humor despite the position that we are in. reaching the top I see Mackenzie looking at the crowd of burning undead and two kids firing rifles, they were acting like this was a game and was announcing kills like they were points, whatever helps them survive. I grabbed Mackenzie to get her attention and I succeeded with my goal but the knife almost going into my skull was not as plan. Once she realized that I was actually human she pushed me away and yelled at me for being stupid.


Once she calmed down to a point I gave her the summary of what was going on and she agreed with the idea of the forest but she also agreed that getting there was a problem. She tried to look like she was coming up with a plan but I can see the fear in her eyes, this was going to be our biggest test of survival and right now I don’t think that anyone was studying for this so we are all guessing on the answer and we are praying for that it’s right. Except instead of failing on a test it’s your life. some choose to cower in fear and wait for help and that’s not the answer here. At the same time fighting isn’t the correct answer due to them having the advantage in many areas of effect. So, let’s hope for the third answer the C, is the correct answer. Otherwise D will be death and I’m not circling that answer.


Mackenzie told me that she will meet me once it was time to go, while I go down I can imagine the effect that this is having on her, this was her plan after all and it’s backfiring in her face, and her nostril depending on the flesh is on the undead. The alleyway is still clear and Raven’s body is still there, still dead so he’s not coming back again. I picked up his body and placed it at the end of the alleyway, hopefully something will get rid of it before someone else sees it, I don’t need more people panicking if they learn that they can turn. Moving the body had alerted some of them to me and I dropped the body and ran. I glance backed and see that, in the shortest version, that path was blocked. Some would say that my actions there was not human like whiles others would say that to survive that was smart. All I know is that those who are judging me aren’t in my footprints so they can bite me.


Getting back inside I see that everyone was like Mackenzie, zoned out with fear, even Jeremy was slipping and I don’t know what they see from me but they were relying on me and I plan on helping as many as I can. Shutting the door outside woke everyone up and they were all looking at me for advice, even Ray was there looking towards me. Before knowing what I was doing I stepped on a nearby table that was closer and said, “Everyone here is going to get out of here, but in order to do that we need to listen and we need to do it fast, that door is not going to last long so I need to do this quick. We are heading out into the heart of them and while the fire is doing its job, it's doing it slowly than anticipated and now we are in trouble. The plan is to evacuate in a large group and our goal is to get the edge of the forest line and once everyone is together we circle around and grab my friends and we leave this town”







Looking around everyone looked the same but at the realization that this is it some coward in fear and grouped up more but some, thankfully, wanted to help. The people who wanted to help were Ray, Jeremy, Andrew, and three other kids, two guys and a girl. The two boys were the opposites to each other. One was pale with black hair and the other one was tan with blond hair. Ray calls them the yin-yang boys due to the fact that they stay with each other. The girl was a tiny figure but Ray assures me that she was deadly with a knife, she didn’t give me any more info so I’ll have to rely on Ray’s judgement. I approached the girl and asked her name. she responded with a whisper, “Riva” I didn’t know if she was shy or what but I held out my hand and smiled, “Please to meet you” when I focused on her again, there was a tip of something sharp in front of me and looking at Riva’s eyes told me that she’s good. Holding up my hands I backed off.


Looking around I figured I can run the formation that my group did when we first came into this town. The two leaders in the front, the second in commands on the side with someone they pick and everyone else in the back. In my head the formation sounds good and when I presented it to Ray she was not happy about being in front, “Why do I have to be in front?” she asked, everyone who was listening was looking over and once she realized that she said it out loud she swallowed her pride and nodded in agreement, she’s going to be in front to symbolize the teamwork, at least that’s what I told her and everyone around.


Everyone else who was willing to help liked the idea and was working around to form up. I chose Jeremy to help the left side while Ray chose Andrew, Jeremy chose Riva to help him with the left flank and I gave him a quizzical look and he said that anybody who was able to scare you like that was good enough for him. I countered with Mackenzie and he blushed and threatened to kick my a*s, at least Jeremy was in a good mood to fight because we were going to need as much effort as we can get. Andrew chose the “Yin” of the two boys and he was all set to go. Looking at the odds the back side was expose with only one person guarding. The girl that I helped earlier notice me and said that she would like to help, I decline the offer.


“Why?” she asked, “From my knowledge you are the only one with decent medical skills and knowing this world that’s important.” She didn’t like that answer so I to prove my point I turned her to everyone else and said, “Without you, these people are in danger of dying of simple diseases and without you this group wouldn’t be as big as everyone wants it to be, do you want the group to be smaller?” the question had made her stutter and once she got my point she started to walk away but before she did I finally asked her name, she replied with “Siron” which was a weird name but at least I was able to defuse that bomb.


With all the planning I wanted to do someone rushed to me and said that the doors were closed to breaking and sure enough the banging of the doors were accompanied with creaks of the hinges. I banged the table to get everyone’s attention and told them to move out.


No one cheered


In fact, some cried softly


I wanted to.

© 2017 The Zombie Guy

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Added on April 3, 2017
Last Updated on April 3, 2017


The Zombie Guy
The Zombie Guy


18 year old, likes coming up with ideas for a story but can't seem to continue or finish after a while. more..

The Fallen The Fallen

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