The Scarred Boy's Tale

The Scarred Boy's Tale

A Chapter by The Zombie Guy

Back into the abandoned hotel in which the younger Alexander left the dead body of Andrew or to what Alexander thought of dead but in Alexander’s defense Andrew thought he was dying but was only bleeding to death. Michael had stabbed Andrew but what Alexander didn’t know was because of the way he tried to kill Steven for killing Alexander, irony is a cruel tale in the world today but Andrew was very emotional because he tried saving his brother from Michael and wasn’t moving when Steven had whack Alexander on the head, what Alexander didn’t know was that his head was bleeding a lot and Andrew thought that he lost his brother after all those times when Alexander would step up to protect him, Andrew figured that he had to fight to save his brother’s life.


Michael was the problem, he was too wired up to understand so he stopped me by stabbing me multiple times. Andrew ended up with multiple cuts, some small while others were deep and one must’ve been an artery because Andrew was losing blood and too much too fast.


Andrew passed out, some from blood loss and from asthma and when he woken up he felt the blanket on his face and he was struggling to breathe. He struggled and eventually came through and was getting used to sitting up but that was one of the worse parts because every time he moved a little bit he would either bleed more or get light headed and throw up. There were bandages on him and there was a basket of water and a couple of fruits. Andrew didn’t know what was going on or where Alexander went to, he assumed that the mysterious basket came from Alexander.


Andrew’s body was fighting something he didn’t know of. He would struggle to stay awake, his body would sweat nonstop and his closed would eventually get crusty. He knew that he needed to drink the water or else he would end up dehydrated and the fruits will help his stomach. He would sometimes pass out and sometimes he would think that he passed out and instead hallucinate. He would see his mother and a man he calls dad, they would play football and occasionally Alexander was there to catch the ball on the receiving end. Then instantly he would faze back into the apartment building and would struggle against passing out and would throw up and cry out in agony.


Eventually, Andrew did meet the stranger who basically saved his life.


During one of his last days in the hotel, Andrew was hallucinating the beginning hour of his experience when the plague hits the world. He did pretend to get sick to play with his bow because he had finally gotten more arrows and really wanted to impress a girl with his sharpshooting skills but he knew he was rusty and wanted to practice so he saved enough money to get genuine arrows. Then his mother tried to attack Andrew, but his mother wasn’t her she was one of the early infected, Andrew didn’t know this and was able to kick his mother away from him and was able to lock the door before she could grab him but the fear and chaos that had to happen had caused Andrew to have an asthma attack and he tried to grab his inhaler but struggled to breath. Luckily Alexander was there to help him or else he would’ve been a different person today.


Andrew came through eventually when he was splashed with water. He had passed out and when he opened his eyes he saw a grown up and the first thing he thought was that it was one of the undead so he distinctly tried to punch the adult in the face.


He didn’t get far. Once he stood up to swing, he was already falling, he still wasn’t healthy to move so he probably ruined his practice days of moving by doing what he tried to do. he figured he was going to die but the adult wasn’t undead, it was a real, living adult! He bent down and before Andrew passed out again he heard the man say, “Stubborn little boy isn’t you, guess I’ll try to help you.” He felt the man lifting him up and the man grunting about Andrew opening his wounds. That’s when Andrew passed out and later met Ray and possibly one of the last living adults in the world.


He told this part to Alexander but was interrupted because he had to tell Alexander that he forgives him and also Frank and the other kid, Randy told us to wait because there was a group of undead roaming around. Jake and Ray joined Frank and Randy to “exterminate” the undead as Randy like to joke about, he acts like this is a video game.

 Once they were done Alexander pointed at the sword that Jack was holding onto, Andrew explained that Kyle had given it to him because it was “awesome” and for once Alexander laughed, it’s been a while since Andrew heard his big brother laugh. Alexander asked more about the adult and Andrew continued with his story.


The man’s name was Al, he was an old fellow so he didn’t go to the war, he was, however, the closest to the undead before the plague started. He was a doctor in Atlanta and was looking for a cure but apparently, they got overrun by the undead and was forced to stop and was also forced to leave the cities and, just like the rest of us, survive. He was always wearing his white suit or whitish depending on how much blood was on there, Andrew thought about making a brown joke but he figured it was not the right time.


The man later explained that he carried Andrew a couple of miles to his home, and Andrew had to repeat himself because Alexander didn’t believe that but none the less the old dude had actually lived in his house during the plague and survived, not only that he helped those who came to him for help or those he bring in like Andrew. Alexander asked about Andrew’s face and he replied by holding his eyes signaling him to wait and continued the story. The house that Al was a classy farmer’s looking house, Andrew had asked Al about it and explained saying that it was a family’s hand me down. A farmer doctor, Andrew didn’t understand because animals and humans are different when it came to the education but Andrew didn’t push that thought, either way, he was graceful that he was getting professional help even if it was from a doctor that owned a farm.


He opened the door and Al had turned his home into a little makeshift hospital and there were others lying in beds and Andrew mention in a hushed tone that one of the patients was actually Ray. The news surprised Alexander and then took a look at Ray and asked Andrew what was the problem with her and Andrew replied by pointing the sick little girl that another kid, assuming is the brother, is supporting her to walk. “Pneumonia, it wasn’t looking good for her but Al had a supply of antibiotics so eventually it passed and she was the one who saved my life the second time,” Alexander asked how she did and Andrew explained.


Besides Ray and Andrew, there were two more kids, one was little Tommy and the other one was Samuel. Andrew didn’t mention much of little Tommy but Andrew told Alexander told him why later, Samuel, on the underhand was one of brightest warriors that Andrew had ever met until he met Jack actually. Samuel was a ginger Irishman and the accent was strong. He was struggling with a broken leg and wasn’t able to fix it, he said that he crawled until he met Al and then eventually, like Andrew, ended up in the house. It was all going well, we would play cards, tell a joke and every so often Al himself will join in.


But every good thing had to come to an end.


Tommy was the first one to fall. The undead must have sensed us somehow, but either way, they found us and they tried very hard to get in. Al had a stockpile of defenses but it wasn't enough. Tommy was in a coma like subduction and wasn't able to move and he was connected to all sorts of medical equipment that Andrew didn't know the names of but we eventually was forced to leave him, Andrew had to pause because the next part of the story was not his favorite. Alexander was processing the whole story while Andrew was contemplating, his brother was alive and if he stayed for even a day more they would've been together. Alexander looked at his little brother's face and ask how that happened. Andrew looked back and took a big breath and slowly continued the story.


While some of the undead was feasting on the comatose Tommy, others were trying to get the next weakest person, Ray. Andrew was staying so close to Al at the time that he didn't realize that Ray was getting weaker and was huffing too much oxygen that her body wasn't obtaining the essential requirement to run normally so she slowly kept getting slower and slower. Andrew did, however, did see Ray slowing down, Al did not. He kept running around the undead and wasn't focusing on the kids at the moment, he had another goal in mind. To Andrew, it was to help another kid in need and that is what he did. The only weapon he had at the time was a piece of a table and wield it like a bat, he tried to tell Al what was going on but the old man wasn't listening, he was different in some weird way. Alexander tried to ask but Andrew cut him off and told him to listen.


He didn't know how many zoms there were but he swung his weapon and bashed a couple of skulls, Ray was surrounded by the time Andrew got there and Ray didn't have any weapon, but she was able to push them away. Andrew knew he had to divide their attention and that's what he did, he screamed, attacked them and drew them away from Ray. Andrew knew that if was going to die there, at least he would have saved another kid. This particular undead was more agile and feral compared to today's version. Some were more human-like than others and that was the scariest part, it's like they were able to think and predict your swings.


Andrew learned this the hard way, he tried to fight them but they were too fast and smart that it threw Andrew off and was soon overwhelmed that they pushed him to the ground. Now they had the upper hand and Andrew wasn't ready to die, he knew he had to find his brother and that wish drove him to keep fighting even if all odds were not looking for him. He fought hard and wild but the undead had the high grounds, some clawed at his face and that sensation of the burning on his face drove him to fight harder. Eventually, he was winning against the intelligent group and was going to live.


Then one of them came up behind and bit his cheek off.


He fell again this time in pain, he would've died if it wasn't for Al and Ray. Somehow Andrew was going to live, at least a little longer because if he makes it out of here he will die from infection of his cheek being torn apart and the saliva mixed with their germs into my system, at least Ray was able to live, even Al survived so maybe both of them will make it out and live their dreams of whatever it is they want to do in life. For Andrew it was coming to an end, or so he thought it was until he came through again and in this time half of his vision was blurred, at first he thought he lost it and technically he did for some time but it came back, eventually. Now the one side of his face is normal and his vision was decent while the other side was tinted red. The other sides were swollen with claw marks and Andrew was told that it wasn't going to go away for a long time. The person who told him that wasn't Al, it was Ray. Al wasn't with them when Andrew woke up, Ray said that Al was acting strangely and separated path with him. She never explained what she meant but all Andrew know was that he was alive and behind the helmet he wore, he knew that he was able to fight whatever came after him.


Even Michael. 


Alexander asked about Samuel and Andrew said that they separated path as well and that hopefully, he would see Samuel again. That boy seemed the type to fight against Michael and would help us get to wherever Jack's people are going. The closest city, that's what Alexander informed Andrew and Alexander shared his side of the story, including Gary before and after he passed away, Andrew thought that Gary was a good guy to have around even now. We could all use a cheery fellow around especially during the time when the dead would come back to life and hunt kids. Even if kids could get infected again.


When that thought came into Andrew's mind he informed Alexander about it and he didn't know what Andrew was talking about. "We had a guy, his name was Paul and we had to carry him out during an attack and he somehow got bit and at first we figured that it was an injury." Andrew paused and continued, "We were surrounding him and someone saw him twitch and we thought he was waking up but in fact he was hungry. He almost attacked Ray but ultimately he was stabbed in the head." He looked at Alexander and he was in his usual thinking position that Andrew knew too well. "So what your saying is that we have to be even more careful." Andrew nodded and then he asked if his people knew, the answer was obvious but he wanted to hear it. "No, I assume Jack is going to tell everyone once we get to the prison."


"So how have you hold up, before I came into your life again?" Said Andrew and Alexander looked at his feet for a while and then smile saying, "I was fine when I got used to the fact and after Jack took leadership I felt that I was in a way helping the group." Andrew smiled and slapped his brother on the back, Andrew felt that his brother was braver than most people in the world. Unlike Andrew, who usually hides in his helmet. The fact that people are not used to this world, even though it's been a couple of months now. They still look at Andrew like a monster, it was easy to look at the undead like monsters because in a way they are, but Andrew was a kid like the rest of them. From Andrew's point of view, it was clear that people prefer Andrew wearing his helmet. He doesn't know how Alexander felt about Andrew's transformation but to be safe Andrew had put on his helmet and continued walking with his brother for the remainder of the trip.

© 2017 The Zombie Guy

Author's Note

The Zombie Guy
Don't know what happened, someone send help XD. Also, I would like to thank you all who have read this and hopefully you'll be excited for more!

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Added on April 3, 2017
Last Updated on April 3, 2017


The Zombie Guy
The Zombie Guy


18 year old, likes coming up with ideas for a story but can't seem to continue or finish after a while. more..

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