Chapter 1 - The Beginning

Chapter 1 - The Beginning

A Chapter by lover of Sirius

Chapter 1 - The beginning

I continued to stare out the window as the newcomers looked around. We all saw Remus point at something, my door presumebly. My breath got caught in my throat, then Sirius looked up at my window, Jess, Alice and Kirsty all ducked but i remanined where i was not able to move, Sirius flashed me a smile, i felt myself smiling back 'Oh god' i thought i felt my body move again i pulled away from the window and slipped my shoes on not uttering a word to my friends as i walked out my bedroom, down the stairs and out the front door, not even thinking about what i was doing, i walked up my drive to where the Hogwartians were standing i took a deep breath i knew my friends were looking out the window watching me.

"I'm sorry can i help you?" i asked they all turned to face me

"Hi" Sirius said stepping forward "I'm Sirius" 'i know' i thought mentally

"Hi I'm Fiona" i replied staring into his grey eyes, he stared into mine, i shook my head from the thoughts that were currently running through my mind at that precise moment

"This is James" Sirius introduced

"I know" i blurted out with out thinking 's**t' i thought 'oh well' they all stared at me i ignored it, "and you're Lily" referring to the red headed girl "And you're Remus" i said they continued to stare i sighed "Want to come in or what i have a strange feeling you are here to see me anyway" i said finally Sirius snapped out of the trance and nodded. I led them inside closing the door behind me.

© 2010 lover of Sirius

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Added on May 15, 2010
Last Updated on May 15, 2010

Coming Back to Reality


lover of Sirius
lover of Sirius

Stoke-on-Trent, England, United Kingdom

hiii, my names Fiona i'm 17, Bisexual and from England. I love writing but i have a fear of stepping outside the boundaries of harry potter/ twilight etc. But fortunately for you i have been brain.. more..
